- Cupido (145)
- ECW PRESS (66)
- Saga Egmont (36)
- Springer (8)
- Everest Media LLC (7)
- LM Publishers (7)
- Human and Literature Publishing (6)
- Caramel (5)
- Educa Vision Inc. (2)
- Palgrave Macmillan (2)
- Polity (2)
- Wiley (2)
- Centre justice et foi (1)
- Couples et Familles asbl (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (MCAP) (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (TAC Motifs) (1)
- Fyctia édition (1)
- Jacques Richer (1)
- Les Éditions Québec Amérique (1)
- Literature and Knowledge Publishing (1)
- Mon Petit Editeur (1)
- QUAE (1)
- Slingshot Books LLC (1)
- Sphere (1)
- Springer Spektrum (1)
- TU Delft (1)
- Wiley-IEEE Press (1)
- Éditions du Noroît (1)
XYZ. La revue de la nouvelle. No. 121, Printemps 2015
Camille Deslauriers, Andre Berthiaume, Fannie Langlois, Jean-Simon Desrochers, Jean-pierre Girard, Thomas Mainguy
- Jacques Richer
- XYZ. La revue de la nouvelle
- 11 Mars 2015
- 9782924343081
Pour la nouvelle contemporaine, les espaces intermédiaires sont des lieux de prédilection, provoquant une tension entre le départ et l'arrivée, entre le familier et l'étranger. Le thème « Jardin » de ce numéro actualise cette situation que préconise la prose narrative brève. Qu'il soit chaos ou désordre, fleuri ou jauni, concret ou symbolique, le jardin est ici l'espace multiple de toutes les projections où germinent les désirs, les émotions et les métaphores. Il représente l'entrée dans un paradis redécouvert ou la sortie dans un enfer et prépare ainsi une chute positive ou négative. Mais, au final, dans ce numéro à l'odeur de rose et de lavande, les douze nouvelliers sont tous jardiniers. Avec les contributions de Hugues Corriveau, Jean-Simon Desrochers, Fannie Langlois et Audrée Wilhelmy, entre autres.
Grands-parents : droits, devoirs, plaisirs...
Audrey Dessy, Bernard Baille, Michel Berhin, Andre Boxus, Marie-Noelle Cassart, Aurelie Degoedt, Louis-Marie Denis
- Couples et Familles asbl
- 17 Janvier 2022
- 9782931191033
« Trouver sa place de grand-parent, cela demande d'avoir réfléchi au temps et à l'énergie que l'on est prêt à consacrer à ses petits-enfants, de marquer ses limites comme d'accepter celles que mettent les parents, mais surtout de faire preuve de souplesse en s'adaptant à toutes les circonstances de la vie qui conduisent parfois loin des principes que l'on s'était donnés. » « En tant que grands-parents, nous n'avons pas l'obligation de nous comporter en maîtres détenteurs de l'autorité, nous pouvons la faire respecter avec un petit clin d'oeil. » « Nous pouvons en quelque sorte être des ponts entre les parents et l'adolescent, relativiser ce qui semble insurmontable... »
Ces brèves réflexions de grands-parents illustrent quelques spécificités de la grand-parentalité : capacité d'adaptation, bien sûr, mais aussi, un nouveau rôle à s'approprier et à ne pas confondre avec celui de parent. Écoute, conseil, aide en tout genre, transmission de l'histoire familiale, de valeurs ou encore de compétences/connaissances sont autant de façons possibles pour les mamys et les papys de bâtir une relation avec leurs petits-enfants, toujours dans l'espace qui leur est laissé par les parents.
Mais parfois, pour diverses raisons, il se peut qu'aucune place ne leur soit accordée. Ainsi, un certain nombre de grands-parents s'interrogent sur leurs droits et entreprennent des démarches en espérant pouvoir être présents dans la vie de leurs petits-enfants. À l'inverse, d'autres grands-parents sont, quant à eux, sursollicités... et doivent parfois encore répondre aux demandes de soutien de leurs propres parents. Pris en sandwich, il peut leur être difficile de conjuguer ces interpellations émanant de toute part, qui plus est lorsqu'ils sont encore actifs professionnellement... N'y aurait-il pas un couac dans l'organisation sociétale ? -
Cet ouvrage présente les composantes techniques d'une culture bananière durable dont les fruits sont destinés au marché international. Après un rappel des connaissances sur la plante, les contraintes parasitaires et l'évolution économique récente de ce produit, l'auteur présente les concepts de culture raisonnée et de banane biologique. En tenant compte des évolutions récentes tant dans les domaines phytosanitaires et agronomiques que dans ceux de la fertilisation et de l'irrigation, il développe ensuite tous les aspects de la production : conditions de mise en culture pour réduire les intrants et donc la pollution ; pratiques optimales pour obtenir une productivité satisfaisante ; opérations de conditionnement nécessaires pour garantir la qualité des fruits ; techniques d'aide à la décision pour raisonner les pratiques culturales.
