José Perez
Voici des femmes et des hommes qui ont inventé, créé, fondé. Ils ont cherché. Ils ont trouvé. Le basket, le pneu, le cognac, La Marseillaise et les montgolfières. La pénicilline, Bambi ou Corto. Le contrôle des naissances et la contraception. 96 portraits de femmes et d'hommes qui ont contribué au progrès de l'humanité. Humour et érudition. Tout public. L'auteur est journaliste, poète, dramaturge. Initié en 1995 au sein du GOB, il y a été vénérable maître.
Jain, Damien Perez, Léa Galice, Marcial Toledano, José manuel Robledo
- Dupuis
- Dupuis "Tous Publics"
- 7 Octobre 2022
- 9782808500289
Le monde, écrasé de pollution, s'est effondré au cours de la WWW : la World Weather War, conjonction de terribles phénomènes climatiques. Heureusement, CityZen, ville écoresponsable révolutionnaire, répare la Terre grâce à des arbres recyclant la pollution et la réinjectant dans le sol sous la forme d'hydrocarbures. Amal, une lycéenne modèle, se prépare à s'impliquer dans les actions militantes de CityZen sitôt ses études finies. Mais le jour où l'on découvre qu'elle héberge un oiseau de l'« extérieur » - donc pollué - et que sa sœur a probablement rejoint la « DicNature », une bande d'activistes souhaitant détruire CityZen, la vie de la jeune fille bascule... Entre l'amour de sa sœur et ses convictions écologistes, Amal va devoir choisir ! Vous connaissiez l'univers de la chanteuse Jain ? Découvrez l'univers de la scénariste, subtile observatrice des problématiques écologistes de notre temps. Artiste aux multiples facettes, la chanteuse Jain explore en compagnie de sa sœur Léa l'univers de la BD, épaulée par Damien Perez. Toledano, avec Robledo, creuse le sillon esthétique et futuriste d'albums tels que Tebori.
Le goût de la pensée en physique
José-philippe Pérez
- EDP Sciences
- SPOT Sciences
- 11 Mars 2021
- 9782759825516
En physique, la pensée semble souvent moins présente que la technique mathématique ou la technique expérimentale. Pourtant, ni les formules, ni les expériences ne peuvent suffire à la compréhension complète d'un phénomène ; le contexte historique, épistémologique, voire artistique, est, lui aussi, riche d'enseignement.
Dans ce livre, l'auteur tente de rapprocher à la fois discours, formules et expériences ; pour cela, il propose au lecteur de parcourir quatre siècles d'humanité scientifique, depuis Galilée avec sa relativité, jusqu'à Fert avec la spintronique. Il n'oublie pas la thermodynamique de Boltzmann, l'optique de Fresnel, l'électromagnétisme de Maxwell, la relativité d'Einstein et la quantique de Schrdinger. Ce long parcours lui permet de souligner, au-delà du relativisme, l'universalité, et, au-delà de la diversité, l'unité de la pensée en physique. -
How does the Galaxy work?
