- Springer (72)
- Palgrave Macmillan (6)
- Wiley (5)
- Wiley-Blackwell (4)
- EDP Sciences (3)
- Editions L'Harmattan (2)
- Springer VS (2)
- Wiley-VCH (2)
- Editions Philippe Picquier (1)
- Human and Literature Publishing (1)
- J.B. Metzler (1)
- La revue Séquences Inc. (1)
- Les presses du réel (1)
- Librairie Droz (1)
- PUF (1)
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (1)
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers (1)
- SensePublishers (1)
- Springer Gabler (1)
- Wiley-IEEE Press (1)
108 produits trouvés
Les quatre brigands du Huabei
Long Gu
- Editions Philippe Picquier
- 11 Décembre 2012
- 9782809734799
Wang Dong, Kouo Dalou, Lin Taiping et l'Hirondelle sont les Quatre Brigands du Huabei, ou plutôt quatre larrons de fortune vivant au jour le jour de joyeuses et mémorables aventures, soudés par une grande et extraordinaire amitié. Amateurs d'imprévus comme de vin de Shaoxing, experts en arts martiaux, joueurs, hâbleurs et matamores, leurs exploits se passent autant sur les routes que dans les gargotes contre de mystérieux adversaires - spectres de leur passé - qui ont pour nom l'Oiseau-Soleil, le Lion d'Or, la Trique ou l'Écorcheur. Ils auront à affronter des secrets, des voleurs, mais encore des fantômes. Car ne l'oublions pas, il s'agit ici de fantastique où le surnaturel a la part belle.
Traces à venir ; nouvelles et récits
Ossito Midiohouan Gu
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 2 Septembre 2015
- 9782336388236
« Peu à peu, le supplicié défaillait, se rapetissait, s'anéantissait mais dressait courageusement avec la complicité de ses amis, le panorama de sa future peine. En bon comédien, il réserva le meilleur pour la fin : lorsqu'il se tint le bas-ventre dans un fou rire général ce fut Têlé qui conclut :
-Mais oui Ayité, demain tu ne seras plus Ayité.
Alors le pitre se laissa choir si lourdement que les rires se figèrent :
- L'homme est tombé, gémit le mort
-Aidons le à se relever, dirent les autre, tous ensemble »
Chinese Multilateralism in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Bin Gu
- Springer
- 14 Mai 2024
- 9789819712199
This book reflects the latest legal development of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), and makes direct and positive responses-it uses first-hand, authoritative information and makes insightful and persuasive analyses in addressing those concerns.In particular, this book provides nuanced analysis of the following topics:
- capital allocation of the AIIB, in comparison with those of Bretton Woods institutions;- dynamic relationship between the shareholder board and management, a central topic of corporate governance for the AIIB and other MDBs;- AIIB's environmental and social safeguards, including its frontier ESG portfolio investments, in comparison with the World Bank standards;- highly debatable issues relating to the interaction between AIIB, Belt and Road, and MCDF;- comparative study of state-owned enterprises in the laws of AIIB, WTO, ICSID, etc..This book targets academics, students, policymakers, and businesscircles who are interested in AIIB, given the bank's growing importance in the context of global economic governance reforms. First, the book is a must for those who are keen to gain insight into the AIIB. Ten years have passed since the debut of the idea of AIIB in 2013, and the topic has never retreated from the debate of the international community-a major concern is whether a China-led multilateral development bank (MDB) remains to be politically neutral, or professional, and can live up to high standards. -
James S. Dooley, Anna S. F. Lok, Gu Garcia-Tsao
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 8 Juin 2018
- 9781119237648
A new, fully updated edition of the world's most famous book on liver diseases-with updating of all areas and inclusion of new specific topics, by internationally renowned specialists This brand new edition of the classic book on hepatology provides a concise, clearly presented and well-structured review across the whole spectrum of hepatobiliary diseases by some of the world's leading hepatologists and hepatobiliary specialists. Where many other hepatology textbooks provide detailed accounts of basic science and clinical management, Sherlock's Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System, 13th Edition takes a different approach. Concentrating on the clinical decisions to be taken and the relevant supporting data, it is written and edited to maintain Sheila Sherlock's unique approach, in particular the clarity and layout of the text, and the explanatory figures and tables. The book is thus concise, highly accessible, and generously illustrated with over 700 attractive color figures. There is a pithy approach to each disease based both on evidence and on the authors' experience, the hallmark of this book. Based on these elements, the 12th edition was awarded first prize in the 2012 British Medical Association Book Awards