- Springer (44)
- Springer Gabler (13)
- Springer VS (11)
- Palgrave Macmillan (10)
- Wiley-VCH (10)
- Springer Spektrum (7)
- J.B. Metzler (6)
- Wiley-Blackwell (6)
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (4)
- Birkhäuser (2)
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (2)
- Polity (2)
- Saga Egmont (2)
- Wiley (2)
- Armand Colin (1)
- Clé International (1)
- Collection XIX (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Choudens) (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (F.-X. Le Roux) (1)
- Hachette Français Langue Etrangère (1)
- Micro Application (1)
- Springer Vieweg (1)
- VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften (1)
- Éditions Somme toute (1)
131 produits trouvés
Collection F - Faire classe en (F)LE
Jean-Pierre Robert, Evelyne Rosen, Claus Reinhardt
- Hachette Français Langue Etrangère
- Nouvelle Formule
- 24 Août 2011
- 9782011559456
Chapitre 1 : Les apprenants : Qui sont-ils ?
Chapitre 2 : Enseignant(s) : Qui êtes-vous ?
Chapitre 3 : Comment organiser un cours ?
Chapitre 4 : Quels contenus enseigner ?
Chapitre 5 : Quelle approche choisir ?
Chapitre 6 : Le management de la classe : comment gérer les comportements ?
Chapitre 7 : Le management de la classe : comment gérer les tâches et les activités ?
Chapitre 8 : Comment évaluer les acquisitions ?
OBJECTIFS ET DÉMARCHE MÉTHODOLOGIQUES :Tous les enseignants, y compris ceux de (Français) Langue Étrangère, connaissent le célèbre triangle didactique qui illustre toute situation d'enseignement et met en évidence les multiples interactions entre l'enseignant, l'élève et le savoir.L'exploitation de ce triangle a donné lieu à plus d'études théoriques que pratiques. Le présent ouvrage a donc comme premier objectif de combler ce vide à l'heure où l'enseignement des langues vivantes est tributaire des recommandations du CECR (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues) et des changements qui en découlent.L'ouvrage se présente donc comme un authentique traité de pédagogie contemporaine qui allie étroitement théorie et pratiques de classe et répond concrètement aux multiples interrogations des enseignants souvent désemparés face au poids des programmes officiels, aux horaires limités, aux manuels parfois inadaptés, à la perspective actionnelle préconisée par le CECR et la remise à niveau qu'elle suggère. -
Introduction à l'étude des cultures numériques ; la transition numérique des médias
Raphaël Baroni, Claus Gunti
- Armand Colin
- Hors Collection
- 4 Mars 2020
- 9782200628857
Notre culture est entrée il y a près de 50 ans dans l'ère numérique. Impactant ses techniques de production, ses canaux de diffusion et ses modes de consommation, cette transformation a notamment redécoupé les frontières traditionnelles qui permettaient d'identifier différents « arts » ou « médias ». Cet ouvrage retrace l'évolution propre de chaque média confronté aux technologies numériques, puis envisage le phénomène de la convergence médiatique qui a conduit à l'interconnection des médias traditionnels. Il offre enfin un aperçu des principaux paradigmes et des problématiques incontournables qui émergent dans un tel contexte.Ouvrage collectif réunissant 15 autres auteurs, enseignants et/ou chercheurs en histoire et esthétique du cinéma, littérature, médias, journalisme et communication, sémiologie... : Jan BAETENS (Université de Leuven, Belgique), Julien BAUDRY (Université Paris Diderot, France), Alain BOILAT (Université de Lausanne, Suisse), Simon BROUSSEAU (Université du Québec, Canada), Danielle CHAPERON (Université de Lausanne, Suisse), Yves CITTON (Université Paris 8, France), Samuel ESTIER (Université de Lausanne, Suisse), Bertrand GERVAIS (Canada), Henry JENKINS (Université de Californie du Sud, USA), François JOST (Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris), Selim KRICHANE (Université de Lausanne, Suisse), Philippe MARION (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique), Izabella PLUTA (Ecole de théâtre Les Teintureries et Université de Lausanne, Suisse), Marie-Laure RYAN (Université du Colorado, USA), Richard SAINT-GELAIS (Université de Laval, Québec).