Emilio Javier Alfaro, Enrique Perez, Jose Franco
- Springer
- 30 Mars 2006
- 9781402026201
The Milky Way: Four Centuries of Discovery of the Galaxy.- Hi Clouds Beyond the Galactic Disk.- The Wham Northern Sky Survey and the Nature of the Warm Ionized Medium in the Galaxy.- The Structure of Galactic Hydrogen on the Largest Scales.- The Bu-Fcrao Galactic Ring Survey.- The View of the Interstellar Medium with the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey.- Dark Hydrogen in the Galactic Plane.- Diffuse Infrared Excess Features in the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey.- The Oxygen Abundance in Our Galaxy.- Ionization of the Galactic Halo.- Diffuse Ionized Gas and the Disk-Halo Interaction in Spiral Galaxies.- Are All the DIGs the Same?.- Radio Halos in Star Forming Galaxies.- Brackett-? Line Survey of the Ionized Hydrogen in the Galactic Plane.- Leaky H II Regions and Heliumionization in the Reynolds Layer.- Reynolds Layers in Nearby Galaxies: The Face-On View.- Volume Filling Factors of the Dig.- Latest Results of the Sethi Survey at Arecibo.- Job Accomplished? The Escape of Ionizing Radiation from the Disks of Spiral Galaxies.- Modeling the Diffuse Ionized Gas with Cloudy.- Diffuse Ionized Medium Panel Discussion.- Absorption Line Studies in the Halo.- Dynamical Evolution of High Velocity Clouds in the Galactic Halo.- Pulsar Bow Shocks as Probes of Warm Neutral Gas.- Highly Ionized HVCs Towards Pks 2155-304: Galactic or Extragalactic?.- Towards an Understanding of the Dynamics of the Milky Way.- Fuse Observations of Ovi Emission from the Galactic Fountain.- Pattern Speeds of Three Spirals Using Co and the Tremaine-Weinberg Method.- Gas Infall Onto the Superthin Ic 2233.- High-Velocity Gas Observed Towards the Shajn 147 Supernova Remnant.- Hot Gas in the Galaxy.- Bubbles and Superbubbles.- The Chandra View of M101: What Can We Learn About the Milky Way?.- Fuse Observationsof the Vela Supernova Remnant.- Circumstellar Interaction in Young Radio Supernovae.- Chandra Archive of Nearby Galaxies. I. Normal Galaxies.- Hi Shells in the 2nd Galactic Quadrant.- Key Science Programs for the Spear Mission.- Chandra Archive of Nearby Galaxies. II. Galaxies with Nuclear Activity.- Heating and Cooling in the ISM.- The Galactic Centre and Its Black Hole.- Stellar Metallicities and the Formation of the Galactic Bulge.- The Galactic Bar.- Stellar Distribution in the Galactic Disk from NIR Color-Magnitude Diagrams.- Stellar Clusters in the Nucleus of Galaxie.- Massive Young Clusters.- Deep Multicolor NIR Surver of the Galactic Plane.- Tracing the History of the Galaxy with Globular Clusters.- Tidal Debris in the Galactic Halo.- Star Formation in High-Redshift ISM.- Gas Inflow in Spiral Galaxies from Kiloparsec to Parsec Scale.- Open Clusters as Tracers of the Cygnus ARM.- Triaxial Bulge and In-Plane Bar of the Milky Way.- Tidal Shocks on Globular Clusters.- Evolution of Globular Cluster Populations in Compact Galaxy Groups.- Near IR Color-Magnitude Diagrams of Bulge Globular Clusters.- Magnetic Fields in the Milky Way and Other Spiral Galaxies.- The Origin of Galactic Magnetic Fields.- Magnetic Turbulence in the WIM.- Magnetic Fields and Spiral Structure.- Calculations of the Dynamo Coefficients in Galactic Magnetic Fields with Shear.- Galactic Magnetic Fields, from Radio Polarimetry of the WIM.- Radio Polarimetry in the Sothern Galactic Plane Survey.- The Truncation of the Stellar Disk of the Milky Way: A Magnetic Effect?.- The Parker Instability.- 3D MHD Modeling of the Galaxy.- The Frequency Evolution of Interstellar Pulse Broadening from Radio Pulsars.- 3D HD and MHD Adaptive Mesh Refinement Simulations of the Global and Local ISM.- The Turbulent Interstellar Medium: Insights and Questions from Numerical Models.- Hi: Temperatures, Magnetism, Turbulence, Morphology.- Cosmic Rays and ? Rays in the Galaxy.- Probing the Disk-Halo Connection Through the Local Interstellar Chimney.- The Spear (Spectroscopy of Emission from Astrophysical Radiation) Mission.- Dense Gas Contours Surrounding the Local Cavity: Comparison with the Soft X-Ray Background Emission Map.- Fuse Observations of the Hot Post-AGB Star ZNG 1 in the Globular Cluster M5.- 3D Simulations of the Local Bubble: How Much Ovi Can We Expect?.- XMM-Newton Observations of the Local Bubble and the Galactic Halo.- The Temperature of Massive Stars.- Fuse Survey Of The Local Interstellar Medium.- Diffuse Ovi Emission Towards the Loop I Superbubble.- The Local Bubble: Where is the ?300,000 K Gas?.- Is the Local Bubble Dead?.- Closing Remarks.
