Statistical Data Analysis Explained
Clemens Reimann, Peter Filzmoser, Robert Garrett, Rudolf Dutter
- Wiley
- 31 Août 2011
- 9781119965282
Few books on statistical data analysis in the natural sciences are written at a level that a non-statistician will easily understand. This is a book written in colloquial language, avoiding mathematical formulae as much as possible, trying to explain statistical methods using examples and graphics instead. To use the book efficiently, readers should have some computer experience. The book starts with the simplest of statistical concepts and carries readers forward to a deeper and more extensive understanding of the use of statistics in environmental sciences. The book concerns the application of statistical and other computer methods to the management, analysis and display of spatial data. These data are characterised by including locations (geographic coordinates), which leads to the necessity of using maps to display the data and the results of the statistical methods. Although the book uses examples from applied geochemistry, and a large geochemical survey in particular, the principles and ideas equally well apply to other natural sciences, e.g., environmental sciences, pedology, hydrology, geography, forestry, ecology, and health sciences/epidemiology. The book is unique because it supplies direct access to software solutions (based on R, the Open Source version of the S-language for statistics) for applied environmental statistics. For all graphics and tables presented in the book, the R-scripts are provided in the form of executable R-scripts. In addition, a graphical user interface for R, called DAS+R, was developed for convenient, fast and interactive data analysis. Statistical Data Analysis Explained: Applied Environmental Statistics with R provides, on an accompanying website, the software to undertake all the procedures discussed, and the data employed for their description in the book.
Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes
Clemens Lamberth, Jurgen Dinges
- Wiley-VCH
- 9 Août 2012
- 9783527664436
The chemistry of heterocycles is an important branch of organic chemistry. This is due to the fact that a large number of natural products,
e. g. hormones, antibiotics, vitamins, etc. are composed of heterocyclic structures. Often, these compounds show beneficial properties and are
therefore applied as pharmaceuticals to treat diseases or as insecticides, herbicides or fungicides in crop protection. This volume presents important agrochemicals. Each of the 21 chapters covers in a concise manner one class of heterocycles, clearly structured as follows:
* Structural formulas of most important examples (market products)
*Short background of history or discovery
* Typical syntheses of important examples
* Mode of action
* Characteristic biological activity
* Structure-activity relationship
* Additional chemistry information (e.g. further transformations, alternative syntheses, metabolic pathways, etc.)
* References
A valuable one-stop reference source for researchers in academia and industry as well as for graduate students with career aspirations in the
agrochemical chemistry. -
Bioactive Carboxylic Compound Classes
Clemens Lamberth, Jurgen Dinges
- Wiley-VCH
- 17 Mai 2016
- 9783527693948
Following the successful and proven concept used in "Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes" by the same editors, this book is the first to present approved pharmaceutical and agrochemical compounds classified by their carboxylic acid functionality in one handy volume.
Each of the around 40 chapters describes one or two typical syntheses of a specific compound class and provides concise information on the history of development, mode of action, biological activity and field of application, as well as structure-activity relationships. In addition, similarities and differences between pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals are discussed in the introduction.
Written by a team of experts in the field, this is a useful reference for researchers in academia and chemical or pharmaceutical companies working in the field of total synthesis and natural product chemistry, drug development, and crop protection research. -
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures
Mike A. Crisfield, Joris J. C. Remmers, Clemens V. Verhoosel, Rene De Borst
- Wiley
- 25 Juillet 2012
- 9781118376010
Built upon the two original books by Mike Crisfield and their own lecture notes, renowned scientist René de Borst and his team offer a thoroughly updated yet condensed edition that retains and builds upon the excellent reputation and appeal amongst students and engineers alike for which Crisfield's first edition is acclaimed. Together with numerous additions and updates, the new authors have retained the core content of the original publication, while bringing an improved focus on new developments and ideas. This edition offers the latest insights in non-linear finite element technology, including non-linear solution strategies, computational plasticity, damage mechanics, time-dependent effects, hyperelasticity and large-strain elasto-plasticity. The authors' integrated and consistent style and unrivalled engineering approach assures this book's unique position within the computational mechanics literature. Key features: Combines the two previous volumes into one heavily revised text with obsolete material removed, an improved layout and updated references and notations Extensive new material on more recent developments in computational mechanics Easily readable, engineering oriented, with no more details in the main text than necessary to understand the concepts. Pseudo-code throughout makes the link between theory and algorithms, and the actual implementation. Accompanied by a website ( with a Python code, based on the pseudo-code within the book and suitable for solving small-size problems. Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures, 2nd Edition is an essential reference for practising engineers and researchers that can also be used as a text for undergraduate and graduate students within computational mechanics.
Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science
Andreas Schreyer, Helmut Clemens, Walter Reimers, Anke Rita Kaysser-Pyzalla
- Wiley-VCH
- 25 Juin 2008
- 9783527621934
Besides its coverage of the four important aspects of synchrotron sources, materials and material processes, measuring techniques, and applications, this ready reference presents both important method types: diffraction and tomography.
Following an introduction, a general section leads on to methods, while further sections are devoted to emerging methods and industrial applications. In this way, the text provides new users of large-scale facilities with easy access to an understanding of both the methods and opportunities offered by different sources and instruments. -
Einfach richtig Geld verdienen mit Fundamentalanalyse
Ulrich Krings, Clemens Kustner
- Wiley-VCH
- 8 Juin 2017
- 9783527808328
EINFACH RICHTIG GELD VERDIENEN MIT FUNDAMENTALANALYSE Sie suchen nach einer verlässlichen Basis für Ihre Anlageentscheidung?Sie wollen sich nicht blind auf den Markt verlassen?Sie wollen selbst den Wert eines Unternehmens prognostizieren?EINFACH RICHTIG GELD VERDIENEN MIT FUNDAMENTALANALYSE ist ein Einsteigerbuch für Anleger, die nachhaltig erfolgreich mit Aktien Geld verdienen wollen.Clemens Kustner und Ulrich Krings stellen Ansätze vor, mit denen Sie Marktpreise hinterfragen und beurteilen knnen, ob Unternehmen und Aktien fair bewertet sind. Damit richtet sich das Buch an gewissenhafte und vorsichtige Investoren, die der Bewertung eines Unternehmens durch den Markt und dem Rat wohlmeinender »Spezialisten« nicht blind vertrauen wollen und sich lieber selbst ein Bild über den fundamental gerechtfertigten Wert eines Unternehmens machen.Einfach richtig Geld verdienen mit Fundamentalanalyse hat einen sehr praktischen Fokus. Ihnen werden robuste Techniken und Instrumente vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe Sie wesentliche Fragestellungen einer fundamentalen Unternehmens- und Wertanalyse beantworten knnen. Die diskutierten Ansätze werden durchgehend anhand von Beispielen und Fallstudien verdeutlicht.
Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science
Peter Staron, Andreas Schreyer, Helmut Clemens, Svea Mayer
- Wiley-VCH
- 3 Janvier 2017
- 9783527684502
Retaining its proven concept, the second edition of this ready reference specifically addresses the need of materials engineers for reliable, detailed information on modern material characterization methods.
As such, it provides a systematic overview of the increasingly important field of characterization of engineering materials with the help of neutrons and synchrotron radiation. The first part introduces readers to the fundamentals of structure-property relationships in materials and the radiation sources suitable for materials characterization.
The second part then focuses on such characterization techniques as diffraction and scattering methods, as well as direct imaging and tomography. The third part presents new and emerging methods of materials characterization in the field of 3D characterization techniques like three-dimensional X-ray diffraction microscopy. The fourth and final part is a collection of examples that demonstrate the application of the methods introduced in the first parts to problems in materials science.
With thoroughly revised and updated chapters and now containing about 20%
new material, this is the must-have, in-depth resource on this highly relevant topic.