Le point sur le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues
Evelyne Rosen, Claus Reinhardt
- Clé International
- 10 Septembre 2014
- 9782090377408
Ouvrage de didactique au format ebook dans la collection DLE, manuel en français langue étrangère (FLE) pour les professeurs et futurs professeurs
Qu'est-ce que le Cadre ? Pourquoi a-t-il été créé ? À quels besoins répond-il ? En quoi est-il utile et comment s'en servir en classe ? Autant de questions auxquelles cet ouvrage répond en s'appuyant sur des exemples concrets.
Cette collection est destinée aux professeurs et futurs professeurs de langue, en particulier de français langue étrangère. Elle permet, dans une langue claire et accessible, de faire le point sur l'état des connaissances et de la recherche en didactique. Elle permet aussi de relier théorie et applications pratiques dans la classe.
Fonctionnalités de la version e-book :
Pour ordinateurs, tablettes, smartphones et liseuses de livres numériques
Mise en page écran d'une grande lisibilité
Réglage de la taille des caractères
Table des matières interactive -
On his way to kindergarten, Anker finds a lot of things on the ground. He must have them in his bag! But Dad doesn't think Anker should collect the things. He says they're dirty and useless.Alberte Winding (1963) is a Danish singer, actress and writer. She is the daughter of the prominent cultural couple Thomas Winding and Lulu Gauguin and has made her mark on the Danish consciousness since childhood, for example as Luna in the children's TV show Bamses Billedbog. She has also published a large number of books. While most of her writing is aimed at children and young people, she has also written several acclaimed novels.
Anker (1) - Anker and the Shouting Man
Alberte Winding
- Saga Egmont
- Anker
- 29 Février 2024
- 9788728312209
Just because you got up a little late doesn't mean you have to rush, does it? Anker certainly doesn't think so, but his father disagrees. "We're in a mad hurry!" he keeps shouting. Anker has lots of good ideas, for example, turning his bed into a castle or hiding something in his breakfast.Alberte Winding (born 1963) is a Danish singer, actress and writer. She is the daughter of the prominent cultural couple Thomas Winding and Lulu Gauguin and has made her mark on the Danish consciousness since childhood, for example as Luna in Bamses Billedbog on Danish Radio. She has also published a large number of books. While most of her writing is aimed at children and young people, she has also written several acclaimed novels.
Color Atlas of Equine Pathology
Claus D. Buergelt, Fabio Del Piero
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 16 Octobre 2013
- 9781118520895
Color Atlas of Equine Pathology offers a practical guide to identifying equine diseases, presenting a single resource with more than 1000 images showing predominantly gross pathology. Organized by body systems, the book allows for picture matching during or after an equine necropsy. In this user-friendly atlas, each chapter takes a common format, presenting the disease process as well as congenital, degenerative, inflammatory, and neoplastic sequences, with text boxes offering quick reference to key information. The book begins with an introductory chapter summarizing the principles of the equine field necropsy, and subsequent organ-based chapters depict gross features of disease, focusing on macroscopic digital images supplemented by histology and immunohistochemistry when necessary. Some clinical information for correlation with pathology is included. Color Atlas of Equine Pathology is an essential resource for diagnostic veterinary pathologists and pathology residents, as well as for equine practitioners performing necropsies in the field.
Humanistic Management in Practice
Claus Dierksmeier, Ernst Von Kimakowitz, Hanna Schirovsky, Carlos Largacha-Martinez
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 15 Février 2021
- 9783030515454
This book demonstrates how principles of a Humanistic Management paradigm are practiced in a variety of industries and regions by businesses of different ownership structures and sizes.What unites these businesses is their commitment to the three stepped approach of Humanistic Management, which is grounded in unconditional respect for the dignity of life, the integration of ethics in management decisions, and active engagement with stakeholders.These businesses are not labeled social enterprises, but operate within the mainstream of competitive markets. However, they do have a deep sense of responsibility towards the communities in which they operate and act accordingly, knowing that sustaining business success over time depends on a value proposition to society at large. The cases featured in this book serve to clarify that businesses can thrive not despite but because they are upholding principles of Humanistic Management. It will be valuable reading for academics working in the field of business ethics, sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
This collection of critical surveys provides readers with a range of up-to-date work from leading scholars in the area, writing on some of the key issues facing China, as they survey the present and future challenges of the Chinese economy Nine papers provide detailed discussion on key aspects of the past, present and future of the Chinese economy Leaders in their relevant fields of scholarship tackle some of the critical issues facing China Contributors identify common themes, including the household registration system, urbanization, demographic transition, inequality and the sustainability of economic growth Articles provide a critical review of the literature and discuss policy implications and areas for future research
A Collection of Surveys on Savings and Wealth Accumulation
Iris Claus, Edda Claus
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 23 Février 2016
- 9781119158417
In this collection of critical surveys the reader is provided with a range of up-to-date work from some of the leading scholars in the area, writing on private and public sector aspects of savings and wealth accumulation.
