J. Duncan
Comparative Early Childhood Education Services
S. One
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 14 Avril 2012
- 9781137016782
This reconceptualizes the place of early childhood education within communities. It presents a shift in the lens of the teachers and management within early childhood services to incorporate new ways of working with, alongside, and in collaboration with family and the wider community.
L'intervention précoce en autisme : Avec le modèle de Denver pour les groupes d'enfants d'âge préscolaire ; Group-Based Early Start Denver Model (G-ESDM)
Giacomo Vivanti, Géraldine Dawson
- Dunod
- Les Ateliers du praticien
- 19 Juin 2024
- 9782100873050
L'intervention précoce en autisme avec le modèle de Denver (Early Start Denver Model - ESDM) s'effectue initialement de façon individuelle (1 enfant / 1 intervenant). Ce livre est une adaptation de ce modèle pour être utilisé avec des enfants d'âge préscolaire (avant l'entrée à l'école primaire, de 1 an à 5 ans) dans le cadre d'un groupe.
La ligne directrice du modèle (Group-Based Early Start Denver Model - G-ESDM) est de construire les bases d'un apprentissage social spontané afin que l'enfant puisse apprendre des autres dans toutes les expériences et contextes quotidiens, comme le font les autres enfants.
L'ouvrage décrit les principes et les procédures de ce modèle, fournit les directives pour la mise en oeuvre de programmes efficaces dans les établissements de santé publics et éducatifs. Les chapitres contiennent des stratégies pour concevoir et évaluer des interventions, constituer des équipes interdisciplinaires et organiser des espaces d'apprentissage. -
Animal Signaling and Function
Mark Briffa, Jeffrey Podos
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 1 Décembre 2014
- 9781118966600
The diversity of animal signals has been widely documented, and the generality of animal signals also tantalizingly suggests that there are common mechanisms that have selected for their origin. However, while much progress has been made on some fronts, we still lack a general theory about why the diversity of signaling structures exist. Our compilation will directly address this gap by focusing on an exciting new arena of sexual selection, namely using functional approaches to understand signaling. This approach is rooted in the idea that many signals are designed to transmit important functional imformation that is both important for issues of male quality (and hence male competition), and female choice. The increasing use of technology in sexual selection studies has enabled researchers to test whether signaling is either constrained by, or accurately transmits information about functional capacities. Further, in animals that fight vigorously, functional capacities such as endurance or strength may make the difference between winning and losing. This volume brings together a diverse collection of researchers who are actively investigating how function and signaling are related. These researchers use both a variety of methods and taxa to study animal signaling, and we believe that this integrative view is important to open up fresh vistas for why animal signals have evolved.
Structure from Motion in the Geosciences
Jonathan L. Carrivick, Mark W. Smith
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 15 Juillet 2016
- 9781118895825
Structure from Motion with Multi View Stereo provides hyperscale landform models using images acquired from standard compact cameras and a network of ground control points. The technique is not limited in temporal frequency and can provide point cloud data comparable in density and accuracy to those generated by terrestrial and airborne laser scanning at a fraction of the cost. It therefore offers exciting opportunities to characterise surface topography in unprecedented detail and, with multi-temporal data, to detect elevation, position and volumetric changes that are symptomatic of earth surface processes. This book firstly places Structure from Motion in the context of other digital surveying methods and details the Structure from Motion workflow including available software packages and assessments of uncertainty and accuracy. It then critically reviews current usage of Structure from Motion in the geosciences, provides a synthesis of recent validation studies and looks to the future by highlighting opportunities arising from developments in allied disciplines. This book will appeal to academics, students and industry professionals because it balances technical knowledge of the Structure from Motion workflow with practical guidelines for image acquisition, image processing and data quality assessment and includes case studies that have been contributed by experts from around the world.
This book tries to sort out the different meanings of uncertainty and to discover their foundations. It shows that uncertainty can be represented using various tools and mental guidelines. Coverage also examines alternative ways to deal with risk and risk attitude concepts. Behavior under uncertainty emerges from this book as something to base more on inquiry and reflection rather than on mere intuition.
Handbook of Green Chemistry and Technology
James H. Clark
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 15 Avril 2008
- 9781405172486
Sustainable development is now accepted as a necessary goal for achieving societal, economic and environmental objectives. Within this chemistry has a vital role to play.
The chemical industry is successful but traditionally success has come at a heavy cost to the environment. The challenge for chemists and others is to develop new products, processes and services that achieve societal, economic and environmental benefits.
This requires an approach that reduces the materials and energy intensity of chemical processes and products; minimises the dispersion of harmful chemicals in the environment; maximises the use of renewable resources and extends the durability and recyclability of products in a way that increases industrial competitiveness as well as improve its tarnished image. -
Neuroendocrinology with its well defined functions, inputs, and outputs, is one of the most fertile grounds for computational modeling in neuroscience. But modeling is often seen as something of a dark art. This book aims to display the power of modeling approaches in neuroendocrinology, and to showcase its potential for understanding these complex systems. A recurring theme in neuroendocrinology is rhythms. How are rhythms generated, and what purpose do they serve? Are these two questions inextricably intertwined? This book is written for innocents, presuming no math beyond high school or computing beyond calculators. It seeks to lead the curious into the thinking of the modeler, providing the tools to the reader to understand models, and even develop their own, giving life to paper diagrams. The diverse chapters, from ion channels to networks, systems, and hormonal rhythms, each tell the story of a model serving to join the hard won dots of experimentation, mapping a new understanding, and revealing hidden knowledge. Written by a team of internationally renowned researchers Both print and enhanced e-book versions are available Illustrated in full colour throughout This is the fourth volume in a new Series 'Masterclass in Neuroendocrinology' , a co- publication between Wiley and the INF (International Neuroendocrine Federation) that aims to illustrate highest standards and encourage the use of the latest technologies in basic and clinical research and hopes to provide inspiration for further exploration into the exciting field of neuroendocrinology. Series Editors: John A. Russell, University of Edinburgh, UK and William E. Armstrong, The University of Tennessee, USA
If the twenty-first century seems an unlikely stage for the return of a 14th-century killer, the authors of Return of the Black Death argue that the plague, which vanquished half of Europe, has only lain dormant, waiting to emerge again-perhaps, in another form. At the heart of their chilling scenario is their contention that the plague was spread by direct human contact (not from rat fleas) and was, in fact, a virus perhaps similar to AIDS and Ebola. Noting the periodic occurrence of plagues throughout history, the authors predict its inevitable re-emergence sometime in the future, transformed by mass mobility and bioterrorism into an even more devastating killer.