Contes parfumés : les fleurs de Grasse
And Simone Righetti
- FeniXX réédition numérique (TAC Motifs)
- 15 Juin 2016
- 9782402434423
Le conte...
« Un outil d'éducation des plus féconds et des plus riches... »
« Les parfums... si variés, subtils, suaves, ténus ou envoûtants, fascinants, porteurs de pouvoirs, invisibles comme des êtres de mystère...
Ne pouvait-on, me disais-je, les présenter aux enfants autrement qu'à travers le savoir-faire et la technologie de l'homme ? »
Simone Righetti -
Ram (Formerly Harvard Business School And Charan
- Wiley
- 6 Février 2024
- 9781394160983
Set up your company for long-term success by building and reinforcing your leadership pipeline In the newly revised third edition of The Leadership Pipeline, a team of veteran leadership practitioners delivers a practical and essential framework for identifying future leaders, assessing their competence, planning their development, nurturing their talents, and analyzing the results of your efforts. The work to be done, the required skills, time application, and the necessary work values for each leadership layer are clearly defined for the digital age. The book explains how to integrate your organization's leadership development process with a succession plan that provides your company with a ready supply of capable leaders. You'll discover the tools and techniques you need to knit together your succession and leadership development programs and constantly renew your leadership pipeline. You'll also: Explore anecdotes and stories drawn from the authors' extensive experience with top companies that illustrate the principles discussed in the book Find ways to eliminate bias and tunnel vision when identifying leadership candidates Learn to objectively consider the efficacy of individual leadership candidatesA powerful resource for managers, executives, board members, and other business leaders at firms of all sizes, The Leadership Pipeline is an effective and insightful blueprint to future-proofing your company.
Maulin P. (Applied And Environmental Microbi Shah
- Wiley
- 22 Mars 2024
- 9781119857389
APPLICATION OF SEWAGE SLUDGE IN INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT Comprehensive reference examining activated sludge technologies in industrial wastewater treatment, combining a theoretical framework with practical methodologies Application of Sewage Sludge in Industrial Wastewater Treatment provides a roadmap to the methodologies for the treatment of industrial wastewaters from several major sectors integrating theory and practice, highlighting the importance of sewage sludge technologies in industrial wastewater treatment to clean up the environment from pollution caused by human activities, and assessing the applications of several existing activated sludge techniques and introduces new emerging technologies. All discussion within the text is based on a solid theoretical background. Application of Sewage Sludge in Industrial Wastewater Treatment covers key topics such as: Issues related to activated sludge treatment, such as biodegradability-based characterization, modelling, assessment of stoichiometric, and kinetic parameters and design Issues related to industrial pollution control, such as in-plant control, effect of pretreatment, and more Recently increasing quantity and complexity of toxic effluents, which can be bio remediable for plants and suitable microbes, whether natural or customized for specific purposes Ecological, profitable, and natural solutions designed to eliminate heavy metals, radionuclides, xenobiotic compounds, organic waste, pesticides, and more This reference provides an essential, one-of-a-kind, integrated approach for environmental microbiologists, biochemical engineers, environmental engineers, effluent treatment plant operators, and biologists and chemists at wastewater treatment plants.
Baocang (Chongqing University Of Posts And T Ding
- Wiley-IEEE Press
- 19 Mars 2024
- 9781119471318
Model Predictive Control Understand the practical side of controlling industrial processes Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a method for controlling a process according to given parameters, derived in many cases from empirical models. It has been widely applied in industrial units to increase revenue and promoting sustainability. Systematic overviews of this subject, however, are rare, and few draw on direct experience in industrial settings. Assuming basic knowledge of the relevant mathematical and algebraic modeling techniques, the book's title combines foundational theories of MPC with a thorough sense of its practical applications in an industrial context. The result is a presentation uniquely suited to rapid incorporation in an industrial workplace. Model Predictive Control readers will also find: Two-part organization to balance theory and applications Selection of topics directly driven by industrial demand An author with decades of experience in both teaching and industrial practice This book is ideal for industrial control engineers and researchers looking to understand MPC technology, as well as advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying predictive control and related subjects.