A survey of savings and wealth accumulation which are important dimensions of research and policy debates Discusses the measurement of genuine savings and sustainability, the estimation of wealth inequality, and recent developments in consumer credit and defaults Evaluates the impact of student loans on financial well-being, people's retirement decisions, and the impact of pension reform Considers the distribution of wealth across generations and the importance of accurately measuring government debt, the rise of sovereign wealth funds and Islamic banking and finance -
L'étude approfondie de tout ce qui concerne l'esprit humain occupe, à juste titre, le premier rang parmi les travaux de la philosophie. Rien ne semble plus vrai que la maxime posée par M. Max Perty dans son Histoire naturelle : « Celui qui veut connaître la nature doit commencer par se connaître soi-même. » Malheureusement, avant de pouvoir nous conformer à ce précepte, nous avons à nous dégager d'une série nombreuse d'erreurs fortement accréditées ; nous avons à réduire à leur juste valeur les objets qui nous entourent, et qui, trop souvent, revêtent une physionomie trompeuse et des couleurs illusoires.Fruit d'une sélection réalisée au sein des fonds de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Collection XIX a pour ambition de faire découvrir des textes classiques et moins classiques dans les meilleures éditions du XIXe siècle.
D'horizons et d'estuaires
Nahka Bertrand, Hannah Claus, Sandrine Galand, Mylene Guay, Niki Little, Logan Macdonald, Caroline Monnet, Nadia Myre, L
- Éditions Somme toute
- 17 Novembre 2020
- 9782897941857
D'horizons et d'estuaires : entre mémoires et créations autochtones est une collection d'essais réunissant les voix de 16 artistes, commissaires, historien·ne·s de l'art et travailleur·se·s culturel·le·s autochtones, tant francophones qu'anglophones, oeuvrant dans les territoires que l'on nomme Québec. Faisant suite à des expositions, des performances, des résidences d'artistes et des discussions mises en place lors du Projet Tiohtià:ke (2017-2019) du Collectif des commissaires autochtones, ces textes honorent les relations et les affinités qui sont au coeur de ces pratiques en arts
Quelle place occupe actuellement les créations visuelles autochtones dans la société québécoise? Comment les créateur·trice·s imaginent-iels le futur de leurs expressions culturelles? Par la diversité des points de vue et les enjeux soulevés par ces écrits, ce livre pose des questions cruciales sur l'avenir des arts autochtones et ouvre la porte à des dialogues longtemps attendus au Québec qui, nous l'espérons, permettront de créer de réels changements positifs. Il est maintenant temps de plonger dans ces imaginaires collectifs éblouissants et de nager dans les eaux ondulantes de ces mémoires résilientes. -
Classification - the Ubiquitous Challenge
Claus Weihs, Wolfgang A. Gaul
- Springer
- 30 Mars 2006
- 9783540280842
(Semi-) Plenary Presentations.- Classification and Data Analysis: Classification; Data Analysis.- Applications.- Archaeology; Astronomy; Bio-Sciences; Electronic Data and Web; Finance and Insurance; Library Science and Linguistics; Macro-Economics; Marketing; Music Science; Quality Assurance.- Contest: Social Milieus in Dortmund.