Exploiting Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs in Large Organisations
Jeff Z. Pan, Guido Vetere, Jose Manuel Gomez-Perez, Honghan Wu
- Springer
- 24 Janvier 2017
- 9783319456546
This book addresses the topic of exploiting enterprise-linked data with a particular focus on knowledge construction and accessibility within enterprises. It identifies the gaps between the requirements of enterprise knowledge consumption and "standard" data consuming technologies by analysing real-world use cases, and proposes the enterprise knowledge graph to fill such gaps.
It provides concrete guidelines for effectively deploying linked-data graphs within and across business organizations. It is divided into three parts, focusing on the key technologies for constructing, understanding and employing knowledge graphs. Part 1 introduces basic background information and technologies, and presents a simple architecture to elucidate the main phases and tasks required during the lifecycle of knowledge graphs. Part 2 focuses on technical aspects; it starts with state-of-the art knowledge-graph construction approaches, and then discusses exploration and exploitation techniques as well as advanced question-answering topics concerning knowledge graphs. Lastly, Part 3 demonstrates examples of successful knowledge graph applications in the media industry, healthcare and cultural heritage, and offers conclusions and future visions.
Managing Complexity
Cesareo Hernandez, Adolfo Lopez-Paredes, Jose M. Perez-Rios
- Springer
- 25 Juillet 2014
- 9783319047058
This book presents papers by experts in the field of Industrial Engineering, covering topics in business strategy; modelling and simulation in operations research; logistics and production; service systems; innovation and knowledge; and project management. The focus of operations and production management has evolved from product and manufacturing to the capabilities of firms and collaborative management. Nowadays, Industrial Engineering is concerned with the study of how to design, modify, control and improve the performance of complex systems. It has extended its scope to any physical landscape populated by social agents. This raises a major challenge to Industrial Engineering: managing complexity. This volume shows how experts are dealing with this challenge.
Basic Concepts in Nuclear Physics: Theory, Experiments and Applications
Jose-Enrique Garcia-Ramos, Clara E. Alonso, Maria Victoria Andres, Francisco Perez-Bernal
- Springer
- 17 Mai 2016
- 9783319211916
This volume covers invited papers presented during the La Rábida 2015 International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics, which can be considered heir of a well known series of triennial international summer schools on Nuclear Physics organized from 1982 till 2003 by the Basic Nuclear Physics group in the University of Sevilla. The La Rábida 2015 meeting offered to graduate students and young researchers a broad view of the field of Nuclear Physics. The first invited speaker presented the state-of-the-art of Relativistic Mean Field calculations. The second set of notes covers selected topics in gamma ray spectroscopy with exotic nuclei. The third speaker presented an introduction to the subject of severe accidents in nuclear power plants. In the fourth set of notes, the author illustrated how to use laser spectroscopy to determine very important observables of atomic nuclei. The fifth speaker devoted its notes to explain several aspects of neutrino physics. Finally, the sixth speakerpresented an overview of nuclear medicine and radiodiagnostic. In addition to this, the inclusion of the posters and seminars presented by the students gives a fresh and ample perspective on the many different problems of interest nowadays for the Nuclear Physics community.
Food Biopreservation
Antonio Galvez, Maria Jose Grande Burgos, Rosario Lucas Lopez, Ruben Perez Pulido
- Springer
- 20 Octobre 2014
- 9781493920297
The purpose of this Brief is to provide a global view of the concept of biopreservation and its potential and existing applications in the different food sectors. Biopreservation, an approach already experimented with by our ancestors, has been used empirically for centuries and now the rationale behind it is becoming increasingly popular, applied singly or in combination with novel and classical food processing technologies. The growing world population, together with the globalization of the food market and consumer demand for foods that are ready to eat, lightly preserved, fresh-tasting, and rich in flavor, nutrients, and bioactive compounds, is forcing the food industry to develop less aggressive food preservation methods.
Cuestiones de lingueística teórica y aplicada
Maria Del Carmen Fumero Perez, Jose Juan Batista
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 25 Novembre 2014
- 9783653992816
Este volumen se ocupa de cuestiones de lingüística teórica y aplicada. Entre las primeras se aborda un rasgo universal de la mente y el lenguaje humanos: la necesidad de clasificar el mundo que nos rodea. Sirven aquí de ejemplo las categorías gramaticales de dos lenguas muy alejadas de las indoeuropeas: las clases nominales del mancañá (una lengua de Senegal) y los clasificadores nominales del chino. Además, se trata también de la composición de palabras en español mediante prefijos y de los gentilicios. De las segundas dan cuenta estudios sobre dialectología canaria, traducción, literatura de viajes y enseñanza de segundas lenguas.