in the Internal Medicine category. Sherlock's Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System begins by introducing the anatomy and function of the liver to readers, continuing then with in-depth coverage of liver biopsy techniques and interpretation, and fibrogenesis and its assessment. There are then chapters on all aspects of liver and biliary disease including acute liver failure, cirrhosis, portal hypertension, hepatic encephalopathy, ascites, hepatitis B and C, alcohol and the liver, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, drug related liver reactions, cholestatic, autoimmune and genetic liver diseases, benign and malignant tumours and not least liver transplantation. There are also chapters on the liver in pregnancy, in the neonate, infancy and childhood, in systemic diseases and in infections. This new edition also features four new individual chapters focusing on coagulation, non-invasive assessment of fibrosis and cirrhosis; vascular diseases of the liver and portal vein thrombosis, and nutrition in liver disease. Digital downloads of the figures from this edition are offered on a companion website. Internationally recognized and loved, world-renowned hepatology book, first published in 1955 Takes a one-of-a-kind, clinical approach maintaining Sheila Sherlock's clarity and legacy of presentation Full colour throughout with 700 illustrative figures Wide faculty of international contributors Sherlock's Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System, 13th Edition is an ideal primer in hepatology for students and trainees in hepatology and gastroenterology, and a valuable resource for all specialist gastroenterologists and hepatologists, paediatricians, pathologists, radiologists, general physicians and specialist nurses.
Structural Bioinformatics
Jenny Gu, Philip E. Bourne
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 20 Septembre 2011
- 9781118210567
Structural Bioinformatics was the first major effort to show the application of the principles and basic knowledge of the larger field of bioinformatics to questions focusing on macromolecular structure, such as the prediction of protein structure and how proteins carry out cellular functions, and how the application of bioinformatics to these life science issues can improve healthcare by accelerating drug discovery and development. Designed primarily as a reference, the first edition nevertheless saw widespread use as a textbook in graduate and undergraduate university courses dealing with the theories and associated algorithms, resources, and tools used in the analysis, prediction, and theoretical underpinnings of DNA, RNA, and proteins. This new edition contains not only thorough updates of the advances in structural bioinformatics since publication of the first edition, but also features eleven new chapters dealing with frontier areas of high scientific impact, including: sampling and search techniques; use of mass spectrometry; genome functional annotation; and much more. Offering detailed coverage for practitioners while remaining accessible to the novice, Structural Bioinformatics, Second Edition is a valuable resource and an excellent textbook for a range of readers in the bioinformatics and advanced biology fields. Praise for the previous edition: "This book is a gold mine of fundamental and practical information in an area not previously well represented in book form."
-Biochemistry and Molecular Education "... destined to become a classic reference work for workers at all levels in structural bioinformatics...recommended with great enthusiasm for educators, researchers, and graduate students."
-BAMBED "...a useful and timely summary of a rapidly expanding field."
-Nature Structural Biology "...a terrific job in this timely creation of a compilation of articles that appropriately addresses this issue."
-Briefings in Bioinformatics -
Nanotechnology in Regenerative Medicine and Drug Delivery Therapy
Haiyan Xu, Ning Gu
- Springer
- 21 Juillet 2020
- 9789811553868
The book focuses on the application of nanotechnologies in scaffold-guided tissue regeneration and in drug delivery systems for use in immunotherapy and overcoming drug resistance in cancer treatment. It covers a variety of topics, including nanomaterials for immunomodulation and immnunotherapy; molecular studies on self-assembly for peptides and DNA and related applications in tumor diagnosis and therapeutics and against human pathogenic bacteria; magnetic and conductive scaffolds for guiding tissue regeneration; multiple functions of magnetic nanoparticles in drug delivery and regenerative medicine; and re-purposing of traditional medicine in nano-formulations. In addition, it discusses common effects of nanomaterials, including reactive oxygen species and protein corona. Providing valuable insights and the presenting the latest research advances, the book allows readers to gain a systematic understanding of the topic.