Gebiedsgericht Voorraadbeleid van Woningcorporaties
Architecture And The Built Environment Arne Van Overmeeren
- TU Delft
- 21 Février 2014
- 9789461862730
Dit proefschrift gaat over gebiedsgericht voorraadbeleid van woningcorporaties. In dit proefschrift is te lezen hoe woningcorporaties komen tot samenhangende voornemens ten aanzien van de woningvoorraad in wijken en buurten en welke planningsbenaderingen ze hierbij gebruiken.
Woningcorporaties hebben zich sinds hun verzelfstandiging in de jaren negentig van de vorige eeuw ontwikkeld tot maatschappelijke ondernemingen die zich inzetten op een breed werkterrein. Deze verandering zorgt voor een toegenomen complexiteit van de besluitvorming over de woningvoorraad van de corporaties. Het voorraadbeleid van woningcorporaties is veranderd van een beleid dat vooral gericht is op de fysieke pijler (woningen), op de primaire doelgroep en op de eigen portefeuille, naar een gebiedsgericht (voorraad)beleid dat zich kenmerkt door de samenwerking met andere partijen, de verbreding naar sociale en economische activiteiten en een (beleids)onderscheid tussen verschillende gebieden. De traditionele modellen voor strategisch voorraadbeleid zijn vaak niet aangepast aan deze ontwikkeling. Deze modellen houden onvoldoende rekening met gebiedskenmerken, waardoor de voorgestelde maatregelen niet vanzelfsprekend aansluiten op de gebiedsspecifieke problemen. Daarnaast is het beleid lastig uit te voeren, omdat de topdown-benadering van de modellen de werkelijkheid veronachtzaamt waarin meerdere, wederzijds afhankelijke actoren nodig zijn om beleid ten aanzien van de woningvoorraad te laten slagen.
In dit proefschrift is daarom onderzocht welke planningsbenaderingen woningcorporaties hanteren bij het formuleren van gebiedsgericht voorraadbeleid in Vogelaarwijken. -
Stories about the dominant woman or man, the couple or stranger who explore the boundaries of their sexuality with role play, BDSM, swinging or orgies of sexual mystery.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:t
"They visited the new couple for the very first time. The hosts decided the rules of the game." - The Four of Them by Romeo, Denmark
"Finally, there was a reply to their classified ad. Their pulse increased. It got them hot and hard" - Couple Seeks Something New by Ananda, Agder
"They invited another couple over for drinks and a bite to eat. And it just happened! Just by itself!" - Come away with me by a Norah Jones fan
"A couple give some massage oil to another couple as a present, who coyly ask how to use it." - The Anniversary by Jan
"They took the night train to Oslo. Not in a private sleeping compartment but a regular carriage. They got it off just before Voss!" - Two Tunnels by Knut, Buskerud" -
Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number, whether they are bored at home or enjoying a weekend away from work, home, and the kids.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:t
"They had lost the spark in their relationship and she no longer lusted over her husband. He had the ropes ready." - `Revenge is Bittersweet' by Kaj Gornitzka
"It was the final-year class of the Law School in Oslo who were celebrating their 20-year anniversary. Maybe this was not a highlight in Norwegian legal history, but even so..."" - `A Memorable Anniversary' by Augusta Bloom -
Sexy spice for established partners at home, in day-to-day life and escaping from work, house and kids.