Coordinated Activity in the Brain
Jose Luis Perez Velazquez, Richard Wennberg
- Springer
- 28 Mai 2009
- 9780387937977
Increasing interest in the study of coordinated activity of brain cell ensembles reflects the current conceptualization of brain information processing and cognition. It is thought that cognitive processes involve not only serial stages of sensory signal processing, but also massive parallel information processing circuitries, and therefore it is the coordinated activity of neuronal networks of brains that give rise to cognition and consciousness in general. While the concepts and techniques to measure synchronization are relatively well characterized and developed in the mathematics and physics community, the measurement of coordinated activity derived from brain signals is not a trivial task, and is currently a subject of debate. Coordinated Activity in the Brain: Measurements and Relevance to Brain Function and Behavior addresses conceptual and methodological limitations, as well as advantages, in the assessment of cellular coordinated activity from neurophysiological recordings. The book offers a broad overview of the field for investigators working in a variety of disciplines (neuroscience, biophysics, mathematics, physics, neurology, neurosurgery, psychology, biomedical engineering, computer science/computational biology), and introduces future trends for understanding brain activity and its relation to cognition and pathologies. This work will be valuable to professional investigators and clinicians, graduate and post-graduate students in related fields of neuroscience and biophysics, and to anyone interested in signal analysis techniques for studying brain function.
"Perez Velazquez has written a little gem that I advise reading to anyone persuing a scientific career, as well as for the general public interested in the sociological aspects of science. It alerts the reader about the rise of a new type of scientist, buried in bureaucracy and financial issues. In contrast to past generations, this "new scientist" is sadly left with minimal time to dedicate to creative work. It studies the consequences of this state of affairs, the problems associated with peer reviewing, the dilemma of funding innovative research, the nature of corporate academic culture and the trivialization of scientific achievement by grant agencies and universities. It also provides possible solutions for these problems. All this is magnificently exemplified and documented, including personal experiences from the author and a touch of humor illustrated in the accompanying cartoons. Despite the humor, it is a serious piece of work that would also be useful for the conscientious academic worried about the difficulties of the current research scene."Marina Frantseva, MD, PhD
Jose Luis Perez Velazquez is a Spanish biochemist/biophysicist. He has a degree in Biochemistry and a PhD in Molecular Physiology & Biophysics. His research activities are mainly in the fields of the brain-behaviour relation at a high level of description, seeking principles of biological organisation. He worked as a senior scientist at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and was Professor at the University of Toronto, where he taught a graduate course on consciousness and self-awareness, which derived in part from his book The Brain-Behaviour Continuum (World Scientific). He also edited the book Coordinated Activity in the Brain (Springer), and edited special issues for The Journal of Biological Physics, Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience and Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. Currently he is a Research Scholar at the Ronin Institute, where he continues to investigate a possible global principle, a scheme that combines theoretical studies and experimental observations, aimed at conceptualizing how consciousness arises from the organization of matter.
Plantes et cultures nouvelles
Marie-Pierre Ruas, Antonio Malpica Cuello, Erik Thoen, Joan Thirsk, Jose Manuel Perez Garcia, Roberto Finzi, Christian V
- Presses universitaires du Midi
- 27 Février 2020
- 9782810709168
Parmi les divers vestiges enfouis dans le sol des sites archéologiques : tessons de poteries, outillages, ossements, les restes végétaux occupent une place non moins importante. Si les pollens ont toutes les chances d'avoir été apportés par le vent ou les insectes (entre autres), les graines et les fruits (ou semences) sont principalement transportés par les occupants du lieu à des fins diverses. Qu'elles soient fragmentées ou entières, les semences archéologiques sont les témoins directs d'activités et d'opérations quotidiennes, vitales ou non, liées à l'utilisation de plantes. Elles revêtent, par exemple, la forme de déchets agricoles, culinaires, excrémentiels, artisanaux ou encore celle de stocks entreposés dans des réserves qui furent incendiées.
