Mark Greaney
Et si le plus grand danger venait de l'intérieur ?Le retour grandiose du maître du techno-thriller.
Un officier de marine américain attaqué lors d'une sortie en famille.Un membre de la CIA démasqué à l'aéroport de Téhéran.
Comment les deux hommes ont-ils pu être localisés ?
Une importante faille de sécurité informatique pourrait être à l'origine de ces événements et avoir compromis les données personnelles de millions de militaires et de membres des services secrets américains à travers la planète.
Bientôt, des attentats spectaculaires sont commis sur le sol américain, qui semblent porter la signature de l'Etat islamique.
Stratégie de diversion ou déclaration de guerre ? Au président Jack Ryan et ses hommes de répondre...
En prise directe avec la géopolitique actuelle, le nouvel opus de la série Jack Ryan, n°1 sur la liste des best-sellers aux Etats-Unis, signé Tom Clancy. -
Et si le plus grand danger venait de l'intérieur ?Le retour grandiose du maître du techno-thriller.
Un officier de marine américain attaqué lors d'une sortie en famille.Un membre de la CIA démasqué à l'aéroport de Téhéran.
Comment les deux hommes ont-ils pu être localisés ?
Une importante faille de sécurité informatique pourrait être à l'origine de ces événements et avoir compromis les données personnelles de millions de militaires et de membres des services secrets américains à travers la planète.
Bientôt, des attentats spectaculaires sont commis sur le sol américain, qui semblent porter la signature de l'Etat islamique.
Stratégie de diversion ou déclaration de guerre ? Au président Jack Ryan et ses hommes de répondre...
En prise directe avec la géopolitique actuelle, le nouvel opus de la série Jack Ryan, n°1 sur la liste des best-sellers aux Etats-Unis, signé Tom Clancy. -
Plus connu sous le pseudonyme de " Gray Man ", ce tueur à gages est devenu légendaire pour sa discrétion et son efficacité, il parvient toujours à abattre sa cible avant de disparaître. Jusqu'à ce que sa tête soit mise à prix. Coauteur avec Tom Clancy des aventures de Jack Ryan, Mark Greaney signe un thriller dont l'adaptation est diffusée sur Netflix en 2022.Ceux qui oeuvrent dans l'ombre le connaissent sous le nom de Gray Man. Tueur à gages implacable devenu une légende pour sa discrétion et sa terrible efficacité, il enchaîne les missions et parvient toujours à abattre sa cible avant de disparaître.
Aujourd'hui, la tête de Gray Man est mise à prix. Seul, il doit sans cesse se déplacer pour échapper aux mercenaires qui veulent l'éliminer. La frontière est dès lors abolie entre tuer pour gagner sa vie et tuer pour sauver sa peau...
De l'Irak à la France, en passant par Londres, Prague, Budapest et la Suisse, un thriller d'action où magouilles financières, enjeux géopolitiques et exécutions sommaires sont étroitement mêlés. Gray Man ? Un Jason Bourne dopé au Red Bull et aux amphétamines ! -
Troisième volet des aventures de Gray Man, cet ancien de la CIA devenu le tueur à gages le plus redouté de la planète. Aujourd'hui opposé à un redoutable cartel de drogue mexicain, Gray Man veut venger un ami... et éviter les balles. Le premier film, avec Chris Evans et Ryan Gosling, tiré de la série a été en 2022 l'un des plus gros succès d'audience de Netflix.
" Un thriller sous haute tension qui ne nous laisse pas reprendre notre souffle. " Chicago Sun-Times Court Gentry, ancien de la CIA devenu tueur à gages, est rattrapé par son passé sanglant lorsqu'un baron du crime russe, assoiffé de vengeance, retrouve sa trace.
En quête d'un lieu sûr, celui que l'on surnomme Gray Man quitte en catastrophe la forêt amazonienne pour se réfugier chez l'un des rares hommes en qui il a confiance.
