24 produits trouvés
Les nouvelles beautés fatales : les troubles alimentaires comme pathologies de l'image
Vannina Micheli-rechtman
- Eres
- Figures de la psychanalyse - livres
- 25 Mai 2022
- 9782749273518
Les troubles des conduites alimentaires, anorexie et boulimie, sont un phénomène contemporain et sociétal en pleine expansion, accéléré par l'utilisation massive d'Internet. Ils appartiennent à un nouveau domaine d'expression de la souffrance intime que l'auteure désigne comme « pathologies de l'image ».
À partir de son expérience clinique de psychiatre spécialiste des addictions, de psychanalyste et de philosophe, l'auteure analyse les liens entre les troubles des conduites alimentaires et les représentations du corps des femmes. La prolifération spectaculaire des images, qui vont jusqu'aux photos de soi produites par soi, via les réseaux sociaux, et leurs simulacres retouchés dans les magazines de mode, participe au développement d'une relation pathologique de la femme avec son propre corps.
Ainsi l'anorexie et la boulimie permettent de mieux saisir notre époque où l'image, le corps, la mode, la beauté et le paraître constituent les termes de l'inscription postmoderne des sujets. Comment les femmes s'accommodent-elles d'un corps pris dans les attentes sociales ? Comment certaines, en parodiant jusqu'à la caricature cette idéalisation extérieure à leur propre chair, en font-elles le sacrifice ? Car tel est aussi le destin des troubles des conduites alimentaires comme pathologies de l'image : commettre le sacrifice du corps afin d'atteindre l'idéal éphémère d'une beauté contemporaine.ebook (ePub) 12.99 €La psychanalyse face à ses détracteurs
Vannina Micheli-rechtman
- Flammarion
- Champs
- 12 Octobre 2010
- 9782081254817
Plus d'un siècle après sa naissance, la psychanalyse est toujours l'objet de controverses et d'attaques virulentes. Son histoire est jalonnée de batailles et de remises en question qui montrent la nécessité d'examiner sa place dans la société, d'interroger son épistémologie, afin de maintenir vivants son développement et sa transmission en sortant d'une position essentiellement défensive.
Les détracteurs contemporains puisent dans les dogmes modernes de la science les éléments de leur contestation, mais Freud en avait déjà anticipé les principales tendances.
En développant une généalogie de l'interprétation, un des concepts clefs de la théorie et de la pratique psychanalytique, l'auteur entreprend de resituer les différentes critiques dans leur contexte historique. La psychanalyse est ici en débat avec l'herméneutique (en montrant comment le freudisme en modifie son histoire), avec la science (en partant de la querelle entre les sciences de la nature et les sciences de l'esprit), enfin avec la philosophie du langage (puisque Wittgenstein se présentait comme un "disciple" de Freud).
Trois temps, trois débats, trois perspectives théoriques dont les racines permettent de renouer le fil d'un conflit moderne des paradigmes.ebook (ePub) 9.99 €Du cinéma à la psychanalyse, le féminin interrogé
Vannina Micheli-rechtman, Jean-jacques Moscovitz
- Eres
- Le regard qui bat
- 6 Décembre 2014
- 9782749238159
La psychanalyse et le cinéma, dont les naissances sont simultanées, peuvent se rejoindre dans cette interrogation commune sur le féminin et ses représentations, dont la folie fait partie : comment montrer, mettre en scène, les arcanes de la position féminine ? L'image de la féminité, qui trouve une expression particulièrement saisissante dans le cinéma, se construit à partir de représentations évoluant au cours de l'histoire, et se modifie au fil du temps et des époques. Mais la permanence et la multiplicité des représentations de cette figure du féminin avec ses interrogations, voire ses débordements quand il s'agit de la folie, n'est peut-être pas qu'un simple produit de l'histoire, ou du contexte social et culturel du moment. Derrière les évolutions et les mutations qui semblent contraindre les corps à se plier à des contingences sociales ou artistiques, il subsiste des permanences qui échappent à la mode et à ses processus, comme elles échappent également à ses supports ou à ses destinataires.