A Practical Guide to Hybrid Natural Language Processing
Jose Manuel Gomez-Perez, Ronald Denaux, Andres Garcia-Silva
- Springer
- 16 Juin 2020
- 9783030448301
This book provides readers with a practical guide to the principles of hybrid approaches to natural language processing (NLP) involving a combination of neural methods and knowledge graphs. To this end, it first introduces the main building blocks and then describes how they can be integrated to support the effective implementation of real-world NLP applications. To illustrate the ideas described, the book also includes a comprehensive set of experiments and exercises involving different algorithms over a selection of domains and corpora in various NLP tasks.
Throughout, the authors show how to leverage complementary representations stemming from the analysis of unstructured text corpora as well as the entities and relations described explicitly in a knowledge graph, how to integrate such representations, and how to use the resulting features to effectively solve NLP tasks in a range of domains. In addition, the book offers access to executable code with examples, exercises and real-world applications in key domains, like disinformation analysis and machine reading comprehension of scientific literature. All the examples and exercises proposed in the book are available as executable Jupyter notebooks in a GitHub repository. They are all ready to be run on Google Colaboratory or, if preferred, in a local environment.
A valuable resource for anyone interested in the interplay between neural and knowledge-based approaches to NLP, this book is a useful guide for readers with a background in structured knowledge representations as well as those whose main approach to AI is fundamentally based on logic. Further, it will appeal to those whose main background is in the areas of machine and deep learning who are looking for ways to leverage structured knowledge bases to optimize results along the NLP downstream. -
The Spanish Military and Warfare from 1899 to the Civil War
Jose Vicente Herrero Perez
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 14 Septembre 2017
- 9783319547473
This book explores the attitudes of the Spanish army officer corps towards the evolution of warfare during the early decades of the twentieth century, and their influence on the armies of the Spanish Civil War. It examines how the Spanish military coped with technological innovations such as the machine gun and the tank, how it adapted the army´s battlefield doctrine to changes in warfare before the Civil War, and the influence of this doctrine on the outcome of the conflict. Of the different armed forces that fought in the Spanish Civil War, it is paradoxically the Spanish army that remains most forgotten - especially its military doctrine. Scholarship on the Spanish military in this period focuses on its politics, ideology and institutional reforms, touching upon 'hard' professional issues only superficially, if at all. Based on original research and using largely unstudied Spanish primary sources, this book fills a major scholarly gap in the history of the Spanish army and theSpanish Civil War.
Unconventional Techniques for the Production of Light Alloys and Composites
Jose Martin Herrera Ramirez, Raul Perez Bustamante, Cesar Augusto Isaza Merino, Ana Maria Arizmendi Morquecho
- Springer
- 22 Juin 2020
- 9783030481223
This book addresses methods used in the synthesis of light alloys and composites for industrial applications. It begins with a broad introduction to virtually all aspects of the technology of light alloys and composite materials for aircraft and aerospace applications. The basic theory of fiber and particle reinforcements; light metallic material characteristics and composite systems; components forms, and manufacturing techniques and processes are discussed. The book then progresses to describe the production of alloys and composites by unconventional techniques, such as powder metallurgy, sandwich technique, severe plastic deformation, additive manufacturing, and thermal spray, making it appropriate for researchers in both academia and industry. It will be of special interest to aerospace engineers.Provides a broad introduction to the technology used in manufacturing light alloys and composite materials;Describes the current technologies employed in synthesizing light alloys made from advanced materials;Focuses on unconventional techniques used to produce light alloys and composites in aerospace applications.
Many people spend considerable time seeking a sense of purpose in life and, concomitant with that, a sense of personal identity. This book demystifies this search, revealing why this search is a fallacy. The purpose is to inform readers about results in neuroscience and biophysics that may guide us to some liberation needed in the current age of great complexity in life with a diverse burden of chores; a deliverance from some afflictions that prevent individuals from achieving the true purpose of our lives. Among these afflictions we find two primordial concerns: the belief and subsequent attachment to a self, and the conviction that life must have a deep purpose in which we are major players. While this is a scientific text, it can easily be read by a lay audience, written with minimal technical jargon and with references to scientific papers enough to satisfy the curious. We have tried to extract the essence of scientific observations such that we can glimpse at those aforementioned concerns about the self and life, observations which help us comprehend what we are and what we become, the being and becoming of our own selves and natural phenomena around us. Jose Luis Perez Velazquez received a PhD in Molecular Physiology & Biophysics. His research seeks principles of biological organisation. He worked at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and was Professor at the University of Toronto. Currently he is a Research Scholar at the Ronin Institute and lives in the natural paradise of Asturias, in Northern Spain. Vera Nenadovic is a nurse practitioner, neuroscientist and entrepreneur. She has 30 years of experience in healthcare from First Nations communities to intensive care units. Her research focuses on predicting brain injury outcomes. She is a clinician and researcher at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab Hospital. Her startup company BrainsView is commercializing software that analyzes brainwaves to monitor brain function and recovery after head injury. She is married and lives in Toronto, with her husband and Rottweiler.