Mais, quand il arrive chez son ami, ce dernier vient d'être liquidé par les membres du redoutable cartel de drogue mexicain qu'il combattait.
Gray Man se retrouve alors plongé dans une guerre qui n'est pas la sienne. Et, dans ce conflit, il n'y a qu'un camp à choisir, celui des survivants...
" De l'action non-stop, des scènes explosives... Tourner les pages de ce thriller, c'est se retrouver plongé au coeur d'un jeu vidéo ultime. " The New York Times -
Connu sous le pseudonyme de Gray Man, ce tueur à gages est devenu légendaire pour sa discrétion et son efficacité. Aujourd'hui pris entre deux feux - tuer un dictateur africain ou lui laisser la vie sauve -, le Gray Man est devenu la cible. Adaptée et diffusée en 2022, avec Chris Evans et Ryan Gosling, cette aventure a été l'un des plus gros succès d'audience de Netflix.
Au tour du Gray Man de devenir la cible... La suite du best-seller de Mark Greaney, l'un des plus gros succès de NetflixIl y a quatre ans, Court Gentry a été lâché par les siens. Depuis, cet ancien agent de la CIA vit dans l'ombre. Devenu tueur à gages, il est désormais connu sous le nom de Gray Man.
Aujourd'hui, son nouveau commanditaire russe veut qu'il abatte un président africain. Mais un " vieil ami " des forces spéciales qu'il croyait mort reprend contact avec lui. Et lui ordonne de livrer vivant le dictateur aux autorités américaines.
Gray Man se retrouve pris entre deux feux. Quoi qu'il fasse, il mécontentera l'un des deux camps. Et il le paiera au prix fort.
Aujourd'hui, la cible c'est lui.
" Le Gray Man ? Un Jason Bourne dopé au Redbull et aux amphétamines ! " The Memphis Commercial Appeal" Un roman qui ne laisse pas une seconde de répit. Les accros à l'adrénaline vont adorer ! "Chicago Sun Times -
Court Gentry was the CIA's best agent - until the day the Agency turned against him and put out a kill-on-sight order. That's when the enigmatic international assassin called the Gray Man was born, and Court has been working for himself ever since.
Court is determined to find out what happened all those years ago to make the Agency turn against him. On his list to interrogate are his former partners and the men who sent him on his last mission. What he doesn't realize is that the questions that arose from that mission are still reverberating in the US intelligence community, and he's stumbled onto a secret that powerful people want kept under wraps. And now they have him in their crosshairs.
Court is used to having people on his trail, but this time, it's on US soil - the last place he wants to be. He'll have to find the answers to his fate while evading capture . . . and avoiding death. -
Ex-CIA assassin Court Gentry thought he could find refuge living in the Amazon rain forest. But his bloody past finds him when a vengeful Russian crime lord forces him to go on the run once again. Court makes his way to one of the only men in the world he can trust-and arrives too late. His friend is dead and buried.
Years before, Eddie Gamboa had saved Court's life. Now, Eddie has been murdered by the notorious Mexican drug cartel he fought to take down. And Court soon finds himself drawn into a war he never wanted. But in this war, there are no sides - only survivors... -
Ex-CIA master assassin Court Gentry has always prided himself on his ability to disappear at will, to fly below the radar and exist in the shadows - to survive as the near-mythical Gray Man. But when he takes revenge upon a former employer who betrayed him, he exposes himself to something he's never had to face before.
A killer who is just like him.
Code-named Dead Eye, Russell Whitlock is a graduate of the same ultra-secret Autonomous Asset Program that trained and once controlled Gentry. But now, Whitlock is a free agent who has been directed to terminate his fellow student of death. He knows how his target thinks, how he moves, and how he kills. And he knows the best way to do the job is to make Gentry run for his life - right up until the moment Dead Eye finally ends it... -
'I love the Gray Man' -- LEE CHILD
While on a mission to Croatia, Court Gentry uncovers a human trafficking operation. The trail leads from the Balkans all the way back to Hollywood.