Erde und Leben
Norbert Welsch, Claus Chr. Liebmann, Jurgen Schwab
- Springer
- 13 Juillet 2017
- 9783662538692
Forscher entschlüsseln die Geheimnisse der Geobiologie Im Mittelpunkt dieses Buches steht das Jahrmilliarden währende Wechselspiel zwischen der geologischen Entwicklung der Erde und der Evolution des Lebens. Den Autoren gelingt es, die Vielfalt der Beziehungen zwischen den irdischen Organismen und ihrem Planeten in einem faszinierenden Panorama darzustellen. Ihr breit angelegtes Buch zeichnet den Weg von der Bildung der Erde in der "habitablen" Zone um die Sonne über die Entstehung erster reproduktionsfähiger Moleküle und der ersten Zellen bis zu den Wirbeltieren mit ihren komplexen Gehirnen und zur Evolution des Menschen nach, immer verbunden mit der Entwicklung unserer Kontinente, der Atmosphäre und der Ozeane. Der nur scheinbar geradlinige Weg ist in Wirklichkeit ein verschlungener Pfad, auf dem kosmisch-geologische Ereignisse wie Meteoriteneinschläge und gewaltige Lava-Eruptionen, aber auch das Leben selbst für dramatische Wendungen sorgten. Heute nun scheint der Mensch zu einem auch geologisch bestimmenden Faktor geworden zu sein, und folgerichtig haben Forscher ein neues Erdzeitalter ausgerufen, das Anthropozän. Diese jüngeren Entwicklungen bilden den Schlusspunkt des Buches: Den dramatischen Folgen des menschlichen Tuns wie Klimawandel und Ausbeutung von Ressourcen stellen die Autoren die Chancen gegenüber, die sich dem Menschen dank seines hochentwickelten Gehirns bieten.
Equations of Motion in Relativistic Gravity
Dirk Puetzfeld, Claus Lammerzahl, Bernard Schutz
- Springer
- 1 Juin 2015
- 9783319183350
The present volume aims to be a comprehensive survey on the derivation of the equations of motion, both in General Relativity as well as in alternative gravity theories. The topics covered range from the description of test bodies, to self-gravitating (heavy) bodies, to current and future observations.
Emphasis is put on the coverage of various approximation methods (e.g., multipolar, post-Newtonian, self-force methods) which are extensively used in the context of the relativistic problem of motion. Applications discussed in this volume range from the motion of binary systems -- and the gravitational waves emitted by such systems -- to observations of the galactic center. In particular the impact of choices at a fundamental theoretical level on the interpretation of experiments is highlighted.
This book provides a broad and up-do-date status report, which will not only be of value for the experts working in this field, but also may serve as a guideline for students with background in General Relativity who like to enter this field. -
Collaborative Information Seeking
Preben Hansen, Chirag Shah, Claus-Peter Klas
- Springer
- 12 Septembre 2015
- 9783319189888
Compiled by world- class leaders in the field of collaborative information retrieval and search (CIS), this book centres on the notion that information seeking is not always a solitary activity and working in collaboration to perform information-seeking tasks should be studied and supported. Covering aspects of theories, models, and applications the book is divided in three parts:· Best Practices and Studies: providing an overview of current knowledge and state-of-the-art in the field.· New Domains: covers some of the new and exciting opportunities of applying CIS· New Thoughts: focuses on new research directions by scholars from academia and industry from around the world.Collaborative Information Seeking provides a valuable reference for student, teachers, and researchers interested in the area of collaborative work, information seeking/retrieval, and human-computer interaction.
Dieses Lehrbuch für Ärzte und Psychologen ist einzigartig, da es sowohl die neurobiologischen und wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Progressiven Relaxation vorstellt als auch deren praktischen Umsetzung und Vermittlung für Ihre Patienten. Der Autor beschreibt die ursprüngliche Form der Progressiven Relaxation nach Jacobson sowie ihre spätere Varianten und Weiterentwicklungen. Anwendungsmglichkeiten und Kontraindikationen werden erläutert sowie Hinweise zur Motivation von Patienten zum regelmäßigen Üben gegeben. Eigene Kapitel zur Weiterbildung und den Mglichkeiten der Abrechnung runden das Werk ab. Der Serviceteil bietet Kopiervorlagen und Adressen relevanter Fachgesellschaften. Nutzen Sie das Spektrum der ärztlichen Psychotherapie im Rahmen der GKV!Neu in der 2. Auflage: Komplett aktualisiert und um didaktische Elemente erweitert, neueste Erkenntnisse aus der Stressforschung und ein eigenes Kapitel zur Anwendung der ProgressivenRelaxation in der Traumatherapie und inklusive ebook!
