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The transition starts here, now and together
Rob Hopkins
- Éditions Actes Sud
- Domaine du Possible
- 4 Octobre 2017
- 9782330092856
One day in 2005, Rob Hopkins, an ordinary British citizen, started knocking on his neighbors' doors in the small town of Totnes, where he had just settled. He was proposing that they come together to organize nothing less than a new, locally based economy. A new model, the Transition Town, harnessing resources at hand: no longer expect food to arrive from the other side of the planet at great fuel costs, but instead create short food supply chains and cultivate all the available land (gardens, rooftops, municipal parks); no longer complain about pollution, but federate fellow citizens around a project of local renewable energy cooperatives; no longer rail against the banks and the stock markets, but adopt a local currency that enriches the community. His experience has not only been successful in Totnes; it has spread to 1,200 cities in 47 countries. Each of the Transition Towns are transforming their communities, without fanfare, without outside funding, making them more autonomous and more resilient to the crises looming ahead-a network of oases offering a wealth of solutions.
Vandana Shiva ; Creative Civil Disobedience
Lionel Astruc
- Éditions Actes Sud
- Domaine du Possible
- 4 Octobre 2017
- 9782330090364
This book is a series of interviews between Lionel Astruc and Vandana Shiva, worldwide icon of ecological revolution and winner of the "alternative Nobel prize". Worthy successor to Gandhi, Vandana Shiva tells about her life and fight as a leader of the alter-globalization movement, underlining such important concepts as peace and democracy, but also ecofeminism and the importance of the preservation of our planet resources. Her purpose is to explain that there is no such thing as a useless act or, as she says, no "little nobody". Every single commitment matters: that is her message to the world.
The Mediterranean region under climate change ; a scientifique update
- IRD Éditions
- 19 Novembre 2018
- 9782709922203
This book has been published by Allenvi (French National Alliance for Environmental Research) to coincide with the 22nd Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) in Marrakesh. It is the outcome of work by academic researchers on both sides of the Mediterranean and provides a remarkable scientific review of the mechanisms of climate change and its impacts on the environment, the economy, health and Mediterranean societies. It will also be valuable in developing responses that draw on "scientific evidence" to address the issues of adaptation, resource conservation, solutions and risk prevention. Reflecting the full complexity of the Mediterranean environment, the book is a major scientific contribution to the climate issue, where various scientific considerations converge to break down the boundaries between disciplines.
Biopolitics, ethics and subjectivation
Alain Brossat, Yuan-horng Chu, Rada Ivekovic, Joyce c.h. Liu
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 1 Mars 2011
- 9782296805002
This collective book proposes to re-examine and explore the paradox of modernity through the triad structure of biopolitics, ethics and subjectivation, as it has served as an effective analytic tool for Western cultures (Foucault, Agamben, Negri...). The authors ask themselves if this framework can be tested on as varied cultural conditions as those in Asia, South Asia, Africa, Latin America or Eastern Europe.
The power of restraint
Pierre Rabhi
- Éditions Actes Sud
- Domaine du Possible
- 4 Octobre 2017
- 9782330092887
The current crisis clearly demonstrates that our model of society has reached its limits. The time has come to recognize that our affluent societies have more than enough to meet their essential material needs-provided it is done fairly. The time has also come to question whether we are going to live with less, rather than more, money. We have the necessary means to do so, provided we accept this as an irrevocable principle of our lives. Rather than losing heart, this crisis can instead awaken within us unprecedented creative forces so that together, we can construct a satisfying world for heart, mind, and spirit.
In the face of a joyless society of overabundance, the "power of restraint" represents a realistic alternative. As a liberating moral and physical force, it is a political act of legitimate resistance to this juggernaut that is destroying the planet and isolating the individual. The time has come to break free of these bulimic habits and the constant quest for more and more. Pierre Rabhi adopted this way of life many years ago; he offers us a form of simplicity and gratitude that gives meaning to our existence, along with a unique sense of lightness: the power of restraint. -
Metabolic ecology
Richard m. Silby, James h. Brown, Astrid Kodric-brown
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 26 Mars 2012
- 9781119968511
Metabolic Ecology Most of ecology is about metabolism, the ways that organisms use energy and materials. The energy requirements of individuals (their metabolic rates) vary predictably with their body size and temperature. Ecological interactions are exchanges of energy and materials between organisms and their environments. Therefore, metabolic rate affects ecological processes at all levels: individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems. Each chapter focuses on a different process, level of organization, or kind of organism. It lays a conceptual foundation and presents empirical examples. Together, the chapters provide an integrated framework that holds the promise for a unified theory of ecology. The book is intended to be accessible to upper-level undergraduates and graduate students, but also of interest to senior scientists. Its easy-to-read chapters and clear illustrations can be used in lecture and seminar courses. This is an authoritative treatment that will inspire future generations to study metabolic ecology.