ebook (ePub) 16.99 €Le patrimoine de l'autre ; dynamique sociale d'une ingérence culturelle
Francesca de Micheli, Antigone Mouchtouris
- Le Manuscrit
- Topos
- 7 Juin 2019
- 9782304047776
Cet ouvrage traite d'un sujet d'une extrême actualité : la destruction et le rapt culturel, véritable appropriation des biens et des oeuvres de l'esprit. La domination n'est pas que matérielle ou reposant sur la gestion du sol, mais est aussi intellectuelle. Elle sert à falsifier l'histoire et déposséder un peuple de son passé, tout en l'infériorisant. A partir du XVIIIe siècle, nous avons assisté dans l'histoire à un réel déplacement des biens culturels, à l'instar de ceux des êtres humains et des matières premières. La puissance d'un Etat est représentée par la mise à disposition de l'autre, provoquant chez les pays dominés un traumatisme social dans la formation de l'identité. Faire table rase du passé, de ce passé qui dérange. Cela démontre la façon dont le passé culturel fait peur. Se l'approprier ou le détruire sont des façons d'attaquer l'intime de la formation de l'identité de l'autre, afin que celui-ci ne puisse pas s'exprimer ou se révolter pour atteindre son autonomie.
ebook (ePub) 9.99 €Le fils de l'oiseau tonnerre ; l'héritage spirituel ancestral transmis par un indien Crow
Sylvie Micheli
- Véga Editions
- 9 Mai 2018
- 9782858299249
L'héritage ancestral transmis par un indien Crow
Ce livre relate l'histoire vraie d'un indien Crow, mais aussi les pratiques, les rituels sacrés et les coutumes de sa tribu. Il raconte sa vie au sein de la réserve, l'histoire de son peuple et du génocide amérindien, son adolescence et sa vie jusqu'à son arrivée à Paris, lorsqu'il a été recruté par un grand parc d'attractions pour jouer dans un spectacle, il y a de cela vingt-deux ans.ebook (ePub) 13.99 €Successful Networking in a Week: Teach Yourself
Micheli Dena
- Teach Yourself
- 15 Juin 2012
- 9781444159691
Networking just got easier
Networking is a word that is firmly embedded in our vocabulary. It is not unusual to hear the word used to describe a range of activities and behaviours.
The activities of a successful networker are often focussed on outcomes. Our research and observations suggest that successful networkers build their networks by developing close relationships with work colleagues, professional communities and associations and virtually, through social and professional networking sites, referrals and references from friends or colleagues.
The behaviours of a successful networker are often social. Successful networkers may be considered to be gregarious; when you observe them, it becomes clear they build relationships through empathic connections, being respectful, purposeful and reciprocal relationships that are founded on principles such as 'do as you would be done by'.
Individuals respond to the word network in different ways. However you respond to the word, networks can make the difference for you personally and professionally. Networking In A Week is designed to help you understand, benefit from and develop your network.
Each of the seven chapters in Networking In A Week covers a different aspect:
- Sunday: Networks and networking
- Monday: Personal networks
- Tuesday: Organizational networks
- Wednesday: Professional networks
- Thursday: Networking for career development
- Friday: Social networking
- Saturday: Simple steps to networking successebook (ePub) 3.99 €Strong family and low fertility:a paradox?
Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna, Giuseppe A. Micheli
- Springer
- 30 Mars 2006
- 9781402028373
New perspectives in interpreting contemporary family and reproductive - haviour of Mediterranean Europe 1. THE NEW GEOGRAPHY OF FERTILITY AND THE FAMILY IN EUROPE The countries of southern Europe have begun to reduce conjugal fertility at a later date compared to most other nations in the west. This has been - plained by means of the category of delay: the backwardness of the pr- esses of accumulation and economic development being seen as the cause of the maintaining of the reproductive models of the past. Moreover, the inf- ence of the Catholic Church in Italy, Spain and Portugal is supposed to have delayed the processes of secularisation, rendering difficult the changes in mentality necessary for assuming modern patterns of reproductive behaviour not only for fertility, but also for the variables which are strictly linked to it, such as sexuality, contraception and abortion (Livi Bacci, 1977; Lesthaeghe and Wilson, 1986). 1. 1. The trends of very low fertility Now the panorama is very different. Since the mid-seventies, southern Europe has been washed by the tide of a lowest-low fertility (i. e. , TFR under 1. 5 for several a prolonged period, Billari et al. , 2003), which in some areas 1 has reached and maintained scarcely imaginable levels for years on end. Conversely, other areas of Europe, where fertility started to fall many d- ades earlier than in the regions of the sourth, have recovered or maintained considerably higher levels of fertility, often close to replacement level.
ebook (pdf) 94.94 €Now in a revised and updated second edition, this practical text on the adolescent athlete provides penetrating insights into musculoskeletal care for growing athletes. Chapters are logically organized by anatomical region and are written by experts in the field, focusing on improved clinical decision-making and addressing both chronic and acute injuries in addition to congenital conditions. Fundamentals, including basic anatomy, physical examination, and patient history, are covered in detail, with emphasis on the recognition of injury patterns unique to adolescent athletes. User-friendly tables are incorporated to assist with diagnosis. Prevention, patient management, and clinical pearls are each outlined, and return-to-play guidelines are highlighted. To further facilitate comprehensive patient care, musculoskeletal diagnostic imaging and principles of rehabilitation are covered as well. Anatomical drawings, photos of examination maneuvers, and diagnostic images,such as x-rays and MRI scans, complete the text by illustrating key concepts.
Intended for sports medicine physicians, primary care physicians, orthopedists, physiotherapists and athletic trainers, this second edition of The Adolescent Athlete: A Practical Approach continues to be a sought-after resource for all who aim to improve the musculoskeletal health of active children and adolescents.ebook (ePub) 94.94 €Innovations in the Treatment of Substance Addiction
Denise De Micheli, Andre Luiz Monezi Andrade
- Springer
- 6 Octobre 2016
- 9783319431727
Emerging approaches to treating addictions and minimizing relapse are spotlighted in this idea-packed volume, as alternatives or adjuncts to standard psychological and pharmacological therapies. Its biopsychosocial perspective delves into the causes and processes of chemical dependence, and the clinical characteristics it shares with other addictions (e.g., food, sex, gambling, online activities), to identify client needs that substance abuse may fulfill. Accordingly, the diverse modalities featured here address substance addiction on multiple levels, offering clients physical or mental stimulation and/or emotional relief as well as affording different degrees of autonomy. Methods can be mixed and matched to reinforce treatment goals, and clinicians can tailor treatment to individual issues and interests to assure clients nuanced and meaningful care. Included in the coverage: · Use of herbal medicine to treat drug addiction.· EMDR therapy and the treatment of substance abuse and addiction.· Evaluating the change processes in drug users' interventions.· Web-based interventions for substance abuse.· Physical exercise and treatment of addiction.· Mindfulness to reduce the anxiety during the abstinence· Neurofeedback to deal with craving and anxiety symptoms Psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, and addiction counselors and educators will find Innovations in the Treatment of Substance Addiction a valuable sourcebook for understanding addiction-and intervention-in its wider context.