Portraits of Chinese Schools
Mingyuan Gu, Jiansheng Ma, Jun Teng
- Springer
- 14 Mars 2017
- 9789811040115
This book unravels the mysteries of the Chinese school system to enable international scholars to better understand the logic of basic education in China. By collecting the latest, first-hand empirical data, it outlines a panoramic and vivid portrait of Chinese schools from principals', teachers', students' and parents' perspectives, including descriptions of their daily lives. It also interprets different stakeholders' duties and explains the unique characteristics and operation model of Chinese schools. It is of interest to all those who are concerned with the current situation and the future of the Chinese school system and basic education in China, especially international researchers, policymakers, and parents wanting to know what is really happening in schools.
An Introduction to Neural Information Processing
Peiji Liang, Si Wu, Fanji Gu
- Springer
- 22 Décembre 2015
- 9789401773935
This book provides an overview of neural information processing research, which is one of the most important branches of neuroscience today. Neural information processing is an interdisciplinary subject, and the merging interaction between neuroscience and mathematics, physics, as well as information science plays a key role in the development of this field. This book begins with the anatomy of the central nervous system, followed by an introduction to various information processing models at different levels. The authors all have extensive experience in mathematics, physics and biomedical engineering, and have worked in this multidisciplinary area for a number of years. They present classical examples of how the pioneers in this field used theoretical analysis, mathematical modeling and computer simulation to solve neurobiological problems, and share their experiences and lessons learned. The book is intended for researchers and students with a mathematics, physics or informatics background who are interested in brain research and keen to understand the necessary neurobiology and how they can use their specialties to address neurobiological problems. It is also provides inspiration for neuroscience students who are interested in learning how to use mathematics, physics or informatics approaches to solve problems in their field.
An Introduction to Meshfree Methods and Their Programming
G.R. Liu, Y.T. Gu
- Springer
- 5 Décembre 2005
- 9781402034688
The finite difference method (FDM) hasbeen used tosolve differential equation systems for centuries. The FDM works well for problems of simple geometry and was widely used before the invention of the much more efficient, robust finite element method (FEM). FEM is now widely used in handling problems with complex geometry. Currently, we are using and developing even more powerful numerical techniques aiming to obtain more accurate approximate solutions in a more convenient manner for even more complex systems. The meshfree or meshless method is one such phenomenal development in the past decade, and is the subject of this book. There are many MFree methods proposed so far for different applications. Currently, three monographs on MFree methods have been published. Mesh Free Methods, Moving Beyond the Finite Element Method d by GR Liu (2002) provides a systematic discussion on basic theories, fundamentals for MFree methods, especially on MFree weak-form methods. It provides a comprehensive record of well-known MFree methods and the wide coverage of applications of MFree methods to problems of solids mechanics (solids, beams, plates, shells, etc.) as well as fluid mechanics. The Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) Method d by Atluri and Shen (2002) provides detailed discussions of the meshfree local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method and itsvariations. Formulations and applications of MLPG are well addressed in their book.
Interaction Process and Chinese EFL Learners' Proficiency Development
Shanshan Gu
- Springer
- 1 Novembre 2017
- 9789811068355
This book provides readers a better understanding of the interaction-learning relationship in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context. It introduces theories on input, output, and learners' internal mechanisms, and presents the pedagogical implications of how to adapt focus-on-form instruction in Chinese EFL classrooms. As such, it will be of particular interest to those readers who want to explore the relationship between interaction and language acquisition.