Nature's ultimatum : the stakes and prospects of the united states' urgent return to the climate battle
Michel Innocent Peya
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 14 Janvier 2022
- 9782336952222
In this book, Michel Innocent Peya focuses on "climate finance" and the withdrawal and return of the world's leading power, the United States, in the battle against climate change, by assessing its real financial impact in order to fight collectively against the ultimatum given by nature. The States are determined to take up the challenge and assume their responsibilities, as the Biden administration has done, in order to wage the "people's battle" against global warming and the perils that it may cause in the medium term. A vibrant appeal is launched to all the world's decision-makers as well as to state and non-state actors. As the years go by, the planet is experiencing rising temperatures and precipitation is constantly increasing. These are the results of a multiform pollution that threatens the existence of nations. Our beautiful nature is being devastated by greenhouse gas emissions and ever-increasing waste. The few world powers, those that can be qualified as major polluters, are few in number but threaten the balance of our system to the detriment of collective well-being. What will become of our planet, our environment, if the community of polluters continues to refuse to take its responsibilities?
Urban metabolism and ecological management: vision, tools, practices and beyond
Gengyuan Liu, Marco Casazza, Zhifeng Yang, Sergio Ulgiati
- EDP Sciences
- Current natural sciences
- 25 Février 2021
- 9782759825202
Urbanization is the one of the most evident forms of anthropization. With most of the world population living in cities, the need of thinking about a more sustainable urban lifestyle has become an imperative. This is why present and future generations of scholars, urban managers and policy makers should be prepared to work together to support the reduction of impacts generated by urban activities, while pursuing the goal of an equitable and sustainable well-being within the planetary boundaries. In this respect, the use of different methods and tools can support the implementation of roadmaps and policies. Besides that, different communication languages can be used to enhance the development of a shared reflective vision about the future of cities among citizens, as major actors of the urban life and its transformation.
This book provides an accessible overview of some key methods to deal holistically with the analysis of urban resources flows to readers with an interest in the academic or professional reference of the different approaches for studying urban metabolism. It presents some of the most important tools along with relevant case studies to illustrate their potential application. Experts in the field and holding the belief that visions and hopes trigger decisions and behaviors beyond the knowledge, the authors introduce readers to the use of different art-based methods to engage with citizens towards a common outlook on the future of our cities. The book also offers an enhanced reading experience by featuring a soundtrack composed by one of the authors and available through the QR code at the beginning of each chapter. -
Sustainable food systems for food security
Alban Thomas, Arlène Alpha, Aleksandra Barczak, Nadine Zakhia-Rozis
- 30 Juin 2022
- 9782759235766
Food and nutritional security refers to the challenge of providing sustainable, healthy and accessible food to all people. From 2014 to 2020, CIRAD and INRAE led an ambitious interdisciplinary flagship programme on the transitions for global food security called GloFoodS.
This book explores issues such as food system governance, balance and discrepancies between agricultural supply and food needs, the role of innovations in providing high-quality foods and promoting resilient value chains, and the role of local resource management in achieving food security. -
Challenges of functionality for eco-design ; crossed visions of functionality from various disciplines
Anne Ventura, Collectif
- Presses des Mines
- Développement durable
- 6 Février 2023
- 9782385422165
EcoSD network is a French association whose main objective is to encourage collaboration between academic and industrial researchers so they may create and spread advanced multidisciplinary knowledge in the eco-design fields at national and international levels. Among other actions, EcoSD organizes an annual thematic
workshop to enhance collaborative discussions. The present workshop was organized in that frame. It was held in Nantes in 2014. It gathered around 50 participants.