This book lays the foundations for you to understand all that you always wanted to know about radioactivity. It begins by setting out essential information about the structure of matter, how radiation occurs and how it can be measured. It goes on to explore the substantial benefits of radioactivity through its many applications, and also the possible risks associated with its use.The field of radioactivity is explained in layman's terms, so that everybody who is interested can improve their understanding of issues such as nuclear power, radiation accidents, medical applications of radiation and radioactivity from the environment.Everything is radioactive. There is natural radioactivity in the homes that we live in, the food that we eat and the air that we breath. For over 100 years, people have recognised the potential for radioactivity to help solve problems and improve our standard of living. This has led to the creation of radioactivity levels in some places that are much higher than naturally-occurring background levels. Such high levels of radiation can be harmful to people and the environment, so there is a clear need to manage this potential harm and to make the risk worth the benefits mankind can achieve from radioactive materials.
A Companion to Nazi Germany
Armin Nolzen, Claus-Christian W. Szejnmann, Shelley Baranowski
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 3 Avril 2018
- 9781118936900
A Deep Exploration of the Rise, Reign, and Legacy of the Third Reich For its brief existence, National Socialist Germany was one of the most destructive regimes in the history of humankind. Since that time, scholarly debate about its causes has volleyed continuously between the effects of political and military decisions, pathological development, or modernity gone awry. Was terror the defining force of rule, or was popular consent critical to sustaining the movement? Were the German people sympathetic to Nazi ideology, or were they radicalized by social manipulation and powerful propaganda? Was the "Final Solution" the motivation for the Third Reich's rise to power, or simply the outcome? A Companion to Nazi Germany addresses these crucial questions with historical insight from the Nazi Party's emergence in the 1920s through its postwar repercussions. From the theory and context that gave rise to the movement, through its structural, cultural, economic, and social impacts, to the era's lasting legacy, this book offers an in-depth examination of modern history's most infamous reign. Assesses the historiography of Nazism and the prehistory of the regime Provides deep insight into labor, education, research, and home life amidst the Third Reich's ideological imperatives Describes how the Third Reich affected business, the economy, and the culture, including sports, entertainment, and religion Delves into the social militarization in the lead-up to war, and examines the social and historical complexities that allowed genocide to take place Shows how modern-day Germany confronts and deals with its recent history Today's political climate highlights the critical need to understand how radical nationalist movements gain an audience, then followers, then power. While historical analogy can be a faulty basis for analyzing current events, there is no doubt that examining the parallels can lead to some important questions about the present. Exploring key motivations, environments, and cause and effect, this book provides essential perspective as radical nationalist movements have once again reemerged in many parts of the world.
Biometric User Authentication for IT Security
Claus Vielhauer
- Springer
- 28 Décembre 2005
- 9780387280943
Biometric user authentication techniques evoke an enormous interest by science, industry and society. Scientists and developers constantly pursue technology for automated determination or confirmation of the identity of subjects based on measurements of physiological or behavioral traits of humans.
Biometric User Authentication for IT Security: From Fundamentals to Handwriting conveys general principals of passive (physiological traits such as fingerprint, iris, face) and active (learned and trained behavior such as voice, handwriting and gait) biometric recognition techniques to the reader. Unlike other publications in this area that concentrate on passive schemes, this professional book reflects a more comprehensive analysis of one particular active biometric technique: handwriting. Aspects that are thoroughly discussed include sensor characteristic dependency, attack scenarios, and the generation of cryptographic keys from handwriting.
book collects multiple research articles studying the factors influencing wearable
device usage. Based on multiple empirical studies, which research different
kinds of wearable devices such as smartwatches, activity trackers, and
smartglasses, potential drivers of wearable device usage are identified and
evaluated. Overall, the book provides novel and important insights for both
practitioners and academics, highlights their various practical implications
for the development and marketing of wearable devices and offers outlooks on
further research directions. -
The mechanics of similarity encompasses the analysis of dimensions, performed by various procedures, the gasdynamic similarity and the model technology. The analysis of dimensions delivers the dimensionless numbers by which specific physical challenges can be described with a reduced number of variables. Thereby the assessment of physical problems is facilitated. For fluid dynamics and all sorts of heat transfer the discipline of the mechanics of similarity was so important in the past, that the historical background is highlighted of all the persons who have contributed to the development of this discipline.