Laser Additive Manufacturing of High-Performance Materials
Dongdong Gu
- Springer
- 21 Avril 2015
- 9783662460894
This book entitled "Laser Additive Manufacturing of High-Performance Materials" covers the specific aspects of laser additive manufacturing of high-performance new materials components based on an unconventional materials incremental manufacturing philosophy, in terms of materials design and preparation, process control and optimization and theories of physical and chemical metallurgy. This book describes the capabilities and characteristics of the development of new metallic materials components by laser additive manufacturing process, including nanostructured materials, in situ composite materials, particle reinforced metal matrix composites, etc. The topics presented in this book, similar as laser additive manufacturing technology itself, show a significant interdisciplinary feature, integrating laser technology, materials science, metallurgical engineering and mechanical engineering. This is a book for researchers, students, practicing engineers and manufacturing industry professionals interested in laser additive manufacturing and laser materials processing. Dongdong Gu is a Professor at College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), PR China.
Matching Theory for Wireless Networks
Zhu Han, Walid Saad, Yunan Gu
- Springer
- 25 Avril 2017
- 9783319562520
This book provides the fundamental knowledge of the classical matching theory problems. It builds up the bridge between the matching theory and the 5G wireless communication resource allocation problems. The potentials and challenges of implementing the semi-distributive matching theory framework into the wireless resource allocations are analyzed both theoretically and through implementation examples. Academics, researchers, engineers, and so on, who are interested in efficient distributive wireless resource allocation solutions, will find this book to be an exceptional resource.
Rendezvous in Distributed Systems
Zhaoquan Gu, Yuexuan Wang, Qiang-Sheng Hua, Francis C.M. Lau
- Springer
- 22 Août 2017
- 9789811036804
This book introduces novel solutions to the rendezvous problem in distributed systems, a fundamental problem that underpins the construction of many important functions in distributed systems and networks. The book covers rendezvous theories, distributed rendezvous algorithms, and rendezvous applications in practical systems, presents state-of-the-art rendezvous results and highlights the latest methods of rendezvous in distributed systems. It provides in particular an in-depth treatment of the blind rendezvous and oblivious blind rendezvous problems and their solutions. Further, it sheds new light on rendezvous applications in cognitive radio networks and rendezvous search in graphs. As such, it will also be of interest to readers from other research fields such as robotics, wireless sensor networks, and game theory.
Nanocrystals and Their Mesoscopic Organization is an up-to-date monograph on an important aspect of nanoscience and technology. It opens with an elegant introduction including a brief historical account. Emphasis is then given to diverse synthetic methods, both chemical and physical, in addition to modern hybrid methods. The orientation shifts gradually to properties of nanocrystals that evolve with size; detailed discussions are to be found on mesoscalar assemblies in different dimensions, special cases of core-shell and magic nuclearity nanocrystals. The authors also address applications of nanocrystals, carefully separating out potential applications and those that have already emerged, and cite around 900 references from the literature, most from the last decade. Tables providing information at a glance and schematic diagrams at relevant places, make the monograph appealing to read. Occasionally, the reader is reminded of the contributions of celebrated past masters such as Michael Faraday. In summary, the monograph serves as a general introduction as well as a handy reference for the entire community of researchers and practitioners.
Screen Media and the Construction of Nostalgia in Post-Socialist China
Zhun Gu
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 31 Janvier 2023
- 9789811974946
This book traces the cultural transformation of nostalgia on the Chinese screen over the past three decades. It explores how filmmakers from different generations have engaged politically with China's rapidly changing post-socialist society as it has been formed through three mutually constitutive frameworks: political discourse, popular culture and state-led media commercialisation. The book offers a new, critical model for understanding relationships between filmmakers, industry and the State.
The book focuses on various detection targets applied in single cell studies, including tumor tissue cells, circulating tumor cells (CTCs), disseminated tumor cells (DTCs), circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and cancer stem cells (CSCs). It also discusses and compares detection methods using these detection targets in different fields to reveal single cell biomedical functions. The volume focuses not only on the methods already been established and validated, and also the methods newly developed. The book also highlights the importance and potential of single cell biomedicine in the development and validation of precision medicine strategies. It is useful for researchers and students in the field of cell biology, molecular medicine and precision medicine etc.
Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Multi-physics Processes in Soil Mechanics and Advances in Geotechnical Testing
Liangbo Hu, Xiaoqiang Gu, Junliang Tao, Annan Zhou
- Springer
- 3 Mai 2018
- 9789811300950
This book is the second volume of the proceedings of the 4th GeoShanghai International Conference that was held on May 27 - 30, 2018. This conference showcased the recent advances and technology in geotechnical engineering, geoenvironmental engineering and transportation engineering. This volume, entitled "Multi-physics Processes in Soil Mechanics and Advances in Geotechnical Testing", covers a wide range of topics in soil mechanics, focusing on the behaviours of partially saturated soils, combined effects of multi-physics processes in geological materials and systems, and emerging methods and techniques in geotechnical in-situ testing and monitoring. This book may benefit researchers and scientists from the academic fields of soil and rock mechanics, geotechnical engineering, geoenvironmental engineering, transportation engineering, geology, mining and energy, as well as practical engineers from the industry.Each of the papers included in this book received at least two positive peer reviews. The editors would like to express their sincerest appreciation to all of the anonymous reviewers all over the world, for their diligent work.
RF System Design of Transceivers for Wireless Communications
Qizheng Gu
- Springer
- 6 Décembre 2005
- 9780387241623
RF System Design of Transceivers for Wireless Communications is for RF Engineers and, in particular, those engineers focusing mostly on RF systems and RFIC design. The author develops systematic methods for RF systems design, complete with a comprehensive set of design formulas. Its focus on mobile station transmitter and receiver system design also applies to transceiver design of other wireless systems such as WLAN. The book is filled with detailed wireless systems design information, and addresses specifications that are critical for the design process.
Additional highlights include:
- Fundamental information on communications, signal and system theories
- Coverage of superheterodyne, direct-conversion, low-IF, and band-pass sampling radio architectures
- Frequency planning, system link budgeting, and performance evaluation of transmitters and receivers
- Nonlinearity effect analyses involving intermodulation, interferer blocking, spectrum regrowth and modulation
- Approaches for specifying RF ASICs on which mobile systems are built
- AGC systems, ADC dynamic range consideration and power management are addressed
- In-depth treatment of both theoretical and practical aspects of mobile station RF system design
This comprehensive reference work covers a wide range of topics from general principles of communication theory, as it applies to digital radio designs to specific examples on implementing multimode mobile systems. Wireless engineering professionals will definitely find this an invaluable reference book. -
Exact Boundary Controllability of Nodal Profile for Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems
Tatsien Li, Ke Wang, Qilong Gu
- Springer
- 8 Novembre 2016
- 9789811028427
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the exact boundary controllability of nodal profile, a new kind of exact boundary controllability stimulated by some practical applications. This kind of controllability is useful in practice as it does not require any precisely given final state to be attained at a suitable time t=T by means of boundary controls, instead it requires the state to exactly fit any given demand (profile) on one or more nodes after a suitable time t=T by means of boundary controls. In this book we present a general discussion of this kind of controllability for general 1-D first order quasilinear hyperbolic systems and for general 1-D quasilinear wave equations on an interval as well as on a tree-like network using a modular-structure construtive method, suggested in LI Tatsien's monograph "Controllability and Observability for Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems"(2010), and we establish a complete theory on the local exact boundary controllability ofnodal profile for 1-D quasilinear hyperbolic systems.
Electrification of Particulates in Industrial and Natural Multiphase flows
Zhaolin Gu, Weiwei
- Springer
- 26 Juillet 2017
- 9789811030260
This book introduces comprehensive fundamentals, numerical simulations and experimental methods of electrification of particulates entrained multiphase flows. The electrifications of two particulate forms, liquid droplets and solid particles, are firstly described together. Liquid droplets can be charged under preset or associated electric fields, while solid particles can be charged through contact. Different charging ways in gas (liquid)-liquid or gas-solid multiphase flows are summarized, including ones that are beneficial to industrial processes, such as electrostatic precipitation, electrostatic spraying, and electrostatic separation, etc., ones harmful for shipping and powder industry, and ones occurring in natural phenomenon, such as wind-blown sand and thunderstorm. This book offers theoretical references to the control and utilization of the charging or charged particulates in multiphase flows as well.