Court is determined to shut it down, but his CIA handlers have other plans. The criminal ringleader has actionable intelligence about a potentially devastating terrorist attack on the US. The CIA won't move until they have that intel. It's a moral balancing act with Court at the pivot point.
From Mark Greaney, the New York Times bestselling author of Mission Critical and a co-author of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan novels, comes another high-stakes thriller featuring the world's most dangerous assassin: the Gray Man. -
Disappearing intelligence analysts lead the Gray Man deep into a conspiracy in the latest explosive novel from number one New York Times bestseller Mark Greaney.
The first agent's disappearance was a puzzle.
The second was a mystery.
The third was a conspiracy.
Intelligence operatives around the world are disappearing. When a missing American agent reappears in Venezuela, Court Gentry, the Gray Man, is dispatched to bring him in, but a team of assassins has other ideas. Court escapes with his life and a vital piece of intelligence.
Meanwhile, CIA agent Zoya Zakharova is in Berlin. Her mission: to infiltrate a private intelligence firm with some alarming connections. The closer she gets to answers, the less likely she is to get out alive.
Court and Zoya are just two pieces on this international chessboard, and they're about to discover one undeniable truth: sometimes capturing a king requires sacrificing some pawns.
*** And preorder the new novel in the Gray Man series SIERRA SIX now *** -
Before he was the Gray Man, Court Gentry was Sierra Six, the junior member of a CIA action team.
In their first mission they took out a terrorist leader, but at a terrible price - the life of a woman Court cared for. Years have passed and now The Gray Man is on a simple mission when he sees a ghost: the long-dead terrorist, but he's remarkably energetic for a dead man.
A decade may have gone by but the Gray Man hasn't changed. He isn't one to leave a job unfinished or a blood debt unpaid.
'I love the Gray Man'
Lee Child
'So propulsive, the murders so explosive, that flipping the pages feels like playing the ultimate videogame'
New York Times -
Ceux qui oeuvrent dans l'ombre le connaissent sous le nom de Gray Man. Plus connu sous le pseudonyme de "Gray Man", tueur à gages implacable devenu une légende pour sa discrétion et sa terrible efficacité, il enchaîne les missions et parvient toujours à abattre sa cible avant de disparaître.
Aujourd'hui, la tête de Gray Man est mise à prix. Seul, il doit sans cesse se déplacer pour échapper aux mercenaires qui veulent l'éliminer. La frontière est dès lors abolie entre tuer pour gagner sa vie et tuer pour sauver sa peau...
De l'Irak à la France, en passant par Londres, Prague, Budapest et la Suisse, un thriller d'action où magouilles financières, enjeux géopolitiques et exécutions sommaires sont étroitement mêlés. Gray Man ? Un Jason Bourne dopé au Red Bull et aux amphétamines !
Coauteur avec Tom Clancy des aventures de Jason Bourne, Mark Greaney signe un thriller dont l'adaptation est diffusée sur Netflix en 2022. -
One last job, out of the fire, and into hell...
'Armored's gritty military authenticity truly grips' --- THE TIMES
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Gray Man series comes a very different kind of hero.
Joshua Duffy is a Close Protection Agent - a professional bodyguard, and he's one of the world's elite operatives. That is he was until his last mission in Lebanon. Against all odds, Josh got his primary out alive, but the cost was high. Josh lost his lower left leg.
There's not much call for an elite bodyguard with such an injury. So, Josh has to support his family working as a mall cop in Jersey. For a man like Josh this is purgatory on earth, but even in Paramus miracles occur.
A lucky run in with an old comrade promises to get Josh back in the field for one last job. The UN is sending a peace mission into the Sierra Madre Mountains in Mexico, an area so dangerous it's known as Espinazo del Diablo (The Devil's Spine). Only a fool would think they could broker peace between the homicidal drug cartels in the region and only a madman would sign on to keep those fools alive.
