2 produits trouvés
Fred Bernard, Benjamin Flao
- Éditions Futuropolis
- Albums Futuropolis
- 4 Janvier 2018
- 9782754824934
Il y a des tandems qui sonnent comme une évidence : quand Benjamin Flao a proposé à Fred Bernard de rentrer dans son univers onirique de paradis pour pilotes, Fred Bernard lui a écrit une histoire d'ange gardien et de rédemption. Au final un récit hors normes qui file à 100 à l'heure !
Ascochyta blights of grain legumes
Bernard Tivoli, Alain Baranger, Fred J. Muehlbauer, B.M. Cooke
- Springer
- 4 Septembre 2007
- 9781402060656
Ascochyta blights consistently affect large areas of grain legume production (pea, lentil, chickpea and faba bean) in all countries where they are cultivated. These diseases are capable of causing large yield losses under conducive environmental conditions. This book considers the state of the art by taking a comparative approach of Ascochyta blight diseases of cool season food and feed legumes. Topics considered are pathogen diversity, legume genetics and breeding, and integrated disease management.
Reprinted from European Journal of Plant Pathology, Volume 119, No. 1, 2007