The goal of the classical gasdynamic similarity was to find rules, which enables the aerodynamic engineer to perform transformations from existing flow fields to others, which meet geometrical and other specific flow field parameters. Most of these rules and findings do no longer play a role today, because a lot of potent experimental and theoretical/numerical methods are now available. This problem is addressed in the book.
A recent investigation regarding the longitudinal aerodynamics of space vehicles has revealed, that there exist other astonishing similarities for hypersonic and supersonic flight Mach numbers. It seems, that obviously most of the longitudinal aerodynamics is independent from the geometrical configurations of the space vehicle considered, if a simple transformation is applied. A section of this book is devoted to these new findings. -
Conceptual Design
Mogens Myrup Andreasen, Claus Thorp Hansen, Philip Cash
- Springer
- 3 Juillet 2015
- 9783319198392
Maximising reader insights into the theory, models, methods and fundamental reasoning of design, this book addresses design activities in industrial settings, as well as the actors involved. This approach offers readers a new understanding of design activities and related functions, properties and dispositions. Presenting a `design mindset' that seeks to empower students, researchers, and practitioners alike, it features a strong focus on how designers create new concepts to be developed into products, and how they generate new business and satisfy human needs. Employing a multi-faceted perspective, the book supplies the reader with a comprehensive worldview of design in the form of a proposed model that will empower their activities as student, researcher or practitioner. We draw the reader into the core role of design conceptualisation for society, for the development of industry, for users and buyers of products, and for citizens in relation to public systems. The book also features original contributions related to exploration, conceptualisation and product synthesis. Exploring both the power and limitations of formal design process models, methods, and tools viewed in the light of human ingenuity and cognition, the book develops a unique design mindset that adds human understanding to the list of methods and tools essential to design. This insight is distilled into useful mindset heuristics included throughout the book.
?A unified quantum theory incorporating the four fundamental forces of nature is one of the major open problems in physics. The Standard Model combines electro-magnetism, the strong force and the weak force, but ignores gravity. The quantization of gravity is therefore a necessary first step to achieve a unified quantum theory. In this monograph a canonical quantization of gravity has been achieved by quantizing a geometric evolution equation resulting in a gravitational wave equation in a globally hyperbolic spacetime. Applying the technique of separation of variables we obtain eigenvalue problems for temporal and spatial self-adjoint operators where the temporal operator has a pure point spectrum with eigenvalues $lambda_i$ and related eigenfunctions, while, for the spatial operator, it is possible to find corresponding eigendistributions for each of the eigenvalues $lambda_i$, if the Cauchy hypersurface is asymptotically Euclidean or if the quantized spacetime is a black hole with a negative cosmological constant. The hyperbolic equation then has a sequence of smooth solutions which are products of temporal eigenfunctions and spatial eigendistributions. Due to this "spectral resolution" of the wave equation quantum statistics can also be applied to the quantized systems. These quantum statistical results could help to explain the nature of dark matter and dark energy.
Environmentally Friendly Coastal Protection
Claus Zimmermann, Robert G. Dean, Valeri Penchev, Claus Verhagen
- Springer
- 30 Mars 2006
- 9781402033018
Coast lines have been and still are the central lines of civilization around the world with still increasing pressure from both sides - the hinterland and the sea - with all its foreseeable and unforeseeable impacts by means of nature or mankind. While the response of nature to such impacts is flexible in the way that all morphological changes with all the consequences are tolerated as part of the system, humanity cannot tolerate short-term or long-term changes without being threatened in its physical and economical existence. The objectives of this Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) on Environmentally Friendly Coastal Structures were:
- to contribute to the critical assessment of existing knowledge in the field of coastal and environmental protection;- to identify directions for future research in that area;- to promote close working relationships between scientists from different countries and with different professional experience.
The latest trends in research on coastal and environmental protection were summarized and developed during the meeting. Seventeen papers are presented in this book, attempting to cover all related aspects as completely as possible - coast, engineering structures, water, sediments, ecosystems in their complicated interaction.