The notion of function in eco-design can have different meanings, according to the discipline (engineering, economy, sociology), and according to the life cycle step. When a product is conceived, eco-designing imposes to foresee the use and end-of-life phases. However, there are differences between the "expected functions", and the actual "usage" of products, that could be compared by analogy to the difference between "supply" and "demand" in economy. This gap between function and usage could be explored to improve environmental performances of products because adjusting the function is a performance axis by itself, as well as to better define comparison basis between similar (but different because multi-functional) products. This problematic is transversal to eco-design: eco-usage, functional economy, Life Cycle Assessment (functional unit and consequential LCA)... It can be resumed by the following key questions: How to define functions? How to predict and quantify functions, utilities and usages? How to compare complex objects?
The objectives of the workshop were to cross different visions from different disciplines gathering the most recent researches in France. Researchers from various research domains such as design for innovation, mechanical design, life cycle assessment (LCA), functional economy or market economy, were invited to present their work in various application fields: agricultural and food industries, waste management, construction, mechanical engineering and transports. Industrial from the automotive and buildings sectors were also invited to explain how they consider functions in their actual practices. -
Zoonoses : the ties that bind humans to animals
Gwenaël Vourc'h, François Moutou, Serge Morand, Elsa Jourdain
- 12 Décembre 2022
- 9782759236541
This book explores zoonoses - the diseases exchanged between animals and humans. Within its pages, the authors describe the nature and transmission of zoonoses, discuss the diseases of greatest concern, detail different protective measures, and examine the factors responsible for zoonosis emergence and evolution.
Green to Gold : Review and Analysis of Esty and Winston's Book
Businessnews Publish
- Business Book Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806246288
The must-read summary of Daniel Esty and Andrew Winston's book: "Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage".
This complete summary of the ideas from Daniel Esty and Andrew Winston's book "Green to Gold" shows how the environment is no longer a fringe interest - it has now moved to center stage in terms of developing and executing a solid, sustainable business strategy. In their book, the authors explain how environmentalism is now an essential element of business strategy and companies are not acting because they are forced by law, but because there is actual potential to monetise society's interest in eco-friendly products and companies. This summary will teach you how to build a profitable and stronger business by helping to create a healthier planet.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "Green to Gold" and discover how you can make your company greener and make bigger profits at the same time.
Summary: Five Regions of the Future : Review and Analysis of Barker and Erickson's Book
Businessnews Publish
- Business Book Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806242884
The must-read summary of Joel Barker and Scott Erikson's book: "Five Regions of the Future: Preparing Your Business for Tomorrow's Technology Revolution".
This complete summary of the ideas from Joel Barker and Scott Erikson's book "Five Regions of the Future" shows that new technology falls into one of five well-defined regions. In their book, the authors explain how you can make smart decisions about which technologies will ultimately transform your industry and generate the best growth opportunities by mapping the advancements in each of the five fields. This summary is essential for anyone who is baffled by today's rapidly evolving technologies or anyone who wants to take advantage of technology to further their business.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "Five Regions of the Future" and discover how you can make use of technological advancements to take your business to the next level.
Earth: The Sequel : Review and Analysis of Krupp and Horn's Book
Businessnews Publish
- Business Book Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806239860
The must-read summary of Fred Krupp and Miriam Horn's book: "Earth: The Sequel: The Race to Reinvent Energy and Stop Global Warming".
This complete summary of the ideas from Fred Krupp and Miriam Horn's book "Earth: The Sequel" explains how capitalism, as the most powerful economic force in the world, is the only engine of change that has the strength to stop global warming. In their book, the authors demonstrate how this can be achieved by installing a cap-and-trade initiative, providing genuine economic incentives for companies and reducing their carbon footprint. This summary explains their theory in detail and exactly how it can be used to stop global warming once and for all.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "Earth: The Sequel" and discover what really needs to be done to make a change to global warming and who needs to take on the task.
Environmental questions, community responses : Environmental Humanities Reader
Judit Farkas
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 19 Septembre 2024
- 9782336430232
Environmental Humanities is the product of the 21st century, an age in which it is no longer possible to grasp and manage environmental problems from a single viewpoint. This is true of the scientific method as well. Although fundamentally important for the understanding of ecological issues and changes to the climate, scientific knowledge is not sufficient for providing an adequate answer to the complex phenomenon that is the cause and consequence of the environmental challenges of our century. This is why traditional humanities subjects have been combined with the natural and social sciences and the arts into an interdisciplinary formation in an attempt to understand the causes, current forms, and future trajectories of the contemporary environmental crisis, and to give possible answers to it. This volume is intended to join a body of literature - introductions, textbooks - on Environmental Humanities, adapted to the Hungarian context. Due to its nature, it provides a comprehensive description of several topics, such as environmental philosophy, environmental anthropology, nature art, nature conservation, the relationship between religion and ecology, environmental history, legal, political, and economic issues, social justice, overpopulation, or food dilemmas. In addition, the volume shows community responses to contemporary ecological and social problems with examples from Hungary.
