Une enquête de l'agent sportif Myron Bolitar, qui s'attaque cette fois au petit monde des fairways.
Myron Bolitar et le golf, ça fait plutôt deux. Mais tout agent sportif de premier plan se doit de compter un virtuose du swing dans son équipe. Et voilà qu'un couple de golfeurs de renommée mondiale est prêt à signer avec lui. À condition qu'il retrouve leur fils, Chad, enlevé alors que son père dispute l'US Open... " Avec ce nouvel opus, l'écrivain américain nous prouve qu'il est toujours aussi diablement efficace. " Angélique Giorgi - La Marseillaise -
Myron Bolitar : un prénom à coucher dehors et un physique de tombeur. Ex-champion de basket, ex-agent du FBI, il est désormais agent sportif et défend les intérêts des jeunes espoirs du stade.
Myron Bolitar ! Y en a pas deux comme lui. D'agent du FBI à agent sportif, la reconversion aurait dû être facile. Erreur. Son nouveau job n'est pas de tout repos non plus. Même le tennis peut s'avérer dangereux : toutes les balles ne sont pas amorties et certaines sont mortelles... C'est le cas pour Valérie Simpson, ex-star de la raquette, frappée en plein coeur au milieu des milliers de spectateurs de l'US Open. Myron devrait se contenter de la version officielle : "balle perdue". Sauf que la veille, Valérie a tenté de le joindre. A peine sortie d'un hôpital psychiatrique, que voulait-elle lui dire ?
Et c'est reparti ! Avec son vieux pote Win, dandy sans peur et sans scrupules, Myron monte au filet. Or, quand on a pour adversaires la Mafia et un sénateur ripou, le jeu est décisif... -
Myron Bolitar : un prénom à coucher dehors et un physique de tombeur. Ex-champion de basket, ex-agent du FBI, il est désormais agent sportif et défend les intérêts des jeunes espoirs du stade.
Ex-champion de basket, Myron Bolitar a fait un détour par le FBI avant de devenir agent sportif. Mais on ne tourne pas le dos à son passé aussi facilement... Il se voit ainsi proposer un curieux marché par Clip Arnstein, le puissant manager des Dragons du New Jersey. Une place dans l'équipe, en échange d'une enquête discrète auprés des autres joueurs pour retrouver la trace de Greg Downing, la star du basket, mystérieusement disparue. Mais pour Myron, ce maillot de remplaçant représente plus qu'une couverture pour son enquête, et il lui est bien difficile de ne pas se laisser prendre au jeu. Tandis qu'il se lance sur la piste de Greg, avec l'aide de ses fidèles acolytes, Win, le dandy un peu braque, et la belle Esperanza, ex-catcheuse professionnelle, l'affaire se corse d'un meurtre. Il lui faudra affronter ses vieux démons pour découvrir la clef de l'énigme... -
THE FIRST GRAY MAN NOVEL FROM #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR MARK GREANEY - now a Netflix original film starring Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans
'Hard, fast, and unflinching-exactly what a thriller should be.' Lee Child
To those who lurk in the shadows, he's known as the Gray Man. He is a legend in the covert realm, moving silently from job to job, accomplishing the impossible and then fading away. And he always hits his target.
But there are forces more lethal than Gentry in the world. Forces like money. And power. And there are men who hold these as the only currency worth fighting for. In their eyes, Gentry has just outlived his usefulness.
But Court Gentry is going to prove that, for him, there's no grey area between killing for a living and killing to stay alive...
'Bourne for the new millenium' New York Times bestselling author James Rollins
'A high-octane thriller that doesn't pause for more than a second for all of its 464 pages...For readers looking for a thriller where the action comes fast and furious, this is the ticket.' Chicago Sun-Times
'Take fictional spy Jason Bourne, pump him up with Red Bull and meth, shake vigorously-and you've got the recipe for Court Gentry.' The Memphis Commercial Appeal
'From the opening pages, the bullets fly and the bodies pile up. Through the carnage, Gentry remains an intriguing protagonist with his own moral code.' Booklist -
The sixteenth book in the Kay Scarpetta series, from No. 1 bestselling author Patricia Cornwell.
'America's most chilling writer of crime fiction' The Times
Leaving behind her forensic pathology practice in South Carolina, Kay Scarpetta takes up an assignment in New York City, where the NYPD has asked her to examine an injured patient in a psychiatric ward.
The handcuffed and chained patient, Oscar Bane, has specifically asked for her, and when she literally has her gloved hands on him, he begins to talk - and the story he has to tell turns out to be one of the most bizarre she has ever heard.
