Klaus Schmidt
Paradis perdu au sud-est de la Turquie ? Stonehenge en Haute-Mésopotamie ? Depuis sa découverte en 1995, Gbekli Tepe déchaîne les passions. Fouillé sur une infime partie, le site néolithique a livré des bâtiments exceptionnels structurés par des centaines de piliers mégalithiques colossaux en forme de " T ". Élevés il y a 12 000 ans, 5 000 ans avant les menhirs de Carnac, 7 000 ans avant les pyramides, ces piliers sont presque tous couverts de fascinants bas-reliefs animaliers (fauves, renards, sangliers, grues, serpents...). Ce gigantesque ensemble bâti par des chasseurs-cueilleurs reste une énigme. Klaus Schmidt, le fouilleur de Gbekli Tepe décédé récemment, nous a laissé ici le passionnant et vivant récit de sa découverte et de son dégagement. Pour lui, après vingt ans de fouilles et d'études, ces enceintes de pierre constituent un " temple ", un grand centre cultuel révélateur d'une révolution religieuse qui aurait précédé la révolution agricole. Abondamment illustré, cet ouvrage plonge dans l'imaginaire des bâtisseurs à un moment charnière de l'histoire de l'humanité et à l'endroit même où le monde des chasseurs-cueilleurs bascula pour engendrer celui des agriculteurs-éleveurs. Une introduction vivante et documentée à l'histoire et à l'art du Néolithique au Proche-Orient.
Dieses Buch bietet eine ganzheitliche Darstellung von rollenbasierten Zugriffskonzepten. Damit greifen die Autoren die integrativen IT-Trends in Unternehmen auf, die neue Konzepte für Autorisierung und Authentisierung erfordern wie z. B. Single Point of Administration. Ausgehend von der bestehenden Situation in Unternehmen und der historischen Herleitung wird ein Überblick über die Berechtigungsproblematik gegeben. Die Autoren stellen praktische und handhabbare Technologien vor und geben konzeptionelle sowie generisch technologische Lsungsansätze und bewerten diese. Ein Buch für alle, die sich beruflich oder im Studium mit Berechtigungsverfahren und Zugriffsmanagement beschäftigen.
Companies and other organizations depend more than ever on the availability of their Information Technology, and most mission critical business processes are IT-based processes. Business continuity is the ability to do business under any circumstances and is an essential requirement modern companies are facing. High availability and disaster recovery are contributions of the IT to fulfill this requirement. And companies will be confronted with such demands to an even greater extent in the future, since their credit ratings will be lower without such precautions.
Both, high availability and disaster recovery, are realized by redundant systems. Redundancy can and should be implemented on different abstraction levels: from the hardware, the operating system and middleware components up to the backup computing center in case of a disaster. This book presents requirements, concepts, and realizations of redundant systems on all abstraction levels, and all given examples refer to UNIX and Linux systems. -
This handbook presents the basic aspects of actuarial loss reserving. Besides the traditional methods, it also includes a description of more recent ones and a discussion of certain problems occurring in actuarial practice, like inflation, scarce data, large claims, slow loss development, the use of market statistics, the need for simulation techniques and the task of calculating best estimates and ranges of future losses.
In property and casualty insurance the provisions for payment obligations from losses that have occurred but have not yet been settled usually constitute the largest item on the liabilities side of an insurer's balance sheet. For this reason, the determination and evaluation of these loss reserves is of considerable economic importance for every property and casualty insurer.
Actuarial students, academics as well as practicing actuaries will benefit from this overview of the most important actuarial methods of loss reserving by developing an understanding of the underlying stochastic models and how to practically solve some problems which may occur in actuarial practice. -
Ion Beams in Materials Processing and Analysis
Bernd Schmidt, Klaus Wetzig
- Springer
- 13 Décembre 2012
- 9783211993569
A comprehensive review of ion beam application in modern materials research is provided, including the basics of ion beam physics and technology. The physics of ion-solid interactions for ion implantation, ion beam synthesis, sputtering and nano-patterning is treated in detail. Its applications in materials research, development and analysis, developments of special techniques and interaction mechanisms of ion beams with solid state matter result in the optimization of new material properties, which are discussed thoroughly. Solid-state properties optimization for functional materials such as doped semiconductors and metal layers for nano-electronics, metal alloys, and nano-patterned surfaces is demonstrated. The ion beam is an important tool for both materials processing and analysis. Researchers engaged in solid-state physics and materials research, engineers and technologists in the field of modern functional materials will welcome this text.
Revised and updated, this highly acclaimed work, now in its fourth edition, remains the most comprehensive source of information available on organic pigments. It provides up-to-date information on synthesis, reaction mechanism, physical and chemical properties, test methods, and applications of all the industrially produced organic pigments available on the world market. This fourth edition now includes new chapters on the latest applications and three-dimensional X-ray analysis, while the chapters on legislation, ecology, and toxicology have been rewritten to reflect recent developments. Sets the international standard for information on the synthesis, reaction mechanisms, properties, relevant test methods, and applications of organic pigments Contains all industrially produced pigments of the world market, even those which can no longer be found in producers' catalogs are described Standardized methods allow test results to be compared throughout the book The reader is given useful hints as to which pigment is best for a given application Clearly structured and concise text with up-to-date references to the pertinent literature Ecological and toxicological properties of organic pigments are outlined Appendix offers invaluable flow diagrams on the manufacture of numerous pigments, a table of all described pigments with information about their C.I. and CAS registration, and an in-depth subject index
American Multiculturalism and Ethnic Survival
Renate Von Bardeleben, Sabina Matter-Seibel
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 12 Novembre 2012
- 9783653022995
In this collection of essays, Americanists from the United States, Germany, and Latvia enter the scholarly debate about the ever increasing pluralization of societies on the North American continent by correlating the issues of multiculturalism and ethnic survival. Spanning six centuries and covering the cultural work and literary representation of eight ethnic groups in the USA and Canada, the essays demonstrate that the scope of the debate has to be widened to reflect the complexity of a subject which has too long been reduced to convenient but simplistic binaries.