Integrated Assessment Models of Climate Change Economics
Zheng Wang, Jing Wu, Changxin Liu, Gaoxiang Gu
- Springer
- 10 Mars 2017
- 9789811039454
This book describes the principles of integrated assessment models (IAM) for climate change economics and introduces various computable models for different development mechanisms under climate change governance. The authors present several new models they have constructed based on the RICE framework, specifically the MRICES((multi-factor RICE)) and EMRICES models, which incorporate global economic interactions into the RICE framework, and the CINCIA model, which describes technological advances and industrial structure evolution, introducing the mechanism of evolutionary economics.
The models discussed in the book help governments and policy-makers tackle climate change and take positive measures on climate governance as well as promote economic and social development to narrow the gaps between countries.
Perchlorate is a widespread, environmentally persistent contaminant recently discovered in U.S. groundwater and drinking water supplies. This book summarizes the most current knowledge and understandings of the extent and potential sources of perchlorate contamination, its behavior, exposure pathways in the environment, toxicology and risk assessment, and recent advances in treatment technologies for removing perchlorate. Its natural occurrence and its unique isotopic signature (between natural and anthropogenic sources) and novel detection techniques are discussed. A description of the perchlorate chemistry, microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, geochemical occurrences and environmental forensics, toxicology and risk assessment to engineering solutions and policy is provided. Also included are remediation technologies and monitoring tools for cleaning up contaminated sites including bioremediation, selective and regenerable ion-exchange, modified granular activated carbon, and catalyzed destruction.
Introduction to the Explicit Finite Element Method for Nonlinear Transient Dynamics
Shen R. Wu, Lei Gu
- Wiley
- 30 Juillet 2012
- 9781118382073
A systematic introduction to the theories and formulations of the explicit finite element method As numerical technology continues to grow and evolve with industrial applications, understanding the explicit finite element method has become increasingly important, particularly in the areas of crashworthiness, metal forming, and impact engineering. Introduction to the Explicit Finite Element Method for Nonlinear Transient Dynamics is the first book to address specifically what is now accepted as the most successful numerical tool for nonlinear transient dynamics. The book aids readers in mastering the explicit finite element method and programming code without requiring extensive background knowledge of the general finite element. The authors present topics relating to the variational principle, numerical procedure, mechanical formulation, and fundamental achievements of the convergence theory. In addition, key topics and techniques are provided in four clearly organized sections: o Fundamentals explores a framework of the explicit finite element method for nonlinear transient dynamics and highlights achievements related to the convergence theory o Element Technology discusses four-node, three-node, eight-node, and two-node element theories o Material Models outlines models of plasticity and other nonlinear materials as well as the mechanics model of ductile damage o Contact and Constraint Conditions covers subjects related to three-dimensional surface contact, with examples solved analytically, as well as discussions on kinematic constraint conditions Throughout the book, vivid figures illustrate the ideas and key features of the explicit finite element method. Examples clearly present results, featuring both theoretical assessments and industrial applications. Introduction to the Explicit Finite Element Method for Nonlinear Transient Dynamics is an ideal book for both engineers who require more theoretical discussions and for theoreticians searching for interesting and challenging research topics. The book also serves as an excellent resource for courses on applied mathematics, applied mechanics, and numerical methods at the graduate level.
Self-healing Control Technology for Distribution Networks
Xinxin Gu, Ning Jiang
- Wiley
- 7 Février 2017
- 9781119109365
Systematically introduces self-healing control theory for distribution networks, rigorously supported by simulations and applications
o A comprehensive introduction to self-healing control for distribution networks
o Details the construction of self-healing control systems with simulations and applications
o Provides key principles for new generation protective relay and network protection
o Demonstrates how to monitor and manage system performance
o Highlights practical implementation of self-healing control technologies, backed by rigorous research data and simulations