He says his injuries were sustained in the course of a murder . . . that he did not commit. Is Bane a criminally insane stalker who has fixed on Scarpetta? Or is his paranoid tale true, and it is he who is being spied on, followed and stalked by the actual killer? The only thing Scarpetta knows for certain is that a woman has been tortured and murdered - and that more violent deaths will follow . . .
Praise for the groundbreaking series:
'One of the best crime writers writing today' Guardian
'Devilishly clever' Sunday Times
'The top gun in this field' Daily Telegraph
'Forget the pretenders. Cornwell reigns' Mirror
'The Agatha Christie of the DNA age' Express -
Mr Monster is the second chilling novel in Dan Wells's John Wayne Carver series, and the follow up to I Am Not A Serial Killer - now a major motion picture.
John Wayne Cleaver has always known he has a dark side but he's fought hard to oppress it and live a normal life - separating John from Mr Monster to survive. But after confronting and destroying the vicious killer that was terrorizing his town, his inner monster is getting stronger and harder to contain.
And now more bodies are being discovered...
With the police failing to catch Clayton County's second serial killer John is going to have to use his secret knowledge of the first demon-killer to trap the second...but will he be able to avoid suspicion falling on him, and, in the face of extreme horrors, will he be able to restrain Mr Monster? -
'Cussler is hard to beat' Daily Mail
The superb third Dirk Pitt classic from multi-million-copy king of the adventure novel, Clive Cussler.
The towering iceberg drifting in the North Atlantic was a floating tomb. Embedded in the great gleaming mass was a ship - sealed in so solidly that not even its mast protruded.
Here was a sea mystery to rank alongside the Bermuda Triangle and the Marie Celeste. But for Major Dirk Pitt, top troubleshooter for the National Underwater and Marine Agency, it was also the first link in a fantastic chain of events that would lead him too close - and too often - to violent death. And to the discovery of the most sinister and bizarre conspiracy of the century . . . ICEBERG.
'Clive Cussler is the guy I read' Tom Clancy
'The Adventure King' Daily Express -
Eine Bedrohung hängt über der Untersuchung...
Der Capitaine Paul Capitaine, Mitglied der Elysée-Sondereinsatzgruppe, muss sich disziplinarischen Maßnahmen beugen und wird in seine Geburtsstadt Quimper strafversetzt.
Bei der Rückkehr zu den Wurzeln seiner Kindheit wird seine Geduld jedoch hart auf die Probe gestellt. Von Anfang an geraten sein Vorgesetzter und er aneinander. Eine Ermittlung soll vorschnell abgeschlossen werden, und bei einem ungeklärten Brand in einem illegal besetzten Haus der Altstadt von Quimper sind Obdachlose zu Tode gekommen Doch je heißer die Spur, desto mehr werden Paul Capitaine, der zum starrkpfigsten Schlag der Bretonen gehrt, und alle, die ihm bei den Ermittlungen zur Hand gehen, konspirativ in die Zange genommen
Genießen Sie den ersten Band der Ermittlungen des Capitaine Paul Capitaine !
- [] Fast hätte ich unsere Nummer 007 mit seinem James-Bond-Girl vergessen. Da wäre noch die Geheimakte der drei Penner, die in ihrem selbst abgefackelten, besetzten Haus verbrannt sind. Tragt mir alle Informationen zusammen. Ich will die Ermittlung abschließen, der Gerichtsmediziner hat den Abschlussbericht bereits unterschrieben. Auf Fabiens Büro liegt der Polizeibericht der Blauen, die als erste an den Brandort gekommen sind. Ihr seht also, keine allzu komplizierte Aufgabe. Der Staatsanwalt erwartet, dass wir ihm in dieser Angelegenheit grünes Licht erteilen - dann wird die Sache ohne besonderes Ermittlungsverfahren abgeschlossen. Jetzt aber los, und ein bisschen dalli, dann knnen wir uns bald um andere Dinge kümmern. Noch Fragen? Keine,sehr gut! Dann an die Arbeit! Ach so, RMC, du bleibst natürlich hier vor deiner Maschine! Auch wenn du Videospiele spielst, ist mir das vollkommen wurscht, Hauptsache, du lässt uns in Ruhe!»
Wenn ich mich nicht im Griff gehabt hätte, hätte ich mit den Fäusten auf ihn losgehen knnen, so sehr ging mir das Gebärdenspiel dieses lächerlichen Zwergmatadors der Mordkommission inzwischen auf die Nerven. Aus diesem Grund war ich jedoch nicht hierher abbestellt worden!