Implementing the Group-Based Early Start Denver Model for Preschoolers with Autism
Giacomo Vivanti, Géraldine Dawson
- Springer
- 16 Décembre 2016
- 9783319496917
This book examines a group-based adaptation of the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) designed for use with preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It describes the principles and procedures of the Group-Based Early Start Denver Model (G-ESDM) and provides practical and empirical guidelines for implementing effective, affordable programs across public healthcare and educational settings. Chapters offer rationales and strategies for designing and evaluating interventions, building interdisciplinary teams, and organizing learning spaces to engage student interest. Examples discuss the social interactions in groups that provide opportunities for learning, improving interpersonal skills, and reducing problem behaviors. In addition, the book offers ideas for retooling teaching strategies when an individual child lags behind the rest of the group.
Featured topics include:Creating treatment objectives in the G-ESDM.
Setting up the G-ESDM team and learning environment.
Development of the G-ESDM classroom curriculum.
Practical tools such as decision-making trees, teaching templates, and fidelity systems.
Facilitating learning through peer interactions and social participation. Implementing the Group-Based Early Start Denver Model for Preschoolers with Autism is a must-have resource for clinicians and practitioners as well as researchers, professors, and graduate students in the fields of child and school psychology, behavioral therapy, and social work along with psychiatry, pediatrics, and educational and healthcare policy.
Soil Strength and Slope Stability
Stephen G. Wright, Thomas L. Brandon
- Wiley
- 13 Août 2014
- 9781118917954
The definitive guide to the critical issue of slope stability and safety Soil Strength and Slope Stability, Second Edition presents the latest thinking and techniques in the assessment of natural and man-made slopes, and the factors that cause them to survive or crumble. Using clear, concise language and practical examples, the book explains the practical aspects of geotechnical engineering as applied to slopes and embankments. The new second edition includes a thorough discussion on the use of analysis software, providing the background to understand what the software is doing, along with several methods of manual analysis that allow readers to verify software results. The book also includes a new case study about Hurricane Katrina failures at 17th Street and London Avenue Canal, plus additional case studies that frame the principles and techniques described. Slope stability is a critical element of geotechnical engineering, involved in virtually every civil engineering project, especially highway development. Soil Strength and Slope Stability fills the gap in industry literature by providing practical information on the subject without including extraneous theory that may distract from the application. This balanced approach provides clear guidance for professionals in the field, while remaining comprehensive enough for use as a graduate-level text. Topics include: Mechanics of soil and limit equilibrium procedures Analyzing slope stability, rapid drawdown, and partial consolidation Safety, reliability, and stability analyses Reinforced slopes, stabilization, and repair The book also describes examples and causes of slope failure and stability conditions for analysis, and includes an appendix of slope stability charts. Given how vital slope stability is to public safety, a comprehensive resource for analysis and practical action is a valuable tool. Soil Strength and Slope Stability is the definitive guide to the subject, proving useful both in the classroom and in the field.
The Welfare of Domestic Fowl and Other Captive Birds
Penny Hawkins
- Springer
- 29 Décembre 2009
- 9789048136506
Animal welfare is attracting increasing interest worldwide, especially in developed countries where the knowledge and resources are available to (at least potentially) provide better management systems for farm animals, as well as companion, zoo and laboratory animals. The key requirements for adequate food, water, a suitable environment, appropriate companionship and good health are important for animals kept for all of these purposes. There has been increased attention given to farm animal welfare in many co- tries in recent years. This derives largely from the fact that the relentless pursuit of nancial reward and ef ciency, to satisfy market demands, has led to the devel- ment of intensive animal production systems that challenge the conscience of many consumers in those countries. In developing countries, human survival is still a daily uncertainty, so that p- vision for animal welfare has to be balanced against human needs. Animal welfare is usually a priority only if it supports the output of the animal, be it food, work, clothing, sport or companionship. In principle the welfare needs of both humans and animals can be provided for, in both developing and developed countries, if resources are properly husbanded. In reality, however, the inequitable division of the world's riches creates physical and psychological poverty for humans and a- mals alike in many parts of the world.
Earth, Animal, and Disability Liberation
Judy Bentley
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 30 Décembre 2022
- 9781636670843
This provocative and groundbreaking book is the first of its kind to propose the concept of Eco-ability: the intersectionality of the ecological world, persons with disabilities, and nonhuman animals. Rooted in disability studies and rights, environmentalism, and animal advocacy, this book calls for a social justice theory and movement that dismantles constructed «normalcy», ableism, speciesism, and ecological destruction while promoting mutual interdependence, collaboration, respect for difference, and inclusivity of our world. Eco-ability provides a positive, liberating, and empowering philosophy for educators and activists alike.