This is a collection of erotic stories from Cupido. This collection includes the following stories:
"He is doing some cleaning when he finds it, covered in dust, at the back of a shelf. He puts it on the dining table and waits for her to come home." There It Is by Pablo Christiano
"She'd ordered a surprise package for herself and her boyfriend. It was easy to get him excited." Surprise Package by Elliot Watson, Trondheim
"She whimpered, frustrated by being done with the main course. Now she was ready for dessert." Is That You? by John Smith
"While he was munching through his vegetables, she took off his trousers. With his mouth full of sour cream, he felt her carefully pulling his foreskin back." A Penchant for Sweeties by Eon -
Some sexual spice for married partners at home in their everyday lives and a get-away from work, home and kids.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. This collection includes the following stories:
"En route to the cabin, they had to leave the road and park the car. They were too distracted by the latest edition of Cupido. "- In the Car by Elliot Watson
"It started in the back row at Prinsen cinema. But it ended with them in the toilet" - In the Dark of the Cinema
"If there are roadworks, you have to slow down. It's the law. But maybe not so much that the cars behind you start honking their horn." - The Driveway by Lostris
"No, they didn't talk about period pains and headaches for fifteen days. But that was reality - and he was crazy about her." - Red Chevy 58 by Olivia John -
Take a break from day-to-day life, work, chores, and the kids with this sexy little number.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:
"She just couldn't let go of her fantasy about being taken by a forceful stranger. Luckily, her husband was quite understanding." - Naughty Fantasy by Terje
"They agreed that he'd be in bed tied up when she got home later in the evening. But she never mentioned bringing guests home." - She Will Be Here Soon by Dreamers
"It's their wedding anniversary and as soon as she heard the key in the door, she jumped into bed." The Anniversary by Tina, Virum
"His trousers were bulging - even without a hard-on. He signalled there was plenty for both of them to share." A Wonderful Chef by Louise P -
Sexy spice for established partners at home, in day-to-day life and escaping from work, house and kids.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:
"They'd been living together for many years. They were happy and had everything. But they were childless!" Before the Last Train by Cilla C
"About ovulation, a bookseller and erotic bakery in Ancient Egypt." A Fresh Morning Loaf and other Erotic Bakery by Lailato
"She asked him to go gently to start with. Then he knew it would be her period soon." My Evening 1 by Affe
"He hasn't seen her for six weeks. His expectations run wild as he waits in the arrivals hall." Arrivals/Departures by Camilla, Trøndelag -
Some sexual spice for married partners at home in their everyday lives and a get-away from work, home and kids.
This is a collection of erotic stories from Cupido. This collection includes the following stories:
"She's standing in the shower when he gets home from a trip. He knows that she is warmed up and ready." Wet Pleasures, by Elise, Sarpsborg
"He got home three hours early. In the next 20 minutes they tried more new things than they had in years." Home Early by Nicolai Holt, Copenhagen
"Is there anything better than a long, long shower with lathery soap and time to yourself?" - Hot Shower by Him & Her
"They had been arguing a lot, and not had sex in a long time. And then he gave her a trying look." -= Haymaking by Lulu M.
"After watching anal sex a porn video on a girls' night out, a woman is eager to give it a try. And her husband? He's just fine with it!" - Anal Sex by Berit -
Whether you're looking to temporarily escape from work, day-to-day life or the stresses of home life, indulge yourself in these steamy romances that take on daring heights.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:
"They've declared Fridays as their fantasy day. This Friday it was his turn to live out his dreams. Next Friday, it's her turn." - Fantasy Friday by MM, Århus
"She giggled all the way home after spending a lot of time online. What was she up to?" - An Unusual Day by Overrasket
"Silk is nice to touch, especially when it covers a hot, naked woman's body." - A Great Start to the Day by Ham & Henne
"His wife was right. She makes the best jam in the world, but she's also got the world's finest ass." Ripe Cherries by Torje Sauna, Sogn og Fjordane
"The farmer cannot believe his eyes when two naked tourists come ashore. He cannot wait to get home to his wife." A Break During Haying by Kjell Nesdal -
The young couple. The first time. A naughty flirt. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:
"A sunny day in Cap d`Agde. A man, a wife, a very horny Italian - oh, and a rope necklace. What could possibly happen?" - Betty and the Rope Necklace by NaturligNaken
"She was already horny when she met Helge outside the restaurant. But little did she know he had ordered a side dish that wasn't on the menu." - Excitement in the Everyday Life by Frk. Ugle, Telemark
"It turned into an amazing threesome after the shift was over at the mountain hotel. But who was the bronze-tanned man in swimming shorts?" Dream or Reality by Dronning Isolde, Bergen
"The neighbour's 19-year-old son is clearly home for a visit. At any rate, a completely naked man is standing with his back towards the window and is ready to reveal all." - Breakfast by Marie, Velje -
Sexy spice for established partners at home, in day-to-day life and escaping from work, house and kids.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:
"He loved her mischievous flirtatiousness. But where had she got to?" - The Surprise by Kari H
"He had no idea why, but suddenly he got it into his head that he wanted to control her." - Norwegian Leather Export by Mann
"He had dozed off when he should be getting up, and woke up to find himself tied to the bed." - Morning Interlude by Bjarne M.J.
