Philippe Bonnet
Jean-Michel Barrault, Serge Bernard, Philippe Bonnet
- Hachette Littératures (réédition numérique FeniXX)
- Mémorial de notre temps
- 10 Novembre 2017
- 9782014621082
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.
Principles of Database and Solid-State Drive Co-Design
Philippe Bonnet, Alberto Lerner
- Springer
- 6 Décembre 2024
- 9783031578779
This book offers a comprehensive resource on Solid-State Drives (SSD) as the field undergoes a radical evolution characterized by the incredible variety of SSD forms and their rapid diversification. It proposes a new classification system to help readers navigate the SSD landscape. For years, the evolution of SSDs was obscured by the unchanging abstractions of block devices and POSIX I/O, but it is apparent that these abstractions have become a problematic hinderance to performance and also fail to reduce software complexity. The book explores how such a state of affairs impacts the database community in at least two ways. First, it considers how using SSDs through legacy interfaces that hide internal mechanisms invariably results in erratic performance. While the blame often goes to the notoriously expensive garbage collection of SSDs, the authors argue that in truth, several other complex processes result in nonlinear effects on latency and bandwidth. The book describes these processes and how they are implemented in modern devices, knowledge that will help system designers better choose SSDs and shape database workloads to match their performance characteristics. Second, the book explores how the inadequacy of the traditional I/O abstractions opens up an entire research field focused on the co-design of database management systems and SSD. Such research aims at devising mechanisms and policies coupling the storage manager of database and SSD internals, e.g., placing an SSD FTL under the control of database, changing SSD sub-systems in response to the workload, or executing logic within an SSD on a database's behalf. The book introduces these principles of DBMS/SSD co-design and argues that a more seamless integration of databases and storage solutions as well as the study of SSD variations adapted to database computations are central to the development of the next generation of database systems.
La habana puerto de paz, puerta abierta al conocimiento y su difusión ; la Havane port de paix, porte ouverte à la connaissance et à sa diffusion
Philippe Bonnet
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 6 Novembre 2019
- 9782140134500
El Premio Casa Victor Hugo 2019 « La Habana, puerto de paz », es el cuarto premio organizado por la Asociación Cuba Coopération France, la Oficina del Historiador de La Habana y por supuesto la Casa Victor Hugo de La Habana. Su objetivo : desarrollar la investigación de los saberes que contituyen los fundamentos y las manifestaciones de la cultura compartida entre Cuba y Francia. Hemos reunido una rica colección de ensayos, testimonios de intercambios culturales en múltiples áreas del conocimiento que van desde la literatura, las artes, la música, el baile, la filosofía o la sociología, hasta otras ciencias humanas, la agricultura.