Emili Vilanova recopila a "Esenes barcelonines" diferents relats publicats a diaris i revistes de l'època. A través de les quals la petita Barcelona menestral de fins del segle XIX es converteix en un vertader mite literari. Tot un món bigarrat de la petita Barcelona de carreters i cotxers, de vigilants i serens, de venedors ambulants, de petits dentistes, de xafarderes, de dones dominadores i homes febles, etc..,
Nuit blanche, le magazine du livre. No. 131, Été 2013
Suzanne Leclerc, Jean-Paul Beaumier, Patrick Bergeron, Michèle Bernard, Pierrette Boivin, Soundouss El kettani, Emili
- Nuit blanche, le magazine du livre
- Nuit blanche, le magazine du livre
- 2 Décembre 2013
- 9782981417534
Où en est le Québec d'aujourd'hui? Regroupés sous le thème « Visages et perceptions du Québec », cette édition estivale de Nuit blanche fait la part belle à dix essais parus récemment et qui abordent, de près ou de loin, la question identitaire et de l'indépendantisme dans la belle province. Le lumineux essai d'Yvon Rivard intitulé Aimer, enseigner est à l'honneur dans un commentaire critique de Jean-Paul Beaumier tandis qu'Andrée Ferretti nous fait part de sa lecture de La passion suspendue, un recueil d'entretiens réalisés par Leopoldina Pallotta della Torre avec la grande Marguerite Duras. À découvrir aussi, « les deux pôles » d'Herman Hesse selon Roland Bourneuf et la chronique « Le livre jamais lu » signée par Francine Allard.
Systems Analysis of Chromatin-Related Protein Complexes in Cancer
Andrew Emili, Jack Greenblatt, Shoshana Wodak
- Springer
- 13 Août 2013
- 9781461479314
???????????????????????Epigenetic modifications underlie all aspects of human physiology, including stem cell renewal, formation of cell types and tissues. They also underlie environmental impacts on human health, including aging and diseases like cancer. Consequently, cracking the epigenetic "code" is considered a key challenge in biomedical research.
Chromatin structure and function are modified by protein complexes, causing genes to be turned "on" or "off" and controlling other aspects of DNA function. Yet while there has been explosive growth in the epigenetics field, human chromatin-modifying machines have only recently started to be characterized.
To meet this challenge, our book explores complementary experimental tracks, pursued by expert international research groups, aimed at the physical and functional characterization of the diverse repertoire of chromatin protein machines - namely, the "readers, writers and erasers" of epigenomic marks. These studies include the identification of RNA molecules and drugs that interact selectively with components of the chromatin machinery.
What makes this book distinctive is its emphasis on the systematic exploration of chromatin protein complexes in the context of human development and disease networks. -
This open access book, the Community of Practice led by the VPH Institute, the Avicenna Alliance, and the In Silico World consortium has brought together 138 experts in In Silico Trials working in academia, the medical industry, regulatory bodies, hospitals, and consulting firms. Through a consensus process, these experts produced the first attempt to define some Good Simulation Practices on how to develop, evaluate, and use In Silico Trials. Good Simulation Practice constitutes an indispensable guide for anyone who is planning to engage at any title with In Silico Trials.