Learning and Teaching in the Music Studio
Juan Ignacio Pozo, Maria Puy Perez Echeverria, Guadalupe Lopez-Iniguez, Jose Antonio Torrado
- Springer
- 26 Avril 2022
- 9789811906343
This book advocates for a radical change in music teaching and learning methods, allowing for a break from the traditional conservatory model still in use in many classrooms. The product of twenty years of interdisciplinary work by musicians, music teachers, and psychologists, the book proposes to place the focus of music education on the students themselves and on their mental and physical activity, with the aim of helping them to manage their own goals and emotions. This alternative is based on a new theoretical framework, as well as numerous real, concrete examples of how to put it into practice with students of different ages and in different environments. This book focuses primarily on teaching instrumental music, but its content will be useful for any teacher, student, musician, or researcher interested in improving music education in any environment, whether formal or informal, in which it takes place
Chapters 3, 4, 6 and 18 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via -
El Hamlet de Moratín (1798): El Neoclasicismo frente al mito
Maria Jose Marin Perez
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 3 Février 2023
- 9783034346566
En 1798, Leandro Fernández de Moratín, uno de los más reconocidos autores del neoclasicismo español, publica la traducción de Hamlet. Su versión marca un hito en la recepción de la obra de William Shakespeare en España, pues se trata de la primera vez que la tragedia se traduce directamente del texto original. A pesar de la fidelidad con que traduce Moratín, el español muestra una actitud casi alérgica hacia la obra del bardo inglés, pues le parece un todo extraordinario a la par que monstruoso. Moratín duda del estatus de Shakespeare, al que algunos consideran un dios del teatro, y se escandaliza al contemplar escenas donde, a su juicio, los personajes no se expresan con el debido decoro. El paratexto que acompaña a la obra misma incluye notas a la traducción donde el autor español se ceba en sus críticas a la manera en la que Shakespeare compone su obra. El reparo que muestra ante la obra se hace especialmente evidente en los pasajes con contenido sexual, que se estudian al detalle en este monográfico. El análisis cualitativo de éstos, centrado en examinar los mecanismos que el autor emplea para la traslación de las expresiones de contenido más procaz, se sustenta asimismo en estudios de corpus, que nos permiten profundizar en otras cuestiones tales como la visión que ambos autores aportan de los personajes masculinos y femeninos (tanto en la tragedia como en sus obras completas) o la evolución de términos con contenido sexual a lo largo de los siglos.
Win or Lose in Rural Development
Eugenio Cejudo-Garcia, Francisco Antonio Navarro-Valverde, Jose Antonio Canete-Perez
- Springer
- 23 Février 2024
- 9783031486753
The aims of this book are: systematization and theorization of these projects; clarify and deepen the social and territorial effects of these initiatives; in-depth study of the causes that lead to the generation of successful projects in rural development; and abound in the reasons that lead specific projects to be failed in the access to LEADER support and be finally not implemented. This process of systematization and theorization would contribute to improving the decision-making in rural development, concretely the practice of these policies and initiatives.
The book shows the problems, results and best practices that cause the rural development in different areas along with Europe. The multidisciplinary and international character of the authors in the analysis of rural development will enrich the publication and facilitate the different and critical reflections on the contributions, errors and meaning of these rural development practices. -
Nous vivons aujourd'hui dans des sociétés où le rationalisme est roi. Par la négation de certains phénomènes inexpliqués, nous tuons le divin de ce monde et nous annihilons, de ce fait, une partie de ce qui fait notre humanité : un coeur spirituel, que chacun de nous possède, connecté directement à la source infinie de vie. La communication animale est un des nombreux moyens de réveiller la véritable conscience qui sommeille en nous.