Transformative participation for socio-ecological sustainability : Around the CoOPLAGE pathways
Emeline Hassenforder, Nils Ferrand, Collectif
- 17 Avril 2024
- 9782759239207
This book aims to give practitioners and researchers an overview of a coherent body of work and results on participatory decision processes aiming at Socio-Ecological Sustainability, implemented in several countries. It covers topics ranging from co-design of participatory processes, to diagnosis, planning, and monitoring and evaluation of processes and impacts - with a common framework based on participatory modeling.
Nature in common : beyond the Nagoya protocol
Catherine Aubertin, Anne Nivart
- IRD Éditions
- 21 Juillet 2022
- 9782709929462
A landmark text in global biodiversity governance, the Nagoya Protocol was intended to put an end to the uncompensated exploitation of natural resources and knowledge originating in the Global South. Its stated objectives were to establish greater justice and equity between providers and users of genetic resources, to foreground the contributions and knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities, and to decolonise research, all while promoting the conservation of biodiversity. Thirty years on from the Convention on Biological Diversity from which it originated, the authors examine the legal and practical outcomes of this virtuous framework, which came into force in 2014. Although it has certainly fostered greater recognition of the plurality of knowledge and advanced the traceability of resources, the Protocol has also helped to impose a narrowly market-oriented understanding of nature and knowledge, exacerbating demands for recognition and ownership in the Global South, and effectively restricting access to biodiversity in an era of globalised research. This book presents an interdisciplinary dialogue informed by the experiences of researchers and conservation stakeholders (local communities, managers of collections and natural parks). Looking beyond the Nagoya Protocol, it invites us to question the relationships between societies and nature in light of the ecological emergency. It is intended for anyone with an interest in the economics of biodiversity and environmental justice.
Grasslands and herbivore production in Europe and effects of common policies
Alain Peeters, Bert Van Gils, Alex De Vliegher, Christian Huyghe
- Syntheses
- 20 Mars 2014
- 9782759221578
The European project Multisward ( aims at supporting developments and innovations in grassland use and management in different European farming systems (including low-input and organic farming systems), pedoclimatic and socio-economic conditions i) to enhance the role of grasslands at farm and landscape levels to produce environmental goods and to limit the erosion of biodiversity and ii) to optimise economic, agronomic and nutritional advantages for the development of innovative and sustainable ruminant production systems.
The identification of the innovations and their implementation required an exhaustive analysis of the state of grasslands and herbivore production in Europe including how they changed over decades. The effects of public policies were investigated. The results of this analysis are published in the present book.
Conduit et financé par le projet européen Multisward, ce livre électronique en accès libre fait un état des lieux des prairies et cultures fourragères dans toute l'Europe en les resituant dans le système de production où elles sont intégrées, et en étudiant les déterminants techniques, économiques et réglementaires des évolutions passées et présentes. Abondamment illustré de cartes, il comporte également de nombreux cas concrets dans l'ensemble des régions européennes, témoignages d'agriculteurs et interviews d'acteurs clés. -
For planet, people &profit : an insect farmer's manifesto
Antoine Hubert
- Autrement
- Essais
- 16 Juin 2022
- 9782080281500
Amid all the naysayers, pessimists and finger pointers, an alternative point of view exists, one that is optimistic and forward looking: the vision of entrepreneurs who believe they can change the world with the pursuit and development of badly needed innovations that can address the problems of today and tomorrow.
In 2011, Antoine Hubert created "Ynsect, a pioneering enterprise devoted to the cultivation and transformation of insects into the commercial products that will help feed the 9 billion people who will inhabit the planet by 2050. Ten years on, "Ynsect is among the world leaders in its sector and boasts an impressive balance sheet of environmental sustainability.
Free of starry eyed idealism or ecological taboos, motivated by his environmental and social principles, Antoine Hubert offers a new business model with "Ynsect, a model that harmonizes the pursuit of profit with the preservation of the planet, a model that places technology at the service of the environment.