Vincenzo Piemonte
Artificial Organ Engineering
Vincenzo Piemonte, Maria Cristina Annesini, Luigi Marrelli, Luca Turchetti
- Springer
- 19 Juillet 2016
- 9781447164432
Artificial organs may be considered as small-scale process plants, in which heat, mass and momentum transfer operations and, possibly, chemical transformations are carried out. This book proposes a novel analysis of artificial organs based on the typical bottom-up approach used in process engineering. Starting from a description of the fundamental physico-chemical phenomena involved in the process, the whole system is rebuilt as an interconnected ensemble of elemental unit operations.Each artificial organ is presented with a short introduction provided by expert clinicians. Devices commonly used in clinical practice are reviewed and their performance is assessed and compared by using a mathematical model based approach. Whilst mathematical modelling is a fundamental tool for quantitative descriptions of clinical devices, models are kept simple to remain focused on the essential features of each process.Postgraduate students and researchers in the field of chemical andbiomedical engineering will find that this book provides a novel and useful tool for the analysis of existing devices and, possibly, the design of new ones. This approach will also be useful for medical researchers who want to get a deeper insight into the basic working principles of artificial organs.
Biomedical Engineering Challenges
Angelo Basile, Vincenzo Piemonte, Luigi Marrelli, Taichi Ito
- Wiley
- 12 Février 2018
- 9781119296010
An important resource that puts the focus on the chemical engineering aspects of biomedical engineering In the past 50 years remarkable achievements have been advanced in the fields of biomedical and chemical engineering. With contributions from leading chemical engineers, Biomedical Engineering Challenges reviews the recent research and discovery that sits at the interface of engineering and biology. The authors explore the principles and practices that are applied to the ever-expanding array of such new areas as gene-therapy delivery, biosensor design, and the development of improved therapeutic compounds, imaging agents, and drug delivery vehicles. Filled with illustrative case studies, this important resource examines such important work as methods of growing human cells and tissues outside the body in order to repair or replace damaged tissues. In addition, the text covers a range of topics including the challenges faced with developing artificial lungs, kidneys, and livers; advances in 3D cell culture systems; and chemical reaction methodologies for biomedical imagining analysis. This vital resource: Covers interdisciplinary research at the interface between chemical engineering, biology, and chemistry Provides a series of valuable case studies describing current themes in biomedical engineering Explores chemical engineering principles such as mass transfer, bioreactor technologies as applied to problems such as cell culture, tissue engineering, and biomedical imaging Written from the point of view of chemical engineers, this authoritative guide offers a broad-ranging but concise overview of research at the interface of chemical engineering and biology.
Sustainable Development in Chemical Engineering
Angelo Basile, Vincenzo Piemonte, Marcello De Falco
- Wiley
- 28 Mai 2013
- 9781118629840
Sustainable development is an area that has world-wide appeal, from developed industrialized countries to the developing world. Development of innovative technologies to achieve sustainability is being addressed by many European countries, the USA and also China and India. The need for chemical processes to be safe, compact, flexible, energy efficient, and environmentally benign and conducive to the rapid commercialization of new products poses new challenges for chemical engineers.
This book examines the newest technologies for sustainable development in chemical engineering, through careful analysis of the technical aspects, and discussion of the possible fields of industrial development. The book is broad in its coverage, and is divided into four sections: Energy Production, covering renewable energies, innovative solar technologies, cogeneration plants, and smart grids Process Intensification, describing why it is important in the chemical and petrochemical industry, the engineering approach, and nanoparticles as a smart technology for bioremediation Bio-based Platform Chemicals, including the production of bioethanol and biodiesel, bioplastics production and biodegradability, and biosurfactants Soil and Water Remediation, covering water management and re-use, and soil remediation technologies Throughout the book there are case studies and examples of industrial processes in practice.