ebook (ePub) 52.74 €Biometrics
N. V. Boulgouris, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou
- Wiley-IEEE Press
- 29 Octobre 2009
- 9780470522349
Edited by a panel of experts, this book fills a gap in the existing literature by comprehensively covering system, processing, and application aspects of biometrics, based on a wide variety of biometric traits. The book provides an extensive survey of biometrics theory, methods,and applications, making it an indispensable source of information for researchers, security experts, policy makers, engineers, practitioners, and graduate students. The book's wide and in-depth coverage of biometrics enables readers to build a strong, fundamental understanding of theory and methods, and provides a foundation for solutions to many of today's most interesting and challenging biometric problems. Biometric traits covered:
Face, Fingerprint, Iris, Gait, Hand Geometry, Signature, Electrocardiogram (ECG), Electroencephalogram (EEG), physiological biometrics. Theory, Methods and Applications covered:
Multilinear Discriminant Analysis, Neural Networks for biometrics, classifier design, biometric fusion, Event-Related Potentials, person-specific characteristic feature selection, image and video-based face, recognition/verification, near-infrared face recognition, elastic graph matching, super-resolution of facial images, multimodal solutions, 3D approaches to biometrics, facial aging models for recognition, information theory approaches to biometrics, biologically-inspired methods, biometric encryption, decision-making support in biometric systems, privacy in biometrics.ebook (pdf) 178.24 €A clearer, more accurate performance management strategy Over the past two decades, performance measurement has profoundly changed societies, organizations and the way we live and work. We can now access incredible quantities of data, display, review and report complex information in real time, and monitor employees and processes in detail. But have all these investments in collecting, analysing and reporting data helped companies, governments and people perform better? Measurement Madness is an engaging read, full of anecdotes so peculiar you'll hardly believe them. Each one highlights a performance measurement initiative that went wrong, explains why and - most importantly - shows you how to avoid making the same mistake yourself. The dangers of poorly designed performance measurement are numerous, and even the best how-to guides don't explain how to avoid them. Measurement Madness fills in the gap, showing how to ensure you're measuring the right things, rewarding the behaviours that deserve rewarding, and interpreting results in a way that will improve things rather than complicate them. This book will help you to recognize, correct and even avoid common performance measurement problems, including: Measuring for the sake of measuring Assuming that measurement is an instant fix for performance issues Comparing sets of data that have nothing in common and hoping to learn something Using targets and rewards to promote certain behaviours, and achieving exactly the opposite ones. Reading Measurement Madness will enable you to design a simple, effective performance measurement system, which will have the intended result of creating value in your organization.
ebook (ePub) 35.76 €The Sustainability of Renewable Energy in Europe
Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Silvia Micheli
- Springer
- 18 Mars 2015
- 9783319123431
This book demonstrates that the much-needed global shift in energy production and use must happen at a territorial level in order to be truly successful and sustainable. This book enables regional implementation efforts by connecting broad EU environmental policies with plans for action at the territorial level, analysing efficient resource allocation and cost effectiveness to achieve national objectives. Each EU Member State is considered in depth, in order to identify the opportunities and challenges of this regional approach. The regional dimension of the authors' analysis refers to the territorial level NUTS 1 (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) that, starting from the administrative borders of the EU countries, divides the territory into 97 regions on the basis of major socio-economic characteristics. Because the model of the EU "green economy" is characterized typically by top-down interventions that focus exclusively on the resource productivity and investment business, its practical implementation can be de-railed. This book provides the pivotal missing piece- the detailed territorial comparative analysis necessary to obtain an optimal energy mix of renewable energy sources (RES), energy conservation and energy efficiency characteristics of each specific local context.