Soon to be a major film by Michael Bay, Armored is a gasp-a-minute rollercoaster of a thriller. -
'I love the Gray Man'
Lee Child
The Gray Man is back in another nonstop international thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan novels
Court Gentry is back in action. This time he's working on behalf of a well-connected group of Syrian expats to secure the Syrian president's mistress so they can use her to bring down the president's regime. But the expats' plan goes awry when it's discovered the mistress has a baby--the Syrian president's only male heir--hidden away in a Damascus safe house.
Court goes after the baby, a decision that comes at the price of the mistress's life. The expat organization deems the boy now useless to their cause and refuses to protect him against the Syrian first lady and the notorious Swiss assassin in her employ. With no support on the way, Court realizes he'll have to take down the Syrian president himself if he and the boy are going to make it out alive...
'A can't miss' Publishers Weekly
'Greaney cranks out one winner after another' Kirkus
'One of the top must-read thrillers of 2018' The Real Book Spy -
Artificial intelligence leads to shockingly real devastation in this new novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Gray Man series.
A car accident in Japan.
A drowning in Seoul.
A home invasion in Boston.
Someone is killing the world's leading experts on robotics and artificial intelligence. Is it a tech company trying to eliminate the competition or something even more sinister? After all, AI may be the deadliest battlefield gamechanger since the creation of gunpowder.
Meanwhile, the quest for a quiet life has led the Gray Man to Central America, where he and his lover Zoya Zakharova have assumed new identities. Eventually, they're tracked down and offered a job by an old acquaintance of Zoya's: to extract a Russian scientist who is on the kill list. They reject it, but just being seen with him is enough to put assassins on their trail.
Now, they're back on the run, but no matter which way they turn, whoever's tracking them is always one step ahead. Since flight's no longer possible, fight is the only option left, and no one fights dirtier than the Gray Man. -
Connu sous le pseudonyme de Gray Man, ce tueur à gages est devenu légendaire pour sa discrétion et son efficacité. Aujourd'hui pris entre deux feux - tuer un dictateur africain ou lui laisser la vie sauve -, le Gray Man est devenu la cible. Adaptée et diffusée en 2022, avec Chris Evans et Ryan Gosling, cette aventure a été l'un des plus gros succès d'audience de Netflix.
Au tour du Gray Man de devenir la cible... La suite du best-seller de Mark Greaney, l'un des plus gros succès de NetflixIl y a quatre ans, Court Gentry a été trahi par les siens. Depuis, cet ancien agent de la CIA est devenu tueur à gages. Et tous le connaissent désormais sous le nom du Gray Man.
Aujourd'hui, un " vieil ami " qu'il croyait mort reprend contact avec lui. Et Gray Man n'a d'autre choix que d'accepter la mission quasi impossible que lui confie ce marchand d'armes russe : abattre un président africain.
Mais la CIA a d'autres visées pour le dictateur. Elle le veut vivant.
Gray Man se retrouve dès lors pris entre deux feux. Quoi qu'il fasse, il mécontentera l'un des deux camps. Et il le paiera au prix fort. Aujourd'hui, la cible c'est lui.
" Le Gray Man ? Un Jason Bourne dopé au Redbull et aux amphétamines ! "
The Memphis Commercial Appeal -
The killer second Gray Man thriller by number one New York Times-bestseller Mark Greaney sees the past catching up with Court Gentry with fatal results.
Four years ago, Court Gentry was betrayed by his handlers in the CIA. To survive, he has to eliminate his own brothers in arms. Now, as a master assassin known as the Gray Man, he makes his living killing other people. But when an old comrade he thought dead returns to haunt him, his own life is put in the crosshairs.
The man wants Court to complete a mission - but instead of an assassination, the job will entail a nearly impossible kidnapping - and Court must return his quarry to the very CIA team that turned on him...