Bernard LARHANT wurde 1955 in Quimper geboren und übt einen ganz besonderen Beruf aus: Er ist Worträtselerfinder. Während sein erster Roman in der südwestfranzsischen Aquitaine spielt, schreibt Bernard Larhant seither Bretagne-Krimis: der Capitaine de Police Paul Capitaine und seine Tochter Sarah ermitteln. Quimper - Flammende Bedrohung ist der erste Fall des schwungvollen Ermittler-Teams, das seinen Spürsinn bereits in zahlreichen Werken bewiesen hat. Bernard Larhant zählt zu den meist gelesenen Autoren der bretonischen Kriminalromane. -
The third Sookie Stackhouse Omnibus: a book with bite!
Blonde, bubbly Sookie Stackhouse loves her job as a cocktail waitress in Merlotte's, in her home town of Bon Temps. Sookie's cute, but it takes her a long time to make friends; perhaps that's not so surprising when you consider how few people appreciate her telepathic ability.
Whichever species you are, life is never boring in Bon Temps, Louisiana! -
There is no place more frightening than the past...
The second Detective Jacob Lev novel, The Golem of Paris by No. 1 New York Times bestselling authors Jonathan and Jesse Kellerman, is an extraordinary thriller about secrets that refuse to stay buried. Perfect for fans of Harlan Coben and James Patterson.
'Brilliant, page-turning fiction' - Stephen King
It's been over a year since LAPD detective Jacob Lev learned the remarkable truth about his family, and he's not coping well. He's back to drinking, he's not talking to his father, the LAPD Special Projects department continues to shadow him, and the memory of a woman named Mai haunts him day and night. And while Jacob has tried to build a bridge to his mother, she remains a stranger to him, imprisoned inside her own tattered mind.
Then he comes across the file for a gruesome, unsolved murder that brings the two halves of his life into startling collision. Finding the killer will take him halfway around the world, to Paris - the city of romance, but also its gritty streets, behind the lights. It's a dangerous search for truth that plunges him into the past. For Jacob Lev, there is no place more frightening...
What readers are saying about The Golem of Paris:
'An original novel and highly engrossing'
'Sharp and witty'
'A gripping read, different from anything I have read before -
On 8 March 2014, a Boeing 777 of Malaysia Airlines took off at 0:41 a.m. from Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Its destina- tion: Beijing. On board were 239 people. In the early morning, the airline announced that the aircraft had disappeared. The greatest mystery in the history of modern civil aviation had begun... What happened to flight MH 370? Was it shot down by a missile? Was it hijacked and its passengers put to sleep, and did it crash into the waters of the Indian Ocean after a long voyage? Through fiction, Jean-Louis Baroux, one of the best international aviation specialists, puts forward a totally new theory to explain this mystery: what if this crash resulted from a fight to the death between two airlines? Because he knows air transport operators so well, Jean-Louis Baroux has penned a suspense story pulling together adventures and espio- nage, money and honor. Detectives, secret agents, emirs, CEOs, pilots, air traffic controllers and insurers: all the actors of this little known world meet up in a dramatic and captivating face-off.
Keen to learn but short on time? Find out everything you need to know about the life and work of Agatha Christie in just 50 minutes with this straightforward and engaging guide!
Few writers have ever shaped a genre to the extent that Agatha Christie influenced crime fiction. The prolific British author, who penned a total of 67 novels over a span of more than 50 years, has had an enduring influence on every successive generation of crime novelists, having established many of the conventions that we associate with the genre today. Her plotting was so innovative that it often shocked or even scandalised readers in the early 20th century, and modern-day readers remain captivated by the challenge of unravelling one of her mysteries before the culprit is unmasked at the end of the book. She also created two of the most iconic detective characters of all time, namely Hercule Poirot and Miss Jane Marple.
In this book, you will learn about:
o Christie's most famous works, including And Then There Were None and Murder on the Orient Express
o The social context and earlier writers who influenced her work and ideas
o Her personal life, including her mysterious disappearance in 1926
ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Art & Literature
The Art & Literature series from the 50Minutes collection aims to introduce readers to the figures and movements that have shaped our culture over the centuries. Our guides are written by experts in their field and each feature a full biography, an introduction to the relevant social, political and historical context, and a thorough discussion and analysis of the key works of each artist, writer or movement, making them the ideal starting point for busy readers looking for a quick way to broaden their cultural horizons.