ebook (ePub) 94.94 €Drug Abuse in Adolescence
Denise De Micheli, Eroy Aparecida Da Silva, Andre Luiz Monezi Andrade, Maria Lucia Oliveira De Souza Formigoni
- Springer
- 3 Juillet 2015
- 9783319177953
Focusing on two central themes--the psychobiological evolution from youth to adult and the effects of drugs on the developing central nervous system--this important reference elucidates the mechanisms of chemical dependency in adolescents. Its multidisciplinary coverage analyzes addiction across major domains of human functioning against the backdrop of hormonal, cognitive, and other changes that accompany the transition to adulthood. Chapters discuss legal as well as illicit drugs, examine age-related social contexts, and present the latest findings on links between drug use and mental disorders.Throughout, the contributors make clear that education is more valuable to understanding--and preventing--substance abuse than are prohibition and zero-tolerance thinking.Included among the topics: Cognitive development, learning, and drug use.Neurobiology of the action of drugs of abuse.Findings in adolescents with substance dependence based on neuroimaging tests.Alcohol abuse in adolescents: relevance of animal models. Effects of chronic drug abuse on the chronobiology of sleep in adolescents.Neurological and cognitive disorders arising from the chronic use of drugs of abuse.The multiple lenses for understanding its subject and the sensitivity with which causal nuances are treated make Neuroscience of Drug Abuse in Adolescence an invaluable resource for clinical and child psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and addiction counselors.
ebook (ePub) 94.94 €
Giovanni De Micheli, Anil Leblebici, Patrick Mayor, Martin Rajman
- Springer
- 24 Décembre 2018
- 9783319991092
This book presents the overall vision and research outcomes of, which is a landmark Swiss federal program to advance engineering system and device technologies with applications to Health and the Environment, including smart Energy generation and consumption. The authors discuss this unprecedented nation-wide program, with a lifetime of almost 10 years and a public funding of more than 120 MCHF, which helped to position Switzerland at the forefront of the research on multi-scale engineering of complex systems and networks, and strongly impacted the Swiss landscape in Engineering Sciences.
ebook (ePub) 94.94 €Spinal Injuries and Conditions in Young Athletes
Michael O'Brien, Lyle Micheli, Cynthia Stein, Pierre D'Hemecourt
- Springer
- 23 Novembre 2013
- 9781461447535
Spinal Injuries and Conditions in Young Athletes provides a comprehensive, in-depth review of the mechanisms and management of back injuries and problems occurring in this ever-growing and active population. Led by Dr. Lyle Micheli and his co-editors, an award-winning group of orthopedists discusses and explores common adolescent spine injuries and procedures, in addition to breakthroughs in gene therapy, tissue engineering, and complex operations. As spine surgery is among the most complex and challenging procedures performed in orthopedics, special considerations and procedures are required in pediatric populations. Since many corrective surgeries run the risk of arthritis later in life, particular efforts must be made in young populations to prevent future injury in a child's adolescence and young adulthood while maximizing return-to-play potential. Chapters cover acute spinal injuries, concussions, overuse injuries, spinal malformations, tumors, infections and inflammatory diseases across the range of athletics, including swimming and combat sports. Spinal Injuries and Conditions in Young Athletes? provides an immeasurable guide for back surgery in pediatric populations and will be a go-to resource for practitioners and residents in pediatric orthopedics and sports medicine.
ebook (ePub) 105.49 €Chorea: Causes and Management provides a comprehensive and timely update for the wide variety of neurological conditions, both inherited and acquired, which result in this common hyperkinetic movement disorder.This book describes in detail the latest clinical and etiological information regarding chorea. Management strategies, pathophysiology, and associated medical and psychiatric problems associated with chorea are also addressed. The nineteen chapters are contributed by internationally-recognized authors working at the forefront of research in the specific disorders linked to chorea.Chorea: Causes and Management is aimed at an audience of neurologists, psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, specialists in medical genetics, clinical and basic researchers in neurosciences, and generalist clinical physicians with an interest in movement disorders.