Soon to be a major Netflix series, On Target takes the Gray Man into the depths of danger - and ready to fight. -
Mark Greaney, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Tom Clancy's recent Jack Ryan novels, delivers another breakneck thriller following the world's deadliest assassin - the Gray Man.
After five years on the run, 'The Gray Man' - Court Gentry - is back on the inside at the CIA. His first mission makes him wish he wasn't, when a pair of Chinese agents try to take him down in Hong Kong. Normally the Chinese stay eyes-only on foreign agents - why are they on such high alert?
Court's high-stakes hunt leads to an old friend, Donald Fitzroy, who is being held hostage by the Chinese. Fitzroy was contracted to find Fan Jiang, a former member of an ultra-secret unit responsible for testing China's security systems. But Fan was too good at his job . . .
The first two teams Fitzroy sent to find Fan have disappeared and the Chinese have decided to 'supervise' the next operation. What they don't know is that Gentry's mission is to find Fan first and get his intel to the US - and get out alive . . . -
From Mark Greaney, the New York Times bestselling author of Gunmetal Gray and a co-author of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan novels, comes a high-stakes thriller featuring the world's most dangerous assassin: the Gray Man.
Court Gentry's flight on a CIA transport plane is interrupted when a security team brings a hooded man aboard. They want to kick Gentry off the flight but are overruled by CIA headquarters. The mystery man is being transported to England where a joint CIA/MI6 team will interrogate him about a mole in Langley.
When they land in an isolated airbase in the UK, they are attacked by a hostile force and the prisoner is kidnapped. Only Gentry escapes. His handlers send him after the attackers, but what can one operative do against a trained team of assassins? A lot, when that operative is the Gray Man. -
You've seen the worldwide #1 Netflix film - now read the latest breathtaking Gray Man thriller
Court Gentry is caught between the Russian mafia and the CIA in the new novel from the new king of the electrifying non-stop action thriller.
When you kick over a rock, you never know what's going to crawl out.
Alex Velesky is about to discover that the hard way. He's stolen records from the Swiss bank that employs him, thinking that he'll uncover a criminal conspiracy. But he soon finds that he's tapped into the mother lode of corruption. Before he knows it, he's being hunted by everyone from the Russian mafia to the CIA.
Court Gentry and his erstwhile lover, Zoya Zakharova, find themselves on opposites poles when it comes to Velesky. They both want him but for different reasons.
That's a problem for tomorrow. Today they need to keep him and themselves alive. Right now, it's not looking good. -
Mark Greaney
- Sphere
- 25 Juin 2024
- 9780751583601
An African coup may force Josh Duffy to choose between his mission and his family in this intense thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Gray Man series.
Josh Duffy and his wife Nikki are both working for the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service providing protection for diplomats in the field. They've been sent to Ghana with a team of US embassy personnel who are there to highlight American commitment to the construction of a new dam.
Since Ghana is a stable democracy, the Duffy children have come along for a short vacation. But stability proves to be fleeting when a Chinese plan to embarrass the US means the destruction of the dam. Now Josh and his protectees are on the run caught between a Chinese hit squad and a rebel army. -
From the New York Times bestselling author of the Gray Man series comes a startlingly realistic novel of World War III.
A desperate Kremlin takes advantage of a military crisis in Asia to simultaneously strike into Western Europe and invade east Africa in a bid to occupy three Rare Earth mineral mines that will give Russia unprecedented control over the world's hi-tech sector for generations to come.
Pitted against the Russians are a Marine lieutenant colonel pulled out of a cushy Pentagon job, a French Special Forces captain and his intelligence operative father, a young Polish partisan fighter, an A-10 Warthog pilot, and the commander of an American tank platoon who, along with his German counterpart, fight from behind enemy lines.
Through grand land, sea, and air battles to a small unit fighting hand-to-hand in the jungle, Russia and the US face off in a terrifying but thrilling battle for world dominance - with constant the threat of a Russian nuclear detonation ever present.