Marées noires ; enjeux économiques
Julien Hay, Olivier Thébaud, José a. Pérez agundez, Pierre Cariou
- 1 Juin 2008
- 9782759202775
Les marées noires de l'Erika et du Prestige ont relancé le débat sur le fonctionnement du régime international de responsabilité et d'indemnisation pour les dommages causés par de telles pollutions et sur le rôle que ce régime pourrait jouer en matière de prévention des pollutions. L'ouvrage restitue les principaux résultats tirés d'un projet de recherche consacré à ces deux questions. Il étudie les difficultés de l'indemnisation des dommages causés par les marées noires, par l'analyse des principales catastrophes qui ont touché l'Europe ces trente dernières années. Il présente la manière particulière dont le dispositif international d'indemnisation porte le coût social des marées noires à la charge des différents acteurs de la chaîne du transport pétrolier et examine sa capacité à agir comme un instrument de prévention. L'ouvrage met enfin en lumière les multiples interactions qui existent entre pays, en termes de gestion du risque de pollution, et étudie leurs conséquences sur la forme actuelle du régime international et son efficacité préventive. Au-delà des chercheurs français et étrangers, cet ouvrage intéressera toutes les personnes concernées par les pollutions marines accidentelles.
Morphogenesis and Pathogenicity in Fungi
Jose Perez Martin, Antonio Di Pietro
- Springer
- 6 Janvier 2012
- 9783642229169
Infectious fungal diseases continue to take their toll in terms of human suffering and enormous economic losses. Invasive infections by opportunistic fungal pathogens are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in immuno-compromised individuals. At the same time, plant pathogenic fungi have devastating effects on crop production and human health. New strategies for antifungal control are required to meet the challenges posed by these agents, and such approaches can only be developed through the identification of novel biochemical and molecular targets. However, in contrast to bacterial pathogens, fungi display a wealth of "lifestyles" and modes of infection. This diversity makes it extremely difficult to identify individual, evolutionarily conserved virulence determinants and represents a major stumbling block in the search for common antifungal targets. In order to activate the infection programme, all fungal pathogens must undergo appropriate developmental transitions that involve cellular differentiation and the introduction of a new morphogenetic programme. How growth, cell cycle progression and morphogenesis are co-ordinately regulated during development has been an active area of research in fungal model systems such as budding and fission yeast. By contrast, we have only limited knowledge of how these developmental processes shape fungal pathogenicity, or of the role of the cell cycle and morphogenesis regulators as true virulence factors. This book combines state-of-the-art expertise from diverse pathogen model systems to update our current understanding of the regulation of fungal morphogenesis as a key determinant of pathogenicity in fungi.
Design and Diagnosis for Sustainable Organizations
Perez Rios Jose
- Springer
- 11 Janvier 2012
- 9783642223181
How can organizations and their managers face the tremendous complexity of the current environment? How can their compliance with the requirements of sustainability be evaluated? And how can new organizations be structured to ensure their viability? This book addresses these questions in a very practical way, essentially combining systems theory with cybernetics to help managers to evaluate and shape organizations by making accessible the wealth of knowledge contained in these fields. Importantly, it also provides guidelines for its practical application.
Discourses from Latin America and the Caribbean
Eleonora Esposito, Carolina Perez-Arredondo, Jose Manuel Ferreiro
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 13 Septembre 2018
- 9783319936239
This edited collection brings together the latest research on discourse and society in Latin America and Caribbean in one volume. Employing cross-cutting approaches to current political, institutional and media discourses, it bridges existing theoretical and analytical gaps between the socio-political macro issues and the micro aspects of linguistic analysis to provide fresh insights that deconstruct the complex socio-political power dynamics in Latin America and the Caribbean. Across eight chapters this volume explores the regions' thorny relationship with their complex histories of colonialism and slavery as well as the ongoing, multifaceted constructions of hegemonic and counter-hegemonic identities at the individual, regional and national levels. In doing so, it demonstrates the unique and rich particularities of these regions and why it is that they challenge many conventional dogmas and methods across the Social Sciences. This book will be of particular interest to scholarsworking in Discourse Studies, Sociology, Politics, Anthropology and Latin American and Caribbean Studies.