ebook (ePub) 94.94 €Études françaises. Volume 43, numéro 2, 2007
Genevieve Sicotte, Stéphane Vachon, Isabelle Daunais, Anthony Glinoer, Jean-Pierre Bertrand, Benoît Léger, Micheli
- Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal
- 10 Juillet 2020
- 9782760641938
1857 : année de Madame Bovary de Flaubert et celle de sa Tentation de Saint-Antoine, celle des Fleurs du mal de Baudelaire, celle de leurs procès, année de la publication des Odes funambulesques de Banville; année de la mort de Comte, de Béranger, de Musset, de Sue; année du manifeste sur le réalisme de Champfleury. 1857 apparaît comme un tournant dans l'histoire des lettres du XIXe siècle, tant pour ce qui a trait à l'effervescence de la vie littéraire qu'en ce qui touche au renouvellement des formes. Ce numéro sur « 1857. Un état de l'imaginaire littéraire » se propose d'explorer, par le biais d'une approche synchronique, la date de 1857 comme le lieu où s'exposent les grandes tensions qui structureront un champ littéraire en pleine autonomisation. En faisant le pari que la singularité recèle du sens, ce dossier, à travers la convocation des Balzac, Champfleury, Flaubert, Baudelaire et Banville, à travers aussi l'exploration de la Bohème littéraire et de la « Dictée » de Prosper Mérimée, s'attache à mettre au jour l'imaginaire littéraire que cette année charnière de 1857 esquisse.
ebook (pdf) 7.99 €Models of the History of Philosophy
Gregorio Piaia, Giovanni Santinello, Giuseppe Micheli
- Springer
- 8 Mars 2022
- 9783030844905
This is the fourth volume of Models of the History of Philosophy, a collaborative work on the history of the history of philosophy dating from the Renaissance to the end of the nineteenth century. The volume covers the so-called Hegelian age, in which the approach to the past of philosophy is placed at the foundation of "doing philosophy", up to identifying with the same philosophy. A philosophy which is however understood in a different way: as dialectical development, as hermeneutics, as organic development, as eclectic option, as a philosophy of experience, as a progressive search for truth through the repetition of errors... The material is divided into four large linguistic and cultural areas: the German, French, Italian and British. It offers the detailed analysis of 10 particularly significant works of the way of conceiving and reconstructing the "general" history of philosophy, from its origins to the contemporary age. This systematic exposure is preceded and accompanied by lengthy introductions on the historical background and references to numerous other works bordering on philosophical historiography.
ebook (ePub) 158.24 €Psychological Considerations in the Young Athlete
Lyle J. Micheli, Melissa A. Christino, Emily I. Pluhar
- Springer
- 29 Juin 2023
- 9783031251269
This book provides a broad and multidisciplinary review of psychological aspects of sport participation that are important to consider in young athletes. It discusses the many psychosocial benefits of sports, describes common mental health and body image issues pediatric athletes may suffer from, explains the psychological effects of injury and surgery on young athletes and the importance of mind-body connection, and advocates for safe sport participation and a multidisciplinary approach to the care of young athletes. This is the first text to discuss the psychological implications of sport participation in young athletes - a critical topic in today's sport landscape that is often underappreciated and understudied.
Bringing together contributions from prominent sports psychologists, sports medicine physicians and surgeons, coaches, and pain management specialists, Psychological Considerations in the Young Athlete combines the mostup-to-date research, and serves as a valuable resource for clinicians, therapists, and athletic trainers who serve pediatric and adolescent athletes and sports teams.ebook (ePub) 147.69 €Les émotions argumentées dans les médias : 4.1 - 2012 [2013]
Raphaël Micheli, Ida Hekmat, Alain Rabatel
- EME Editions
- 8 Avril 2013
- 9782806601421
L'émotion argumentée autour des identités dans les genres médiatiques, Ida Hekmat, Raphaël Micheli & Alain Rabatel / Argumentations de la colère face aux "caricatures de Mahomet" et constructions identitaires, Ida Hekmat / Expression et gestion des émotions dans les talk-shows télévisés de type conflflictuel. Le cas de Tout le monde en parle et On n'est pas couché, Alina Oprea / L'émotionalité au service de l'argumentation sur le répondeur de l'émission Là-bas, si j'y suis, Heike Baldauf-Quilliatre...