"He had watched her dancing downtown, and couldn't wait much longer. He grabbed her as she was about to put a midnight snack on the table." - A Power Game by Frode Johansen -
Woman on woman. Man - Man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples erect, or a touch from their best mate makes their cock hard.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:
"She was so happy, she stroked her hair and kissed her with an earnestness she didn't think she had in her." - Just needed to cry it out by Charity Olivander
"She's only seen her in pictures so far. Now they are about to meet at a café." -The girly blind date by Vesterålsjente
"She herself claimed she was straight, but her best friend had her doubts about it." - Hot summer 2 by Donna, Oslo
"Two friends on a hike on the mountain in Bergen became so horny that they forgot where they were." - A lively hike by Margarita, Bergen
"She felt shy and held her towel up to cover her breasts. A woman was slowly stepping inside the tent's opening." - The camping trip by Camper -
Woman on woman. Man on man Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples erect, or a touch from their best mate makes their cock hard.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. This collection includes the following stories:
"She'd wanted to model for a long time. And when the chance came up on holiday, she seized the opportunity. While her boyfriend lay asleep." - The Atelier by Alex O'Lippert
"She was out on her usual evening walk to a peaceful spot by a lake, deep in the forest." My Special Place by Annesen, Buskerud
"The lesbian couple were at a booze-up with loads of men." - The Party by Marianne, Drøbak CU -
Stories of the dominant woman or man, the couple or the strangers who explore the boundaries of sexuality with roleplay, BDSM, partner swapping or orgies wrapped in a mysterious sexy haze.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:
"It's a kind of sex that's begun to turn me on more recently. It seems both scary and exciting but she doesn't quite know how to find a way of suggesting it." - Painful Desire by Nancy, Nordland
"He pulled the belt out of his cowboy pants. His upper body was naked so she could see how his biceps tensed." - The Belt by Ev@ Copenhagen
"The clothes lay ready. Leather skirt, fishnet stockings, corset - and the clips... The nipple clips!" - Whore and Madonna by Fantasy 68
"Of course she was a little late for the first meeting when she was going to find out a little bit about spanking." The First Time by Bjørg, Agder
"At the same time as she was washing her own kitchen floor, she was scrubbing the floor of the nobleman's manor." Cleaning Sex by Huldran -
Some sexual spice for married partners at home in their everyday lives and a get-away from work, home and kids.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. This collection includes the following stories:
"After ordering, and after the young waiter had served them dry white wine, she put her hand in his lap and opened his fly." - Monica's Mouth by Odin S. Gade
"He had a friend who was well-endowed. And both he and his wife were fascinated." - A Big Friend by Huseiren
"One of the French guys said that Danes are so stiff and formal. He'd have to eat his words." - Line's Gang Bang by Martin
"I want to play Blind Man's Bluff, she says. "I've got a girlfriend coming over in a quarter of an hour." - Blind Man's Bluff by Hedda -
The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and the teacher. The elderly gentleman and the innocent young maiden.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:
"A woman, finally on her own, attending a language course in France, is charmed by the young guard who leads her to discover her inner resources." - Hidden Garden by Ella Blue, Oppland
"Here she was, supposed to be discussing the course with a student, and it ends up with him sitting there and staring at her bra through the blouse. She hurriedly began to cover herself up." Office hours by Siri P.
"A woman driving alone picks up a soaked little Frenchman who needs to be undressed and dried off." Travel Companion by Calle Rehbinder
"She is 25. He is 50. Together on vacation in Spain - and slightly anxious that someone might see them." - On the Beach by Krepsen -
The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, Me, and a Friend.
This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:t
"Boys in the toilet! With upbeat music and women on the dancefloor." - Morningwood by Hyperion
"She was going to the Quarten festival. That wasn't normal among women in her circles." Train Journey by HU
"She is hitchhiking in an old convertible. Let's see what happens if he hits 120..." - The Convertible by Rune Ulven
"A daring idea crept into her mind and introduced itself in a devilish way." The telephone salesman didn't stand a chance." - The Telephone Salesman by Julia Sasjin