ebook (ePub) 20.99 €Ancienne membre de l'équipe de France de gymnastique artistique féminine, Carole Micheli lève le voile sur ce sport, mal connu du grand public. Au fil des pages, elle nous retrace sa carrière, débutée à l'âge de 3 ans. Elle partage avec nous, ses entrainements, ses compétitions, ses voyages et ses questionnements quant à ce qu'elle a enduré pour parvenir au haut-niveau... Elle évoque également ses difficultés scolaires et les problèmes de santé auxquels elle a été confrontée. Ce livre est tout simplement une première dans le monde la gymnastique car jamais personne n'avait encore fait découvrir l'envers du décor de cette discipline, tellement exigeante.
ebook (ePub) 6.99 €Dans la petite ville tranquille de Chesmont, un enfant vient d'etre tue dans un drugstore.
Un mysterieux inconnu propose a son meurtrier, Joey Dobson, de retourner dans le passe pour reparer sa faute, et ce par un procede inedit dans l'histoire de l'humanite, qui ebranle nos idees recues sur la mort.
Qui est derriere tout cela ? Quelle verite se cache dans ce voyage vers le passe ? Joey est peu enclin a mener a bien sa mission et a changer sa facon de vivre et son parcours sera seme d'embuches. Parviendra-t-il neanmoins a sauver cet enfant le jour venu ? Ou laissera-t-il les evenements se reproduire ?ebook (ePub) 6.99 €Durant son enfance, l'auteure est une jeune fille profondément convaincue par le fait que le bien anime les choses et les gens. Liée à la nature et à l'essence de l'existence, voulant se dépasser en permanence autant dans ses activités scolaires que sportives, elle se retrouve à la croisée des chemins l'été de ses onze ans, lorsqu'une voix lui annonce qu'un grand changement va bouleverser sa vie... C'est alors qu'a lieu son accident.
Au fil des pages, elle nous conte l'histoire d'un voyage frôlant la mort, son retour à la vie et dans son corps, mais également son combat et le dépassement dont elle a fait preuve.
Marie-Antoinette Micheli est titulaire d'un Master en science de durabilité et changements globaux, ainsi que d'un Bachelor en géosciences, sciences politiques et sciences de l'environnement. Elle est très active auprès des institutions européennes pour promouvoir une agriculture durable et sans pesticides en Europe, et consciente des enjeux écologiques graves dus à notre consommation quotidienne. Dans ce récit autobiographique, elle révèle les obstacles auxquels nous devons faire face avant de donner des pistes pour parvenir à les surmonter. À la suite des séquelles d'un grave accident qu'elle a subi à l'âge de onze ans, elle surmonte plusieurs handicaps et croit résolument à la régénération de la planète.ebook (ePub) 12.99 €Prevention of Injuries in the Young Dancer
John Solomon, Ruth Solomon, Lyle J. Micheli
- Springer
- 5 Juillet 2017
- 9783319550473
This practical resource discusses the numerous physical, psychological, and medical issues pertaining to the young dancer as they relate to injury prevention. Chapters on injury are arranged anatomically and cover etiology, diagnosis, treatment strategies, and rehabilitation. Additional chapters cover screening, nutrition, training technique, and the role of the physical therapist.This comprehensive text addresses the unique needs of these athletes and stresses how their bodies differ in significant ways from those of adults, requiring that their training and clinical management be overseen by specialized personnel. The book opens with a discussion of the epidemiology of injury in the young dancer, followed by a description of screening procedures and a sample screening program. Physical therapy and resistance training are then covered, along with common conditions and injuries at the spine, hip, knee, and foot/ankle complex. There are chapters on the use of diagnostic and interventional ultrasound, nutrition and bone health, psychological matters such as anxiety, eating disorders, and peer relationships, and lastly the prevention of degenerative hip injuries.Prevention of Injuries in the Young Dancer is an essential resource with regard to the challenges facing aspiring young dancers. It is relevant reading for dance medicine, sports medicine, and orthopedic professionals, as well as dancers, their parents, and especially those persons who promote their careers.
ebook (ePub) 94.94 €Un article a été ajouté à votre panier.